Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 383

Although it\'s summer now, the man is wearing a dark stormsuit. He stays in a pair of sunglasses on a dark rainy night. He also wears a black mask on his face. On his hat with a stormsuit, there is almost no place where the whole face can be exposed.

I didn\'t feel anything when I didn\'t look carefully. Such a close look, Zijin suddenly felt a sincere and ominous premonition. When Zijin wanted to leave the man\'s side, Zijin suddenly saw the man raise his hand with leather gloves, and Zijin shouted: "Rong Xiu..."

Just as he made a sound, Zijin felt that his back neck was severely hit by the man, and a feeling of dizziness hit him. In a trance, Zijin saw that Xia Yan was forcibly carried away by the man, covered Xia Yan\'s mouth with one hand, clamped Xia Yan under his elbow with the other hand, and ran quickly to the door.

Zijin was still thinking one second before he lost consciousness. Gu Mian gave Xia Yan to himself. He must protect Xia Yan well and stretch out his hand, but he couldn\'t reach the fading Xia Yan

Rongxiu heard Zijin\'s cry at the beginning, but he thought Zijin just wanted to stop the fight, so he didn\'t care. But he didn\'t expect that later, he heard the reception lady shouting to himself: "President Rong, President Rong, child, the child was taken away."

Rong Xiu just wanted to respond, but Sheng Lingtian punched him in the temple, and a feeling of dizziness hit him. Rong Xiu heard two reception ladies shouting to himself: "President Rong, Mr. Sheng, stop fighting, President Rong, the child was taken away, stop fighting... You continue to shout president Rong, I\'ll go to the police first."

Rong Xiu, who had just been hit by Sheng Lingtian, shook his head and regained his subconscious. After hearing the words of the reception lady clearly, he looked in the direction of Zijin just now, but Zijin didn\'t stand where he had just called someone to stop Rong Xiu.

The receptionist at the front desk looked at Rong Xiu and regained some consciousness. She came up and pulled Rong Xiu up and said, "President Rong, Miss Zijin seems to have been knocked unconscious. The child was carried away by a man in black. Wenjing is already calling the police."

When Rongxiu heard her words, he shook and ran after her in the direction of the door. Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan, Rong Xiu\'s heart can no longer care about anything else. For a moment, there is only one thought that Xiaoyan is the child of him and Gu Mian, and nothing can happen.

Sheng Lingtian, do you understand what\'s going on? Suddenly, Sheng lingsu, who is still in a daze, can\'t care. Rong Xiu\'s child was taken away?

This information has been confirmed. Sheng Lingtian\'s first reaction was to chase the child. Therefore, although he was a step slower than Rong Xiu, Sheng Lingtian followed Rong Xiu out of the hall.

It was still raining heavily outside. When Rong Xiu and Sheng Lingtian ran out, they just saw a dazzling spotlight passing through the curtain like raindrops and shining on their face. The light flashed and the water splashed from the car tires all over their body. Rong Xiu dared not close his eyes because he saw Xia Yan\'s little hand patting the glass in the back seat of the car in the dark.

After passing Rongxiu, the car turned sharply. Rongxiu seemed to see it. Xia Yan turned over because of the sharp turn of the car, and his figure disappeared behind the dark glass window.

"Xiao Yan!" Rong Xiu screamed, and then ran towards his car almost like crazy. Ignoring Sheng Lingtian who came after him, Rong Xiu entered the cab, stepped on the accelerator to the end and rushed out.

Sheng Lingtian originally wanted to be with Rong Xiu. Xia Yan was suddenly taken away. Anyway, he also had a responsibility. At that time, if he wasn\'t fighting with Rong Xiu, that person couldn\'t easily take Rong Xiu\'s child from Zi Jin\'s arms!

Therefore, Sheng Lingtian followed Rongxiu and patted Rongxiu\'s door to get on Rongxiu\'s car, but Rongxiu didn\'t seem to see him.

Sheng Lingtian didn\'t give up the idea of helping Rong Xiu. Although he beat Rong Xiu today, it was just because he was angry for a moment. If Rong Xiu and Gu Mian\'s children were really taken away by others because of themselves and suffered any harm, then he can\'t be blamed. What\'s more, such a young child is losing the company of his parents, even if it\'s not Rong Xiu\'s child, Sheng Lingtian\'s heart is also very uneasy.

So Sheng Lingtian soon came to his car, started the car and rushed out of the door of simian hotel.

There is an east-west road in front of simian hotel. Sheng Lingtian saw Rong Xiu go west. Therefore, although he can\'t see Rong Xiu\'s car now, he also knows the direction Rong Xiu and the person who took the child.

It\'s raining for 50 meters. I guess it\'s not enough to see Xiusheng\'s face when it\'s raining. Now I\'m thinking about it. It\'s not enough to see Xiusheng\'s face again.

In addition to the courtyard of simian Hotel, Sheng Lingtian drove the speed to the extreme. He must make sure that Rongxiu\'s child is okay, otherwise he can\'t feel at ease.

In this kind of weather, there are few cars on the road. Haicheng often has this kind of weather. Therefore, under the warning of rainstorm, few people really choose to go out. Therefore, after chasing for less than ten minutes, Sheng Lingtian vaguely saw Rong Xiu\'s Mu Shang, the faint light from Mu Shang\'s tail lamp. Sheng Lingtian determined that it was Rong Xiu.

The tail lamp was refitted together with Sheng Lingtian. Because of the weather in Haicheng, Sheng Lingtian also strongly asked Rong Xiu to install a dazzling strong light tail lamp for mushang.

Rong Xiu\'s speed is amazing, and Sheng Lingtian\'s speed is also extreme. In this case, neither of them has the slightest hesitation. Although Rong Xiu wants to catch up with his children at the risk of his life, Sheng Lingtian also wants to help his good friends catch up with his children.

Because the rain was too loud, Sheng Lingtian almost didn\'t hear any abnormal sound. Therefore, he was a tail lamp that followed Mu Shang without warning and kept the speed at the fastest speed. However, the accident was in a flash. I didn\'t know if he was dazzled. Rongxiu\'s tail lamp suddenly lit up a lot. Sheng Lingtian blinked blindly, just in the blink of an eye, Sheng Lingtian could no longer see Rong Xiu\'s tail lamp, but heard a huge impact, which was stuffy into his eardrum.

Almost in the next meaning, Sheng Lingtian\'s foot immediately moved away from the accelerator and stepped on the brake, and his line of sight also selectively looked into the high air. Sure enough, he saw Rong Xiu\'s tail light flying to the left in a falling parabola. Then, Sheng Lingtian felt that his car head also hit the unknown object in front