Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 385

When Rong Xiu was pushed out of the operating room, it was 11 hours later. Although he temporarily saved his life, Rong Xiu\'s situation is still not optimistic. Now he has no independent breathing consciousness and depends on the maintenance of ventilator. His blood pressure is not normal. He also needs the maintenance of drugs.

The doctor told Xing en that Rong Xiu is now in a severe coma and must continue observation and treatment in the ICU. When necessary, there will be two or even three operations.

Xing en conveyed all these original words to Rong niansheng who was still breathing oxygen downstairs in the fastest time.

After hearing Xing en\'s narration, Rong niansheng was stunned for a long time. After a moment, he murmured, "what evil have I done? God wants to punish me like this."

Wang Daduo looked at Rong niansheng\'s tearful eyes, and his heart was also very sad. Rong Xiu, Rong Haozhe and Tang HaoChen, it can be said that they were all the children he watched with master Rong. Now they are one or two, which makes people so worried.

Wang Daduo also wiped a handful of low tears and said, "Sir, the young master is lucky. He will be fine. You forget that when he was a child, his pneumonia was so serious that his face was like a tomato with a fever. Don\'t you also make it through, he will be fine."

Rong niansheng was already in tears at the moment. He stared at the sunshine outside the window and said with Wang Guoguo\'s words: "yes, I remember that night when Xiao Xiuer had a fever, there was such a heavy rainstorm. The next day, I took him to the hospital. The sunshine in the morning was similar to that of today. He could survive that time, and I hope everyone would be happy this time."

Wang Daduo immediately echoed the comforting voice and said, "yes, yes. The young master has been ill so many times since he was young. Which time is not happy? Don\'t think about it, sir. The young master will be fine, isn\'t he? Special punishment."

Xing en has been quietly listening to the conversation between master Rong and Wang Daduo. They are all talking about Rong Xiu\'s childhood. They are all things that Xing en did not participate in. However, the assassin Xing en listens to it and is moved. Xing en has always believed that master Rong is indifferent, regardless of whether he treats Rong Xiu or his own son. For example, Tang HaoChen, in Xing en\'s opinion, They were all very cold, but unexpectedly, behind his back, Rong niansheng was so worried about Rong Xiu, and Rong Xiu was not Rong niansheng\'s own grandson. He knew it clearly, but he couldn\'t help being devastated by the disaster Rong Xiu encountered this time.

"Chairman, President Rong\'s situation is still very good." This is also the only consolation Rong niansheng said by Xing Enneng. At least, he has temporarily passed the dangerous period. At least, his life is not in danger for the time being, at least

For the rest, Xing en swallowed them back into his stomach.

At this time, Xing en\'s phone rang. After bowing to Rong niansheng, Xing en went out of the ward to answer the phone.

Ke Shaofei called. Since Xing en was promoted to the president of hiscast video, Xing en\'s position has been replaced by Ke Shaofei. With him is an assistant and bodyguard brought out by Xing en.

"Special help, Shengshi has held a press conference to announce that the engagement has been postponed."

After the car accident last night, Rong Xiu lived in the ICU, and Sheng Lingtian\'s condition was not much better. Sheng Lingtian had more fractures all over his body and suffered some brain stem injuries. Now he also lives in the ICU, but his condition is better than Rong Xiu.

Sheng lingsu never appeared. Even if she appeared, Xing en didn\'t have time to deal with him now.

Xing en gave a faint "um" sound, saying that he knew it, hung up the phone, walked into Rong niansheng\'s room again, and reported to Rong niansheng about Shengshi\'s decision.

After hearing this, Rong niansheng didn\'t speak. After thinking for a moment, Rong niansheng calmed down his mood and gave orders, "Xing en, the company\'s affairs these two days are temporarily handed over to you for handling. Don\'t announce the injured things to the outside world for the time being."

Xing en knows that Rong Xiu is now Rong\'s only support. He suddenly fell down. Fortunately, most of the shares of the company are controlled by Rong Xiu and master Rong. There is nothing to worry about except that the new project simian department store and simian hotel will be turbulent due to Rong Xiu\'s injury.

"Did you find out the whereabouts of the child?" Rong niansheng finally asked Xia Yan.

"Not yet. The police temporarily concluded that it was someone they knew who committed the crime, because when they suspected someone of committing the crime, the goal was very clear. They went directly into the hotel and obviously robbed the child." Xing en answered truthfully.

Rong niansheng nodded approvingly, thinking that Gu Mian was still there with Su Aochi. Besides such things here, Rong Xiu was also very contradictory for a while. It was difficult to choose between Rong Xiu and Su Aochi.

"What\'s the child\'s name?" Rong niansheng\'s eyes sank, sighed and asked.

"After President Gu left, he changed his name and followed her mother\'s surname. He changed his name to Xia Mian. The child also followed his surname Xia and called Xia Yan." Xing endao.

Rong niansheng gently read Xia Yan\'s name twice. Xia Yan thought to himself that he was also Rong Xiu\'s only child. Rong Xiu\'s life and death were uncertain. He had to find a way to get his child back.

However, if this matter is really as inferred by the police, it is not traceless. For so many years, Rong family has nothing else but a small holiday with Su Lianyin.

Rong Xiu is nominally Rong Haozhe\'s child. Haozhe and his mother died in an emergency abroad. At that time, because of the friendly contact involved in the crossing, the Rong family took the government\'s pension and could not be investigated, but the reason was not difficult to trace.

Xia Yan is also Rong Xiu\'s child. However, after Rong Haozhe and anlexin died, Su Lianyin gradually stopped asking Rong\'s family for trouble. This matter is over.

This time, it seems that it has nothing to do with her, but in addition to this matter, there is the evil relationship between Tang HaoChen and Dai Shiqi.

Dai Shiqi is Su Lianyun\'s only daughter, but Su Lianyun and Su Lianyin are close sisters.

Su Lianyun hated Tang HaoChen and Gu Mian because of Dai Shiqi\'s death, while Xia Yan had something to do with Rong Haozhe\'s grandson, whom Su Lianyin hated. The key is not just that Rong niansheng can think of. It must be that anyone who was bound by the gratitude and resentment of that year can guess one or two.

"Tell the police to check on the Su sisters." After thinking for a long time, Rong niansheng finally opened his mouth.

Xing en agreed with Rong niansheng\'s proposal and nodded immediately.

"You go and be busy. I\'ll stay here for the time being." Rong niansheng gave an order and asked Xing en to step back.

After Xing en left the ward, Rong niansheng turned back and silently passed a look to Wang Guoda. Wang Guoda immediately understood, silently walked to the door and locked the door of the sick room