Her Fool General

Chapter 93

Fu Yinghe, who was cooking, was stunned and looked out: "Why are you here?"

Hearing this, the man's face became worse. He glanced at Ning Rongyue vaguely and said, "why can't I come?"

Ning Rongyue feels that she has heard wrong. In front of her, the man looks handsome and cold. How can she hear his tone as pitiful?

Ning Rongyue was by his side. Fu Yinghe had a bad attack. He frowned and said, "I didn't say you can't come. I'm cooking. I can't entertain you for the time being."

The man said, "I'll wait outside. If you cook, how can I not stay and taste it?"

Fu Yingnian looked at his back, helpless.

Ning Rongyue asked curiously, "brother, who is this?"

Fu Yinghe's a good friend of mine, Simo

Ning Rongyue said with a slight nod and a light smile: "look at the appearance of Mr. Si, I have a good relationship with my brother."

"Not bad."

Fu Yinghe answered casually, and then continued to cook.

When it was getting dark, the two finally made dinner, thanks to the dim sum they had eaten on the carriage in ningrongyue, otherwise it would be a little late now.

Xiao Si had already lit up the light in the room, and then carried the dishes to the main hall of Qinghui Pavilion.

Fu Yinghe has prepared a hundred grass Pavilion for Ning Rongyue. Of course, Dr. Fu's Ninghui hall will not be much worse. A few people who are walking around in several yards are also following the boy.

Doctor Fu took a look at the plate on the boy's hand: "Yinghe boy, it's very rich."

After hearing doctor Fu's voice, Simo, who had been sitting in front of the hall, looked up.

Fu Yinghe chuckled: "Mr. Fu, come on, you should be hungry by now. I think you can eat it even if I make it worse."

Doctor Fu laughed and said, "you child, let's go. Let's go."

Seeing Fu Yinghe's intimate tone, the point in Si Mo's heart that had a bad influence on doctor Fu and them also disappeared.

He stood up and said, "Qinghong, I have a guest at home today. Would you like to introduce me?"

Obviously, he did not regard himself as a guest at all.

Fu Yinghe said: "please sit down and talk, Mr. Fu, please take a seat."

"There's nothing to sit on, family. Just sit down." With a smile, doctor Fu chose a seat to sit down.

Ning Rongyue, who came with the dim sum, saw some hesitant Green cherry and then came to her and pulled her to sit down: "sit down quickly. What's the matter with you? Although these dishes are made by my brother, I've made efforts to try them."

After hearing Ning Rongyue call Fu Yinghe brother, Si Mo's eyes moved slightly.

When Fu Yinghe saw that everyone was seated, he said, "Zhong Bai, Rong Yue and Fu Lao are my family. These two are young master Ning Gan and young girl Qing Ying from the Wulin League."


Si Mo murmured, then raised his glass and solemnly said, "I've met Mr. Fu, sister Rongyue, young lady Qingying, the son of Mr. Gan. I'm Si Mo, a good friend of Qinghong

Because of Lu Chang, Gansu Ning and Fu, who had a special understanding of the situation of the imperial capital, both looked at each other and then raised their glasses.

After drinking a glass of aperitif, the atmosphere on the table became warm, so they stopped pushing and began to eat.

After dinner, they sat down for a while, and the people took the boys back to their respective yards.

But Si Mo, who had already left under everyone's eyes, wandered outside for a while and returned to Qinghui Pavilion again.

Although there are many maids in Fu's house to take care of the flowers and plants, Fu Yinghe doesn't like to be served close by others. So after night, there is no one else except the necessary dark guard Qinghui Pavilion.

Fu Yinghe, who heard the sound outside the window but didn't show up, looked coldly: "come in."

Fu Yinghe is sitting in front of the window reading at the moment. At night, he is more exposed, but he is only wearing a thin coat.

In accordance with the word into the division of ink frown and took a see thicker clothes handed over: "quickly put on."

Fu Yinghe took the clothes and put them aside: "why don't you go?"

Si Mo a face innocent way: "there already arrived entrance guard, how do I go back?"

Fu Yinghe frowned and said, "you can live in the East Wing room tonight and go back early tomorrow."

After listening to his insipid tone, Si Mo felt helpless: "what's your attitude now? Do you really want to have nothing to do with me anymore? Qinghong, you can't do that! "

Fu Yinghe had no choice but to put down his book: "I just don't want to be an official."

"If you don't enter the court, I won't force you." Smerlimardo.

Fu Yinghe had a trace of helplessness on his face: "I didn't say that I would have nothing to do with you, but do you have a look at your integrity? Is there an emperor like you who sneaks out of the palace every day? The lesson of last injury is not enough! "

Si Mo, or Si Tu Mo, frowned: "last time I was accidentally drilled by a villain. Don't worry, I will be more careful after that!"

Fu Yinghe sniffs at the words. Why can't the goods hold the key? Can the emperor leave the palace at will?

"It's all right, whatever you want."

Si Tu Mo immediately nodded: "Qinghong, you're finished. It's my turn to ask."

Fu Yinghe raised his eyes: "what do you want to ask?"

Situ Mo said slowly: "Naning girl has a different surname from you, but your sister?"

Fu Yinghe was cold in his heart. Knowing that situ Mo had not broken his mind, he said slowly, "you have seen Xiao yue'er before. Maybe you forget that she was still a baby at that time."


"It was when you and I first met in Fujia village."

Fu Yinghe reminded.

Situ Mo Yi a, Za Za Za tongue: "originally is that small regiment son?"

Fu Yinghe said with a smile: "Rongyue was brought up by me when I was young. There is no doubt that she and my biological sister are together. OK, the night is already deep. Go and have a rest."

Si Tu Mo heard that although he didn't want to, he still said, "OK, Qinghong should go to bed earlier. Reading at night will hurt his eyes."

The next day.

Yu Chenzhou and others came to visit according to the place Fu Yinghe said.

"Fu Fu." Yu Xiaoxiao took a look at the plaque on the door: "Dad, this is it."

After seeing the word, Yu Chenzhou also praised it secretly. He went up to the boy at the door and said, "I'm going to get off the boat and come to visit. Please let me know."

The boy immediately said with a smile: "ah, it's the master of Yu's family. Please come in. The master told me yesterday that the master might come."

Yu Chenzhou's eyes moved when he heard that Fu Yinghe had a good feeling in his heart. He took Yu Xiaoxiao into Fu's house.

All the way to Fu Yinghe's Qinghui Pavilion, Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes are full of wonder. She is also a daughter who has been soaked in honey since childhood, but she can't help sighing after seeing the layout of Fu's house.

"It's beautiful."