Her Fool General

Chapter 94

At this time, Ning Rongyue and his group are sitting beside the pond of Qinghui Pavilion, chatting. Holding round Ning Rongyue, they see Yu Xiaoxiao. They come and stand up and say, "Xiaoxiao, uncle Yu, come here quickly."

The guide boy respectfully gave a salute and retreated. Yu Chenzhou walked slowly to ningrongyue.

"Master Yu, Miss Xiaoxiao, please have a seat."

Fu Yinghe stood up and said politely. Yu Chenzhou nodded and sat down.

Yu Xiaoxiao is a little bit shy to take a look at Fu Yinghe, and then sat down next to Ning Rongyue. Yesterday, she was in a hurry and didn't pay attention to it. She is worthy of being her elder sister's elder brother. She looks exactly the same! Blush!

Ning Rongyue noticed Yu Xiaoxiao's coy appearance and said two words in her ear with a smile.

Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes glared and patted Ning Rongyue twice: "sister Rongyue, what do you say?"

Yu Chenzhou said slowly: "I have asked my uncle and cousin to ask the emperor for blood clotting pill, but I don't know if the emperor will give it."

Fu Yinghe also heard Ning Rongyue talk about the causes and consequences of his coming to Beijing. He thought for a moment and said, "Jiang Taifu is the emperor's mentor. If Jiang Taifu comes out, the emperor will not refuse."

Yu Chenzhou was a little surprised to see Fu Yinghe. It seems that this man is not like the surface. He doesn't show mountains and water.

"I hope so."

Yu Chenzhou nodded.

Ning Rongyue seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "by the way, uncle Yu, my brother here, I have found several suitable herbs, which can also reduce the pain of aunt Yu when changing blood."

Yu Chenzhou said with a happy look: "great, thank you for dissolving the moon."

Instead of thanking Fu Yinghe, he said to Ning Rongyue.

Ning Rongyue shook her head: "Uncle Yu, you're welcome. Since we have promised to help aunt treat poison, we should do our best."

Yu Chenzhou heard no more words, and Yu Xiaoxiao pulled laning Rongyue sleeve: "thank you, sister."

Several people chatted together again. They were both Yu Chenzhou and Fu Yinghe, who had poems and books on their belly. The more they talked, the more speculative they became. But after a while, they began to talk.

Seeing this, Gansu Ning and Yu Xiaoxiao, who are not interested in poetry, calligraphy and economics, are restless. Doctor Fu is also sleepy, while Qing Ying is holding her cheek and looking at Yuan Yuan without blinking.

Ning Rongyue, who occasionally put in two words, could not sit still. Yu Xiaoxiao said in a low voice, "sister, let's go out for a walk. I lived in the imperial capital when I was a child, and I haven't been here for a long time."

Ning Rongyue is also moved by the words. She takes a look at Fu Yinghe who is talking with Yu Chenzhou excitedly.

Fu Yinghe also noticed the appearance of other people at this time. He and Yu Chenzhou looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"The imperial capital is more prosperous than other places. If you want to go out, go out and have a look. Let Xiaoyue and ruxing follow you, and you can also hold Yuanyuan."

Ning Rongyue smelled that Yan's face was slightly red, and then nodded: "OK."

Seeing this, doctor Fu said, "I'm not going out. I'll go back and squint for a while."

After listening to what Fu Yinghe said for a while, the more he listened, the more sleepy he became.

So, a few people first accompany doctor Fu back to Ninghui hall, then follow the excited said to lead the way of Yu Xiaoxiao out of Fu's house.

Yesterday, several people came in a hurry, but they didn't have time to wander around in Beijing. Today, when they come out to have a look, they can see some differences.

The capital is not only prosperous everywhere, but also eight out of ten pedestrians are all dignitaries with obvious pride on their faces.

Gansu Ning's two hands are all used to take food and carry things for several girls. He can't help but curl his mouth and say, "it's just a little prosperous, and there's nothing to go around. I say, aren't you tired?"

Yu Xiaoxiao with a ring of sugar gourd said with a smile: "not tired."

She didn't take anything. Of course she was not tired.

Green cherry see embarrassed way: "Suning, I'll help you those things."

Xiaoyue and ruxing stop and look at Gansu Ning.

Gansu Ning has not yet come to refuse to show her boyfriends, Yu Xiaoxiao coolly said: "he is a man, don't carry something, you don't need to help."

Gansu rather smoke mouth, Yu Xiaoxiao is a beautiful nibble on a sugar gourd.

Seeing this, Ning Rongyue said with a smile, "I'm tired holding Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan has gained a lot of weight recently. Let's find a place to have a rest first."

Yuanyuan, a little girl with white meat, didn't know that her mother was saying bad things about her, and she was laughing happily.

Fu Yinghe was called to talk about the two Xiaoyue smell speech look at each other.

Xiaoyue rushed to Qingying and said, "Miss, hold Yuanyuan to me first, or my arm will be sore for a while."

Ning Rongyue is not lying. She is really tired after holding Yuanyuan for such a long time. She hands Yuanyuan to Xiaoyue.

Yuanyuan changed her hold. At the beginning, she was still a little confused. Then she wanted to shrivel her mouth. Ning Rongyue saw her doting little round nose, and the little guy's eyes bent up again.

Seeing this, ruxing was envious. Holding the round little moon in her arms, she said, "it's almost noon now, miss. Why don't we have lunch first and then continue to play?"

Ning Rongyue nodded and thought, "where is my brother's Baiwei building?"

If star hears speech to smile: "young lady, several, follow me."

At this moment, it's just about noon. The seats in baiweilou are already full. Many guests are standing outside the door complaining that they didn't get the seats early, but they missed them again.

Ning Rongyue frowned: "the seat is full?"

Looking around, the hall is really full of people. Listen to these people, the second elegant room is also full.

If the star hears speech to establish a horse way: "the childe has a place specially reserved here, young lady need not worry."

The waiter in the hall saw ruxing and called the shopkeeper in a hurry.

At this time, the round shopkeeper crowded over and said, "girl ruxing, girl Xiaoyue, what's your order when you come here?"

Ruxing a little arrogant way: "manager Lin, this is our Rongyue girl, the son's sister, today want to come here to have a meal."

Shopkeeper Lin immediately changed into a friendly smile. Although he had never heard of the childe's family before, the girl ruxing who had been with the childe all the time would not be false.

"Ah, miss Rongyue, please. The young master specially asked us to keep a room on the second floor. Please."

Ning Rongyue nodded slightly: "please, shopkeeper."

Shopkeeper Lin said with a smile: "no trouble, please."

Shopkeeper Lin personally takes several people to the elegant room on the second floor. Those who can't get a seat in the lobby look envious.

"Which lady is that? Shopkeeper Lin is flattering and smiling like this? "