Her Fool General

Chapter 92

The outside of Fu's house looks ordinary, but inside it is carved beams and painted buildings, but it is not vulgar, but extremely elegant.

The entrance is a winding corridor. The stones below the steps are paved into Yong Road, and several Yong roads are connected. The pavilions and pavilions are decorated with rocks, and the carved hurdles and jade buildings are built. There is a delicate fragrance lingering on the tip of the nose. Rao Ning, who has seen these things, is also full of admiration.

Ning Rongyue said softly, "it's beautiful."

Fu Yinghe said slowly: "after that, it will be xiaoyueer's home, our home."

Ning Rongyue heard the words and said, "well."

The West Wing room in the front yard was occupied by Fu Fu's servants, while Fu Yinghe took several people from the moon gate to the master's backyard. As soon as they stepped into the backyard, they felt very fragrant. Looking around, they could see that the trees were lush, the flowers were bright, the rockery was flowing, and the clear water flowed into the pond full of lotus flowers. When you look carefully, you can see a few Koi leaping from the pond.

Fu Yinghe said slowly: "xiaoyueer knows that I prefer flowers and plants, so she finds many exotic flowers and plants to plant here. It's pleasant to watch."

"It's more than just a feast for the eyes," she said in shock

Fu Yinghe said with a smile: "how can there be such exaggeration? Mr. Fu, Xiao Yueer, Mr. Gan, Miss Qingying, I live in Qinghui Pavilion in the backyard, Mr. Rong Yue lives in Baicao Pavilion adjacent to Qinghui Pavilion, Mr. Fu lives in Ninghui hall, Mr. Gan's Xie Liyuan, Miss Qingying..."

Green cherry see said he immediately opened his mouth: "I live with my sister, I was to serve my sister."

Fu Yinghe said slowly: "it's better to live together. These courtyards are all adjacent. I'll take you to have a look first."


Ning Rongyue answers gently.

But doctor Fu suddenly straightened his face, sniffed everywhere, and looked at Xiaoyue ruxing. The two servant girls frowned, and there was a little disgust in his eyes.

Seeing Xiaoyue frown, Fu Yinghe's face is also cold. He's told clearly enough, but the servants in the house still have some signs of "slave bullying the master". Was it because he was too easy to talk before?

Of course, doctor Fu also noticed the eyes of the two maidservants, but it's normal for him to be a bad old man. Doctor Fu, who always goes his own way, doesn't care about it at all.

He leisurely way: "Yinghe boy, your yard but there are many rare herbs?"

A little surprise flashed in Fu Yinghe's eyes. Then he said, "I was shocked to hear that old Fu is a ghost doctor. Now I see that he really deserves his reputation. Come here."

After hearing the word "ghost doctor", Xiaoyue and ruxing are shocked. They also know that the master is dissatisfied with their performance, and hastily restrain the redundant expression on their faces.

Fu Yinghe first took the people to the Baicao Pavilion in ningrongyue. This Baicao Pavilion really deserves to be called Baicao Pavilion. Apart from the pond full of lotus and the reclining chair round table on the left side of the yard, other places are full of herbs. The shelf on the ground is also a little envious for Fu.

He whew to jump to a shelf front: "Yi Yue tan? It's called a wonderful flower that can prolong people's life! Yinghe boy, where did you get it? "

Fu Yinghe said slowly: "I heard that Rongyue started to study medicine with you, and then I started to decorate the herbal Pavilion, which has been prepared for the little girl for a long time. It was obtained from other people before

Hear Fu Yinghe specially to Ning Rongyue layout, even Fu doctor also some sour, began to wander up, carefully look at the garden of herbs.

Ning Rongyue was also a little surprised and said, "brother, you are bothering."

Fu Yinghe shook his head and said: "I haven't come back for several years. I should do anything for you. I've looked for someone who understands pharmacology to see it before. There won't be any conflicting herbs in one place. The fragrance of traditional Chinese medicine in this hospital is also good for your health."


Ning Rongyue nodded slightly when she heard the words, but did not thank her. Her relationship with Fu Yinghe was not so obvious.

After a while in the yard, Fu Yinghe looked at the sky and said, "it's too late now. Let Xiaoyue take Mr. Fu to their own yard. It's impolite."

"Brother, what do you want?"

Fu Yinghe said helplessly: "it's getting late. If I don't cook, you can't eat it."

Ning Rongyue hears Yan and laughs: "I'll help you too, green cherry. Take care of Yuanyuan."


They were not outsiders, so fu Yinghe didn't go to the Hall any further. Instead, he took Ning Rongyue to his Qinghui Pavilion.

"Baiweilou doesn't need me to be in charge now. If I have nothing to do, I will make some snacks in the small kitchen here, and the things here are complete."

Ning Rongyue hears the speech and slightly forehead, then slightly glances at the arrangement of Qinghui Pavilion.

The courtyard outside is so beautiful and elegant, but the Qinghui Pavilion is just a pond on the left and bamboo on the right, which makes Ning Rongyue feel that Fu Yinghe is the same as Fu Yinghe before.

Two people came to the small kitchen of the west chamber, Ning Rongyue took a look at a variety of ingredients: "I'll start, brother, you cook."


Then Fu Yinghe and Ning Rongyue looked at each other and laughed.

How to say that Fu Yinghe was once the owner of Nanhe restaurant, and now he has opened a huge Baiwei restaurant, which can make Ning Rongyue's expected craftsmanship not bad.

Someone from the front yard to the back yard smelled a strong aroma, and the whole person was floating.

"Is Qinghong cooking? It's rare to see him cooking. Usually when I come here, he just makes some snacks and then sends me away. How can I be so interested today? "

With a helpless face, the two old men who were beside the man looked at each other. Fu Fu's housekeeper said in his eyes, "today, the Buddha is coming. Why don't you tell me in advance?

At the same time, the old housekeeper of Fu Fu said to the man, "the relatives from my hometown are here, so I'm in a good mood today."

Men pick eyebrows: "relatives? I haven't heard Yinghe mention it again. Why didn't he tell me? "

In this regard, the old housekeeper did not say a word. You seem to have forgotten that you have fallen out with my son?

Several people gradually line to Qinghui Pavilion, the man waved to let two people guard at the door, he went in.

In the kitchenette.

"Look, brother."

In fact, it's just early spring now. When she saw that the lotus flowers in the pond were in excellent bloom, Ning Rongyue thought of making some cakes. The simple lotus root powder sweet scented osmanthus candy cake made her into several lovely shapes.

Fu Yinghe gently helped Ning Rongyue wipe the flour from the tip of her nose: "you are a child. Now it's really hard to play."

Ning Rongyue laughs twice and puts the kneaded rabbit back into the steamer to keep warm.

It happened that the man's face was not so good when he saw this scene. His face was gloomy and terrible. The two men in the kitchen looked very talented and beautiful, which made him feel uncomfortable.

After clearing his throat, the man raised his voice and said, "Qinghong!"