Her Fool General

Chapter 78

Yu Xiaoxiao said slowly, "my mother has cold poison. Now it's in the bone marrow. My father..."

Ning Rongyue doesn't want to listen to Yu Xiaoxiao's long speech. She interrupts her directly: "what's with me?"

Ning Rongyue's tone is pure doubt. Yu Xiaoxiao chokes. Some people in Gansu Ning behind her don't know what to say.

Yu Xiaoxiao was a little ashamed and angry. He clenched his fist and said, "my father wants to find a ghost doctor to treat my mother. I heard that the girl is a ghost doctor. I, I..."

The next words don't need her to continue to say, Ning Rongyue also understood the meaning, said with a smile: "then you go to find my grandfather?"

"What? Do you want to know where my grandfather is, or are you worried that I'll trip you up? "

Yu Xiaoxiao's face turns green and white, and he hesitates: "Miss Ning, I've offended you so much before. Today I'm here to apologize to you. Please don't blame me any more. If Miss Ning has any dissatisfaction, just fight or scold me."

Ning Rongyue blinked: "I won't interfere with my grandfather's meaning. If he is a doctor, he will be a doctor. If he is not a doctor, I can't help it."

This means that he won't help or make trouble on purpose. Gansu Ning is relieved, but Yu Xiaoxiao still looks ugly.

"Anything else? It's OK. I'm going

Yu Xiaoxiao took a look at Fang Susu's worried face and took a deep breath: "can I ask the girl to treat my mother?"


Ning Rongyue said with some doubts: "can't you find my grandfather? Or what? "

Fang Susu knows that the cold poison can only be solved by Ning Rongyue, but it's hard to say it directly. Yu Xiaoxiao is helpless because of the news she got a few days ago.

"The ghost doctor refused to treat all the people who were once related to the saint doctor. Moreover, my father had already seen the ghost doctor, and he and he had nothing to do with the cold poison."

Ning Rongyue frowned and looked at Yu Xiaoxiao: "have you really met my grandfather?"

"Yes, I dare not say what my father said in his letter."

Ning Rongyue could not say anything sarcastic when she looked like this. She said slowly: "since grandfather can't solve the poison, I'm sure I have nothing to do. You've got the wrong person."

Yu Xiaoxiao only thinks that Ning Rongyue refuses to agree because she has bad feelings for herself. She quickly steps forward to stop Ning Rongyue and says, "Miss Ning, I offended you a few days ago. Please help my mother!"

"I don't know why you think I can save people, but do you think I can save people now? Miss Yu, please let me go. "

Ning Rongyue has a headache and looks at Yu Xiaoxiao who wants to cry.

Gansu Ning also interjected: "Xiaoxiao, since the ghost doctor predecessors can't cure, what's the use of finding her apprentice?"

Yu Xiaoxiao doesn't know why, but seems to believe that Ning Rongyue can cure. She takes a resolute look at Gansu Province, but Kuang Tong kneels down directly.

"Please, Miss Ning, promise my mother that I and I will not pester brother Suning any more and will not insert you. Please."

Ning Rongyue stepped back in shock and immediately wanted to help people: "what are you doing? Get up

After the others looked at each other, they were also a little confused. Fang Susu saw Yu Xiaoxiao refused to get up and directly pulled her up: "you girl, what are you going to do?"

Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes are red, but she is still in the moon.

Gansu rather slowly way: "elder sister, you don't mind, let's go."

Yu Xiaoxiao saw this and immediately cried: "Miss Ning!"

Gan Youlang also has some helplessness. He looks at Yu Xiaoxiao and hesitates for a moment. He says in a voice: "Miss Ning, Xiaoxiao's father is me and an old friend. Can you see

"Daddy Gansu rather some discontented mouth.

Ning Rongyue said helplessly: "Miss Yu's filial piety can be learned, but since my grandfather can't cure the poison, I'm afraid I can't help it."

Fang Su Su suddenly interjected: "Rongyue, we all know the cold poison in Xiaoxiao's mother. It's better for you to have a try. To tell you the truth, if you don't cure her, I'm afraid she doesn't have much time left. It's still hopeful to have a try."

Ning Rongyue took a look at Yu Xiaoxiao with a hopeful face: "OK."

Gansu Ning is the only one who only considers Ning Rongyue. At this time, he hears the words: "sister, your body?"

Yu Xiaoxiao was angry at the news.


Ning Rongyue looks at Yu Xiaoxiao, who glares at Ning in Gansu Province. She says slowly, "but Miss Yu, I'm ahead of you. I can't cure your mother. I can only do my best."

Yu Xiaoxiao smell speech some choked mouth: "I understand, thank you Ning girl, thank you."

Seeing this, Ning Rongyue asked again: "but why do you think you want me to treat your mother?"

Yu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, and then said, "it's the ghost doctor who said that you are better than blue. Maybe you can cure my mother."

Ning Rongyue said with a bitter smile: "what's your grandfather's idea? How can you give me such a high hat?"

People can't deny it. This is the end of the story for the time being. They just wait for Yu Xiaoxiao's father and his mother to come to the alliance leader's house.

Yu Xiaoxiao was arranged to live in the courtyard next to Ning Rongyue. She muttered angrily: "you bastard Gansu Ning, I didn't expect you to be such a person! If you have a lady, you don't want friends! I see you! Asshole! How could miss Ben have been blind to you before! Hum

Gansu Ning, who is called by Fang Su Su to give something to Yu Xiaoxiao, doesn't know whether to cry or smile after hearing Yu Xiaoxiao's "muttering".

Since he agreed to Yu Xiaoxiao's request, Yu Xiaoxiao changed the unruly and domineering manner of Ning Rongyue at the beginning of her life and stayed with Ning Rongyue like a little tail all day long.

"Sister Rongyue, what are you doing?"

Ning Rongyue is kneading the hand of noodles, some don't adapt to Yu Xiaoxiao's self cooked: "make some snacks."

"Wow Yu Xiaoxiao yelled with exaggeration: "can my sister make snacks? May I try it? "

Ning Rongyue chuckles: "naturally."

"How nice of you, sister!"

Yu Xiaoxiao twisted her fingers and said slowly: "elder sister, I was too much at first sight, but now I don't like the big liar in Gansu Ning! Sister, can you forgive me

After a few days together, Ning Rongyue can also feel that Yu Xiaoxiao is just like a child who hasn't grown up. Maybe she is so spoiled that she is not familiar with the world.

She said slowly, "I forgive you, but don't be so reckless next time."

"Well, I listen to my sister."

Gansu Ning, who has been neglected, has a headache sitting in the yard. How does Yu Xiaoxiao apply the set in front of her sister? This guy's so cute!

"Ah Ning, come for a snack."

Ning Rongyue's words interrupted Gansu Ning's thoughts. With Yu Xiaoxiao's vigilant eyes, Gansu Ning quickly grabbed the snack plate: "ha ha, it's really my sister's craft that suits me the most!"