Her Fool General

Chapter 77

And I love the big fool named Ning Fu, but not Lu Chang, the God of war who has experienced unknown and indifferent character.

After seeing the expression on Ning Rongyue's face, Fang Su sighs. Although she knows a lot of things, she can't publicize them. Even her son is trapped in them.

"Rongyue, what do you think?"

Ning Rongyue suddenly woke up from his long thoughts: "nothing, aunt, let's go out and sit down."


The most common osmanthus trees in the alliance leader's mansion are in almost every yard. Fangsusu's yard is almost full of osmanthus trees. Now is the time for the fragrance of the garden.


Because the aroma is too strong, Fang Susu can't help sneezing, and then shows her love in front of Ning Rongyue with a complaining tone.

"When I first met your uncle, it was a golden osmanthus tree. At that time, I was so hungry that I filled your uncle's osmanthus cake into my stomach. At that time, your uncle was very angry."

Ning Rongyue said that she didn't want to listen at all. She sat under the osmanthus tree with a paralyzed face. She finally understood why Gansu Ning mentioned her mother with that kind of expression, but Fang Susu still didn't stop.

"It's the anniversary of my marriage to your uncle. I want to surprise him, so I want to go into the kitchen..."

Then Fang Su Su was a little shy. Ning Rongyue couldn't help smoking.

"... by the way, isn't your cooking very good? Rongyue, please teach me. "

Ning Rongyue raised her eyes in surprise: "how does my aunt know that I'm a good cook?"

Fang Su Su's face was stiff, and then he said, "ah, it's Suning in our family. You see, he also learned cooking skills from you. Your cooking skills are good."

Ning Rongyue heard the words and nodded: "what does aunt want to do?"

Fang Susu said with a smile, "the osmanthus is fresh in the garden. I want to make some osmanthus cakes just like when we first met."

Ning Rongyue got up and said, "why don't we come now? It's just fine. "

"This one can have."

Fang Su Su immediately replied: "I have prepared a lot of materials before, you come with me, come."

Although Fang Susu is a black hole in cooking, the things in this small kitchen are very well prepared. The messy things that Fang Susu tossed about before have now been cleaned up by his servants.

Ning Rongyue said slowly, "aunt, I'll do it first. You'll watch it first."

"Okay, okay." Fang Susu steps back and looks at Ning Rongyue.

Ningrongyue went to the right amount of glutinous rice flour, powdered white sugar together, and then add the right amount of sugar osmanthus and milk, the flour in the bowl will be stirred into a paste.

"As long as the batter is hung continuously, I use milk instead of water, so the sweet scented osmanthus cake will be more sweet."

Hand disabled party room Su Su smell speech immediately nodded: "Mm-hmm."

"Then steam for a quarter of an hour."

After the batter is steamed, the steamed sweet scented osmanthus cake will be wrapped in wet gauze while it is still hot. Turn and knead it with hands until the surface of sweet scented osmanthus cake is smooth and the body is delicate.

"All right."

Ning Rongyue said with a smile: "now the sweet scented osmanthus cake has been made, we just need to put the sweet scented osmanthus cake into the mold prepared by your aunt and press it into shape."

Fang Su Su cut a little sweet scented osmanthus cake and put it in his mouth: "well, it's delicious. Your craft of dissolving the moon is no worse than that of Youxiang building, and it's very easy to do."

Ningrong Yueqin automatic hand cut the sweet scented osmanthus cake into equal sized squares: "it's not difficult to make sweet scented osmanthus cake, as long as you have a good grasp of the amount of various materials."

Fang Su Su smelled the speech and laughed twice: "that dissolves the month quickly to write the quantity to me, I try to do next time."

Ning Rongyue heard the speech and nodded slightly. At this time, a dissatisfied voice came in.

"Niang, my sister is pregnant. Why do you still call on her? Don't you know how terrible it is to blow up your kitchen? "

Just then, Gansu went into the kitchen, and make complaints about Tucao.

Fang Susu also felt that she might be a little tired to Ning Rongyue, some unkind, but she still stared: "what's the kitchen explosion! I'll let you try my craft right away. What are you doing! Put it down for me

Gansu Ning twisted a few pieces of sweet scented osmanthus cake into his mouth and muttered: "no, I dare not taste your craft. I won't put it down. It's made by my sister."

"That's what I asked you to do!"

So, Ning Rongyue witnessed a scene of mother and son snatching food, and some helplessly helped her forehead.

"Suning, what are you doing? I'll do it for you next time."

Ning Rongyue didn't do much this time. Gansu Ning picked up the last piece of sweet scented osmanthus cake and hiccupped: "I want to eat. I'll tell the kitchen. Sister, don't get tired."

Ning Rongyue said with a smile: "it's not so delicate. I feel bored when I'm idle all day. It's better to do some eating activities."

Gansu Ning just nodded: "in a word, you should pay attention not to be tired."


Fang Susu was unwilling to be ignored and snorted. Gansu ningpai directly pulled ningrong moon out of the kitchen.

Room Su Su see smoke smoke mouth corner, can only follow two people to go out.

"What are you doing here, you son of a bitch?"

Gansu Ning just remembered that he had something to do here. He couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of the people waiting.

"Sister, someone is looking for you."

"To me?" Ning Rongyue has some doubts. She doesn't know anyone here. How can anyone find herself?

Gansu rather helpless way: "is before we met in the teahouse girl, Yu Xiaoxiao to find you."

"Ah?" Ning Rongyue frowned: "what can I do for her? Ah Ning, are you the one who provoked people again? "

Gansu rather helpless way: "how possible, I'm afraid to avoid less than, how can take the initiative to provoke her?"

Ning Rongyue took a look at Fang Susu with a delicate expression: "why did you come to me? I don't want to see you

Gansu rather smell speech some embarrassment of saw one eye desperately to rush oneself to squeeze an eye of Fang Su Su, slowly way: "be inferior to elder sister you still go to see?"

Ning Rong month smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly, she also found Gansu Ning two people's dissimilarity, thought to still way: "all right."

Gansu ningdai ningrong month to wait for the living room, and at this time Yu Xiaoxiao is very worried waiting.

"Sister, it's in here."

Ning Rongyue nodded slightly and walked into the waiting room: "Miss Yu."

Yu Xiaoxiao saw Ning Rongyue coming and stood up immediately: "I've seen Miss Ning."

Ning Rongyue didn't want to maintain the surface harmony. She asked faintly, "what can I do for you, Miss Yu? We don't seem to know each other very well? "

Yu Xiaoxiao felt bitter and said slowly, "to tell you the truth, I have something to ask for, Miss Ning."

Ning Rongyue: what's the matte