Her Fool General

Chapter 79

After more than half a month of fighting, Yu Xiaoxiao's parents finally came to the leader's house.

Ganyou langrao is no longer willing to be under the covetous eyes of Fang Susu to arrange people to meet.

"Dad." Yu Xiaoxiao trots to Yu Chenzhou.

"Brother Chenzhou, you are all right."

Gan you Lang is to pull out a smile to see people.

Yu Chenzhou, who was slightly haggard, said with a smile: "if he is really the leader of the alliance, Xiao Lang's temperament is calmer. What does Su Su think?"

Fang Susu laughed twice: "brother sunboat, don't look at him like this. It's just pretending in front of you. I think you are still handsome."

Gan Youlang bared his teeth in his heart and said with a smile: "the sinking boat is joking. We don't want to talk here for a long time. Come in and talk about it."

Yu Chenzhou Wen Yan nodded slightly: "OK, just a moment."

Yu Chenzhou went to the back of the carriage: "yun'er, I help you down, master, we are here."

"Oh, here it is."

Ning Rongyue, who was supported by a servant girl, saw an unexpected person: "grandfather?"

Doctor Fu jumped out of the car and looked at Ning Rongyue with a snort: "what's the matter? Remember my grandfather? You girl, you dare to go without saying a word. You are very brave

Ning Rongyue's eyes were red. He quickly stepped forward and said, "sorry, Grandpa, I, i..."

Seeing that Ning Rongyue was about to cry or not, doctor Fu was very soft hearted. He gently stroked her head: "OK, OK, you child, not only your grandfather and me, but also your aunt Fu and uncle Fu. A group of people were worried about you girl. Fortunately, nothing happened."

"Dissolving the moon is unfilial."

Fu said: "it's not you who are unfilial. OK, don't be sad. It happens that Mingyue's fetus has been stable for eight months. I can take care of you, too."

Ning Rongyue shed a few tears and said with a smile, "well."

Doctor Fu sighed helplessly, and then looked at Gan Youlang: "please take care of my granddaughter these days. I'm very grateful."

Gan Youlang immediately said, "I'm afraid. I've talked a lot about it. I haven't seen it for many years. My spirit is still so good."

"That's right, sweet boy. You're a good talker now."

"Cough! Cough... "

At this time, several heartrending coughs interrupted the conversation. Ning Rongyue noticed Yu's wife Qi Yun who was supported by Yu Chenzhou.

Qi Yun's lips are black and blue, and her face is pale and unsightly, which is not much different from the appearance of the dying man. Ning Rongyue looks at doctor Fu.

Fang Susu immediately said, "master ghost doctor, elder brother sunboat, let's go in, yun'er. What's her body now?"

As they went to the alliance leader's house, they talked.

Yu Chenzhou's face was ugly and said: "the cold poison enters the bone marrow. It's only one step away from invading the heart. It's all relying on my internal power to suppress yun'er temporarily, but it's not effective."

Fang Susu smell speech some guilty way: "it's all because of me, I, sunken boat big brother, sorry."

Yu Chenzhou heard that Yan shook his head: "the past does not need to chase, Su Su, I have put it down, now only hope that yun'er can be well, we spend our lives together."

Qi Yun, who was weak, also said, "I don't blame anyone. I was willing to sink the boat at the beginning. So was I, Su Su. In fact, I'm very happy."

I'm glad that I love you and I'm with you.

Fang Su Su said with a smile: "well, that's good."

Because of Qi Yun's physical inconvenience, several people just got together for a little while and went down to have a rest. Yu Chenzhou and Yu Xiaoxiao lived in the same yard, while Fu chose one close to Ning Rongyue's yard to live in.

After seeing the arrival of doctor Fu, Gansu Ning is a little stiff. He wants to find Ning Rongyue, but he dares not to go there.

Fang Susu bumped into his son and showed a narrow smile: "tut Tut, he also said that he didn't like other people. If you see a parent, you're afraid of him. Don't give advice, son..."

"Ah! What are you doing? "

Gansu ningchao's father showed a grateful look, while Fang Susu was discontented: "why?"

Gan Youlang grabs Fang Susu and says, "let's discuss what is fengshenjunlang."

Ning Rongyue's yard.

Ning Rongyue asked the maid to bring up some snacks and tea, and then let them all go back.


Fu took the tea, but he didn't drink it. He said helplessly, "I already know about the border. What do you think about Rongyue?"

Ning Rongyue lowered her eyes: "it's not my Fu, it's Lu Chang, the God of war in Dongyun Kingdom, but sometimes I'm sad. I'm sad why Fu forgot me and the days I spent with him."

Fu doctor some distressed mouth: "you this child, go out a trip is a lot of strong, but grandfather does not want you to be strong in this way."

Ning Rongyue took a deep breath: "people always have to grow up. When the child is born, I will go to find my Fu."

Doctor Fu frowned and said, "do you want to use white Ganoderma lucidum? It's just that the white Ganoderma lucidum doesn't work. I hope you don't look for that heartless man again! "

Ning Rongyue had no choice but to pacify the angry doctor Fu, and then said, "if I don't do anything, how can I be reconciled? One day, my husband and wife will be gracious for a hundred days. How can I be reconciled with Fu?"

Doctor Fu shook his head, but he didn't say the news after all.

"Now you have an idea, and my grandfather doesn't advise you much. I just hope you should put yourself first! There are so many good men in the world, there is no shortage of such a fool

Ning Rongyue smiles with tears in her eyes: "it's good that you're here, grandfather."

"My moon." Doctor Fu sighed and let Ning Rongyue lie on his knees to calm him.

Doctor Fu accompanied Ning Rongyue for three days, and other anxious people came to him.

"I've seen the ghost doctor, Miss Ning."

"Elder sister Ning." Yu Xiaoxiao is a little nervous.

Looking at a large crowd of people coming in the courtyard, doctor Fu said slowly: "sunken boat boy, my granddaughter is really better than blue, but you know her current situation. I can't let her worry too much."

Yu Chenzhou sniffed the words and said, "I understand the sinking boat."

Doctor Fu shook his head helplessly. How could he meet all the infatuated seeds?

At that time, Yu Chenzhou had been kneeling outside the medicine house for seven days and seven nights, but he couldn't bear the dripping water. It was just that the cold and poison were thorny. If he didn't have the ghost needle in Ning Rongyue's hand, he couldn't help it.

Ning Rongyue said: "in that case, please take me to see my aunt."

"Girl, please!" said Yu

A large group of people worried about Qi Yun's body arrived at the courtyard where they lived.

"Yun'er will be lying in the room. Please, girl."