Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 806

In addition to the unknown lilies, solaka, our semi divine strongman, likes to nickname others.

The current interim commander of the Huiyue Legion is the earth semi divine element division. His real name is drajan doss, but solaka likes to call him "earth mountain".

It is not only because of the earth magic cultivated by the semi God strong man, but also because the master is very dull and inflexible.

To put it better, it means being honest and determined. To put it worse, it means being always forward-looking and submissive.

The battle of biological planet 5 should have started stormy invasion and fighting as early as the first month after entering here, but the earth demigod is more willing to be stable and want to gain a firm foothold before making other plans.

The last time solaka presided over the medium-sized Saiyan City looting mission, if the earth demigod ordered the whole Huiyue army to attack, it would not need solaka to call on and gather knights and magicians willing to participate in the looting mission in the mission center.

In a word, among the three demigod level strong men of the Huiyue legion, the earth demigod drajean is partial to stability, and the fire demigod solaka pursues attack, while the only Knight demigod level strong man, with little talk, basically does not participate in the high-level decision-making of the Huiyue legion, and only acts as a gold medal player.

"If you want to fight, you can talk to Marcus. He should support you?" Joyna covered her mouth and smiled.

Marcus is the demigod knight, an old uncle. He became a demigod at his age. He basically cut off the hope of promotion to level 4, so he was sent to the second tier legion of Huiyue Legion by the abbalut empire.

But anyway, Marcus is also a knight who is keen on fighting. If solaka goes to him to negotiate his exit, the old knight will not refuse.

"Why do I want to go to war? Wouldn\'t it be happier to have your little beauty with me?" Solaka floats to joyna\'s side and lifts joyna\'s chin frivolously with her index finger.

"I hate it. You messed up the makeup I just put on!" Joyna said angrily.

Women love beauty, and knights are no exception.

For joyna, a female knight who may go to the battlefield at any time, every chance to make up is extremely rare.

Not to mention these precious perfume and powder puffs are all Soraca\'s treasures.

As a semi divine strongman and vice president of Huiyue Santa college, some people flatter solaka.

Looking at the thick layer of makeup powder on her fingers, solaka felt faint. Joyna was a female man most of the time, which was one of the reasons why solaka liked her. She suddenly changed to a little woman\'s style. Solaka was not sure what joyna was thinking.

"The time set by general Cecilia is four months. Now it\'s almost a month. We\'ve just won a medium-sized city and several small cities. Is there really time?" Seeing that the powder makeup on her face was messed up, joyna simply put down her cosmetics and turned to ask solaka.

"Don\'t worry. If we take it seriously, I\'m afraid we can solve the stubborn resistance of the Saiya people on biological planet 5 in a month. Since the guy of Tushan wants to be stable, let him continue to be stable." Solaka sat by the bed, crossed his legs and said, a pair of white and tender thighs flickered under the flame pattern skirt.

Also, anyway, the commander of the Legion is drajan, the earth demigod. Even if the Huiyue Legion fails to complete the specified task of general Cecilia on time, drajan will be punished and will not be involved in solaka.

And you should know that there are not only the moon shining legion, but also the greedy wolf Legion which is not weaker than them.

Three days ago, following the advance of the moon corps, the greedy wolf corps also successfully conquered the next medium-sized Saiyan city.

At the beginning, the semi divine strongman of the greedy wolf legion, intending to be a fat man in one bite, chose one of the three large Saiyan cities on the No. 5 biological planet.

Although it is the only city without a demigod Saiya garrison, the number of intermediate and advanced saiyas in that city has reached an appalling number.

In addition, the greedy wolf legion of the attacking side did not show all their strength, resulting in their first siege ended in failure.

Just as solaka said before the war, the greedy wolf army not only didn\'t eat itself into a fat man, but choked itself.

Several senior Saiyan soldiers inspired the blood of battle and turned into great apes, beating back the semi divine strong of the greedy wolf Legion. The top of the greedy wolf Legion underestimated others and overestimated themselves.

"When on earth are we going to fight against the Saiyan main force on biological planet 5?" Joyna asked reluctantly. She was also a militant. She felt uncomfortable without fighting for a few days.

"Soon, at least a week, more than half a month, the guy from Tushan will definitely do it." Solaka predicted.

Cecilia can be appointed as the temporary head of the Huiyue Legion. Of course, the earth semi God magician drajan is not as unbearable as Soraka said. In fact, the semi God magician still has two brushes, but it\'s too steady.

However, it may also be because of drajean\'s steadiness, solaka\'s impatience and Marcus\'s stay out, Cecilia finally decided to let drajean become the temporary commander of the Huiyue Legion.

The victory of the No. 5 biological planet is irresistible. The successful capture of several surrounding mineral stars also makes the victory east wind of abarut blow more smoothly. If someone chooses, he must also choose della to let people with this steady style do it.

Not afraid of merit, but seeking nothing.

For today\'s sake, it is best for the abbalut Empire to steadily accept biological planets 3, 4 and 5 and their surrounding mineral stars.

As for the Saiya people gathering in the No. 2 biological planet to compete with the Knights and magicians of abarut, the high-level imperial officials did not worry too much about it.

If you want to fight, I will fight.

Six level-4 Saiyan warriors have been killed in succession. The abbalut Empire relies on its absolute advantage to count the top strongmen, millions of knights, mage legions and tens of millions of slave biological cannon fodder. The high-level of the empire can\'t think of the reason why they lost.

What\'s more, among our top strong, there are level 6 strong Mei and level 5 astrologer Luo Bo. These mother planes exist.

The actual combat situation of biological planet V is no different from that predicted by solaka.

A week later, with master drajan, a strong earth demigod, as the pioneer, the demigod Knight Marcus as the right wing and the semi god fire element division solaka as the left wing, the Huiyue Legion gathered superior forces and pushed towards the Saiyan hinterland of biological planet 5.