Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 805

The battle in wubu city was just over two days, and the subsequent battle assignment of Huiyue Legion began to be carried out in full swing.

In the last battle, in addition to earning a valuable energy essence reward, Locke should have gained more than 300 Saiyan babies.

These Saiya babies are both parents. One of them is a strong person above level 1. Compared with ordinary Saiya babies, there is great room for promotion.

According to the 200 ordinary Saiya enslaved by Locke, one of these parents is the baby of a strong person above level 1. On average, there is a 20% chance of becoming a powerful Saiya warrior in adulthood.

The first-class promotion rate of 20% is an unimaginable probability in other biological races, but it is common in the sparsely populated Saiya.

In other words, as long as Locke is properly trained, in 50 years, these 300 or so Saiyan babies will give birth to 60 first-class strong men and become Locke\'s loyal thugs.

The subtle enslavement transformation of Shura field is not enough. Everything should start with dolls. Locke has been considering instilling loyalty to these Saiya babies since childhood.

For the cultivation and adjustment of slave creatures The magicians are good at this. If Locke\'s soul power is not limited, he wants to brand his own enslavement contract on these babies.

In the fortress base of the Huiyue legion, Locke is bored watching meimila do muscle exercises. For a qualified knight, the fighting spirit level is not enough. He must also match the corresponding physical quality.

Locke used to rely entirely on his diligence and countless life and death experiences to hone his muscles.

Now meimila is much happier than Locke at that time. Let\'s not mention her life and death experience. With Locke, a cheap master, how can meimila encounter a dangerous situation that can threaten her life.

What was better than Locke at that time was that she had enough body refining medicine that Locke admired.

These body refining potions were neither prepared by Locke nor refined by Ashar, but left by the girl\'s dry sister, jelina, when she left.

Maybe it\'s a flood of motherhood. Maybe she really takes meimila as her sister. In some ways, jelina is more considerate than Locke, who is a teacher.

"The cultivation of muscles should be moderate. In addition, the way of carrying capacity of your arm is wrong. Take a closer look at what I do." Locke was wearing only a vest and was naked Showing her solid arms, she demonstrated to meimila in the scorching sun.

After several years of Locke\'s teaching, meimila is completely different from the weak appearance of the waitress in the tavern of Fusen kingdom. Now meimila, who has the strength of medium-level attendants, can easily knead the steel into a twist when inspiring fighting spirit.

The little girl\'s snow-white skin turned into a healthy wheat color after less than a week of training in the hot sun.

Not inferior to the strong muscles of a young man, meimila walked out of this road of no return in the direction of a female man.

Although she was tired and her skin was not as beautiful as before, meimila was happy because his master was always with her these days.

"Give me the fist technique you gave me to fight twice, and then start cultivating fighting Qi." Seeing meimila sweating at this time, Locke thought it was almost OK, so he said.

Locke\'s boxing is not a famous boxing score, but a suitable exercise move that he has explored and created since he became a soldier in his teens.

The actual combat ability is not much. It can activate the blood vessels and meridians of the whole body. After use, it is helpful to the cultivation and operation of fighting Qi.

It can be used by a knight like Locke. Now, no matter how cheap this set of unknown boxing is, it can sell at least a dozen first-class energy essence when it is obtained from the knight hall. Like the intellectual property rights of magicians, this is Locke\'s original trick.

The most satisfying thing about meimila is that the girl is obedient and doesn\'t need Locke to worry too much.

In the past, when teaching Christine, Locke was not so relaxed. Christine\'s girl was much "Crazy". Sometimes she was interested and thought about Fa\'er\'s coquetry and refused to practice. Instead, she pulled Locke to play tricks with her.

One is his own apprentice and the other is his own woman. Locke has to deal with meimila. It\'s hard to show his cold face to Christine. This guy still wants to be happy at night.

"Christine, grace and Raffi..." Locke murmured.

Meimila practices hard in the scorching sun, but Locke is dreaming here.

After scratching his head, Locke considered whether to end the ectopic invasion mission of the abbalut Empire, and first went back to the three western islands to see his family.

He didn\'t come out for a long time, and it was less than seven years, but Locke was in a panic when he left his beloved for seven years.

And his daughter, it should be 15 years old this year. If it\'s a civilian family, they\'re all at the age of marriage, but Locke didn\'t want to marry his baby daughter so early.

In the future, little Bev will certainly become more than a level of life. Locke doesn\'t want his daughter to contact these things so early.

It is said that her daughter is the lover of her father\'s last life. Although Locke hasn\'t come home for several years, she cares about her only daughter.

"There is no way to repair the negative energy fusion beads up to now. According to Ashar, there will be a way to repair them when they get to the city of the sky." Locke took out a broken black bead from the space ring and sighed.

If there is the transmission function of negative energy fusion beads, no matter how much energy and cost, Locke should always go back.

However, it is a pity that the negative energy fusion beads in the damaged state do not have the transmission function, that is, the secondary image transmission function.

Meimila\'s training continued. After thinking about her family, Locke\'s irritability was alleviated. She took out two secondary energy essence and pinched it in her left and right palms. Locke began to practice fierce wind fighting spirit.

The user of level 3 wind fighting is the storm knight. Locke is curious about how he will change after he is promoted to level 3.

In the magic tower in the fortress base, today, joyna and solaka did not roll together.

"Didn\'t Cecilia ask to recover biological planet 5 within four months? I don\'t think you\'re in a hurry." Joyner sits at the dressing table and says Soraca\'s expensive magic perfume.

"It\'s enough to have that guy from the earth mountain. What\'s my hurry?" The baby faced solaka shrugged and said.

"Earth mountain" is a nickname, not a person\'s name. Solaka is talking about the temporary army head of the current Huiyue Legion and the confidant directly appointed by general Cecilia.