Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 807

Facts have proved that the decision made by master derarang, the strong earth demigod and the temporary commander of the Huiyue legion, is scientific and correct.

There are war wizards fully prepared in the early stage, as well as the continuous transportation from the rear cross plane space transmission array, so that the number of slave biological legions accumulated to a terrible number, as well as the troops of knights and magicians with high morale.

The Hui Yue Legion has moved and moved surprisingly. In less than half a month, it swept four medium-sized Saiyan cities and seven small Saiyan cities.

One city a day, this is the current record of the Huiyue Legion.

"Are these the great powers of the earth demigod?" In the marching array, Locke looked at the earth element puppet about 50 meters high beside him and said in shock.

With a tall and powerful physique, a solid and thick watch case, and amazing vitality and recovery ability, this behemoth can compete with the giant ape form after the transformation of the upper Saiyan in a short time.

Most importantly, there is more than one puppet of this earth element. In the tide of tens of thousands of knights, magicians and hundreds of thousands of slave creatures of the Hui moon legion, there are as many as 20 of these big men!

In other words, since then, the Hui moon Legion has suddenly added 20 top meat shields that can fight and resist, and can be comparable to level 3 creatures in a short time.

This can no longer be simply expressed by miracles, but miracles. Only those individuals with more than four life levels can have such means to affect the balance of a horizontal war.

"Of course not." Next, joyna, who has cooperated with Locke several times, retorted.

With the power of the earth semi divine element master drajean, how can he create so many giant element puppets in just over half a month.

In fact, the reason for such a grand scene is that the Deraa let the master have a whole puppet manufacturing team with a clear division of labor.

While studying magic knowledge and enhancing their strength, magicians often have a good level of alchemy, medicine refining or magic array research.

For example, ASAR, as a second-class dark element master and second-class wizard, also has extremely superb attainments in alchemy and medicine refining.

The earth demigod derarang, the master has no outstanding talents in the fields of alchemy, medicine refining and magic array, but the master has amazing talents in the puppet making of the side door.

Hundreds of thousands of years of word-of-mouth accumulated, not only the puppet makers of the abbalut Empire looked up to them, but also puppet makers from other parts of the world came here with admiration.

His puppet making team has also been built for such a long time. The puppet makers at the first and second levels in it are barely half of his disciples.

The sudden emergence of 20 giant puppets is only one aspect. Other reasons for the great victory include the supplement of a large number of high-quality slave creatures, the structure of a large number of magic crystal cannons, and the strong fighting power of the knight and magician army of the Huiyue Legion.

When the greedy wolf Legion on on the same planet had not reacted, the bright moon Legion captured one-third of the area of biological planet 5 in just 40 days.

Among them, there are six medium-sized Saiya cities and 17 small Saiya cities. There are countless lower town and village levels.

Only three large Saiyan cities are regarded as the most difficult nails to pull out, which are left as the stubble for the final victory by the high-level of the Huiyue Legion.

At this time, half of the four months stipulated by general Cecilia, that is, two months, had passed.

Compared with the rapid progress of the Huiyue legion, the movement of the greedy wolf Legion is much smaller. The previous attack on large Saiyan cities not only caused them to lose a considerable number of knights and magicians, but also caused a serious shortage of slave creatures.

The No. 5 biological planet abbalut Empire has long been regarded as something in the bag. If the greedy wolf Legion loses too much at this time, it must cause dissatisfaction from the Imperial military headquarters.

So that after two months, the greedy wolf Legion occupied only one fifth of the area of biological planet 5.

However, recently, the latest batch of slave biological cannon fodder of the greedy wolf Legion has been supplemented. I believe they will also use their own means to expand their achievements on biological planet 5 as soon as possible.

Today, in two months, the total area occupied by the two legions on biological planet 5 has reached half. From this point of view, it seems feasible to complete the task target of the Imperial military headquarters within four months.

This is a green forest beside a large inland lake. It is also a world that has developed a certain scientific and technological system. The Saiya people\'s protection of the environment exceeds the micro plane of the earth where Locke once stayed.

In the clear lake, more than 100 River slave creatures sneaked into the bottom of the lake to retrieve precious fire coral, Purple Pearl and other magic materials for knights and magicians.

As a regular and complete micro plane, the rare materials produced in biological planet 5 far exceed those half planes with imperfect rules.

After so many years of exploitation and excavation by the Saiya people, biological planet 5 is still a treasure house with rich reserves.

No wonder so many strong people above level 4 are keen to launch level war.

Driven by interests, even if the God level strong people above level 4 are detached from the world and have a long life of more than 10000 years, they can\'t avoid killing and expedition.

Locke took over a piece of fire coral flattered by a slave creature in the water. The quality can only be said to be average. It is more suitable for the alchemy experiment of a first-class magician.

The war on the front line of planet 5 is becoming more and more intense. He came here today not for outing, nor for these petty profits, but to meet jerina who came back from the mineral star expedition.

Over the green forest, a huge translucent vortex emitting bursts of space magic is slowly getting bigger. It can be seen that on the other side of the vortex is a dark blue world, and it is also the swimming half plane for jelina and others to call Santa magician to fight.

In two months, the swimming half plane with weak garrison strength soon fell under the sweep of a large number of slave creatures funded by Santa magician and abbalut empire.

Those Saiyan warriors either fled to the vast unknown star region in the spaceship and individual creature cabin, or became the dung in the animal body of the summoning Santa magicians.

There are no special resources at the swimming level. The only thing we praise is the light water named "water of trace elements" by magicians, which can purify the negative effects and increase the success rate of some alchemy drugs.

"Locke, I miss you!" In the floating ship that first rushed out of the space vortex, a familiar spiritual sound was sent out by Locke.

Holding his forehead with one hand, Locke can\'t bear jelina\'s enthusiasm.