Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 804

The sea of fire in wubu City drew a perfect curtain for the large-scale attack of Huiyue Legion.

The flame spirit beating in the flame sings the last elegy for countless creatures buried in the fire sea.

Facts have proved that no matter how powerful the fighting talent of Saiya people is when they are strong, this strength is limited. In the face of alien invaders whose level is far higher than themselves and the number is far higher than themselves, the only difference between these Saiya people and ordinary low-level aborigines is their struggle before death, which is somewhat amazing.

The self explosion of nearly 200 middle and low-level Saiyan soldiers collided with the rules of the hot fire in solaka\'s flaming water lily, which won time for the retreat of other Saiyan soldiers.

Although the following knights and magicians pursued the escaped Saiya soldiers with blood, they were frightened by the desperate means of self explosion by the Saiya soldiers, and the result of the pursuit can only be said to be fruitful.

In any case, this war also ended with victory. The battle of Huiyue Legion against wubu city also officially opened the comprehensive invasion of Huiyue Legion to biological planet 5.

Compared with the average Saiyan soldiers with war damage, the ordinary Saiyan living in wubu city are unlucky.

Many ordinary Saiyan citizens fled here from other cities, hoping that wubu City, a Saiyan City second only to three large cities, can withstand the footsteps of these ferocious invaders.

Leaving one\'s own destiny in the hands of others is the characteristic of the weak.

The weak do not deserve to live in this troubled world.

The Saiya family\'s aggression and oppression against alien creatures for more than 100000 years have finally returned to themselves today.

"Summarize and collect the fog cloth stones in this city as soon as possible. This is the resource named by the imperial logistics department!" Solaka ordered the magicians and knights around him.

Fog cloth stone is one of the rare materials for manufacturing floating ships and space fortresses. It is also the main raw material for Saiya people to make individual biological tanks and spaceships. This is why there are so many biological tank concentration bases and spaceship manufacturing factories in this city.

The main production place of floating ships and space fortresses in the wizard world is capech, the city of the sky and the business alliance. This time, capech is one of the forces that have cooperative relations with the magic empire.

Why these fog cloth stones are so urgent, and whose hands they will end up in, it is naturally clear at a glance.

"Clear away any resistance! Take all the captured ordinary saians!" Through magic sound reinforcement, the voice of the semi divine strong solaka spread all over wubu city.

The spread of this majestic voice also marked the expulsion of the main resistance forces in wubu City, and the medium-sized Saiya city was also declared to fall into the hands of the Huiyue Legion.

At the spaceship manufacturing factory in the east of the city, the fierce battle has come to an end.

After one day and one night, Locke and his team successively took out three spaceship manufacturing plants and two individual biological module concentration bases, which is more than twice the task of the two spaceship manufacturing plants scheduled.

It has something to do with the five powerful secondary creatures in the team.

Locke thought that only joyna, the land knight, was not an ordinary hand. Unexpectedly, the other two secondary magicians who joined their team were also not fuel-efficient lights.

Although it is not as rebellious as assar, it also reaches the level of jielina, which makes Locke quite easy to use.

"Hey! Where are we going next?" The slender body was still floating in the air, and the blood claw in her hand was holding the heart of a low-level Saiyan soldier, but joyna asked as if nothing had happened.

The Saia family\'s defensive strength in wubu city has retreated and has settled down. Since half an hour, they have not encountered decent resistance. The Saia soldiers almost retreat without thinking about them.

Not to mention that the middle-level Saiyan soldiers did not capture one, that is, the low-level Saiyan soldiers. If they were not the second-level strong ones, I\'m afraid it would be difficult to stay.

"There\'s no point in chasing again. Let\'s go back and collect fog cloth stones, and catch the remaining ordinary Saiyan citizens in the city." Locke made a pertinent suggestion.

Of course, he also heard the voice of the semi divine strong solaka. Whether collecting fog cloth stones or catching ordinary Saiyan citizens will bring them good benefits.

Fog cloth stone has accumulated a large number of raw ore in several factories and concentration bases they recovered before, and hundreds of slave creatures act as coolies. These materials will become their task rewards.

Catching ordinary Saiyan citizens is one for the experimental research of imperial magicians, and the other should be to supplement slave creatures.

Even if they are not promoted to a level and become Saiyan soldiers, the strength levels of these ordinary Saiyan citizens are generally ranging from low-level attendants to high-level attendants.

The title of the fighting nation is not empty.

Up to now, the number of slave creatures lost by the abbalut empire is countless. It\'s time to add new slave creatures.

These ordinary Saiya citizens are the best raw materials.

Enslaved by the souls of magicians, these ordinary saians will become the cheapest cannon fodder against their people.

Locke\'s suggestion is based on the vested interests of knights and magicians in the whole team. Joyna also knows that there will be no gain if she pursues again. It\'s better to stop here.

However, joyna doesn\'t lack the reward for the task. There is a semi divine lover. Joyna can\'t get any treasures and cultivation materials, "then go. I\'ll go to the north of the city to see if there\'s anything else I can help."

Joyna, who has changed her blood and become a human woman again, waved her hand and said that the fire red leather armor on her body is obviously demonized armor, and the quality is far better than that of Locke.

"Then be careful and contact us if there is a situation." Locke nodded and said that although there were still wars in the north of the city, they were all minor frictions. The large troops left by the Saiya people had already evacuated wubu City, and now all that remained were small fish and shrimp.

"Don\'t worry!" Inspired by the fighting spirit of the burst fire attribute, joyna flew to the north of the city without looking back. In terms of her enthusiasm for fighting, joyna was more stunned than Locke at this time.

"Clean up the mess here, and then we\'ll go back!" Seeing off joyna, Locke turned and shouted to the Knights and magicians around him.

Ashar and the other two level two magicians don\'t like to be in charge, so his words are the most effective after joyna left.