Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 803

Locke\'s Shura field has changed greatly compared with before, especially after Ashar improved his alchemy skills with magic.

It is said that it has only been improved in some subtle aspects. In fact, it is Ashar\'s modest speech. In addition to the more complex and cumbersome runes than before, there is also a suspended gray black crystal ball in the center of the Shura field.

According to Ashar, this gray black crystal ball is called soul crystal. It can not only absorb the free soul energy in the air to nourish the blessed Shura field in daily life; It can also absorb a wider range of blood sacrifice flesh and blood in the active excitation state.

Moreover, ASAR uses the supreme wisdom and the soul energy that Locke can understand and contact to replace the soul power that he doesn\'t know much about the war soul family, so as to make the Shura field evolve upward.

Rather than saying that the current Shura field is a Horcrux from the ectopic side, it is better to say that the current Shura field is an alchemical prop transformed by Ashar with alien props.

"Take a far look, like a crown." Locke muttered.

There is a suspended crystal ball in the center of the ring Shura field, coupled with mysterious and complicated runes on the edge. Isn\'t this a king\'s crown.

No longer do these wishful thinking, Locke began to orderly load the biological cabin in this warehouse into the Shura field.

For the slave creatures in the Shura field, Locke has used spiritual force to communicate with them for a short time. Under the circumstances, there are 200 ordinary Saiyan. I believe these Saiyan babies will also be properly taken care of after they enter.

Moreover, meimila, Locke\'s apprentice, is also inside now. With the girl in charge, Locke can rest assured.

All the biological cabins were stored in the Shura field by Locke in a few minutes, with a total of 322 Saiya babies, and all of them have basic vitality.

In addition to these, Locke also followed Ashar\'s instructions and found several spare individual biological cabins at the corner of the warehouse. The launcher pendant at the tail of these individual biological cabins has not been removed and should be in good condition.

Locke is also interested in this kind of personal equipment that can carry out short-distance interstellar navigation.

There are Saiya babies in this warehouse. Only Locke and Ashar know that other knights and magicians have rushed to support joyna and others fighting in another spaceship factory after cleaning up the booty and the corpses of their companions.

It seems that there, they also encountered a strong resistance.

"Let\'s go and have a look." Locke said to Ashar, who had been waiting for him for a long time.

There was no request for support from joyna in the knight\'s medal, but Locke gradually understood the woman\'s character and found that joyna had pride. I\'m afraid she wouldn\'t call Locke and Ashar for help until an abnormal critical moment.

I don\'t know what\'s going on with joyna and others. The more knights and magicians lost, the less the mission center of the moon Corps will give them the evaluation and reward of these secondary strongmen. If the number of losses exceeds a certain value, it\'s uncertain that Locke will have to bear the high-level accusations of the moon Corps.

So we didn\'t continue to waste time here. Locke and Ashar\'s body flashed. One person turned on the blood and turned into a body, and the wings shining with metallic luster behind extended. One person turned on the real body of the element and filled his body with dark elements.

Turning into a blue and a black light, Locke and Ashar went to the nearby battle group for support.

North of wubu City, this is where the energy shield launcher of the whole city is located, and it is also the place where the Saiyan troops stay most.

As far as the eye can see, more than 700 saiyas have launched the transformation of great apes, of which the most powerful is the two terrible great apes, one yellow and one white, with a height of 50 meters.

"Combat effectiveness 2897, combat effectiveness 3182, after the transformation, are they all close to the semi divine strongman with combat effectiveness 4000?" In the sky, incarnated as a flaming water lily, solaka looked down at the two high-level Saiyan soldiers, so judged.

In the war on the ectopic side of the Saiya star domain, even a semi divine strong like her is used to measuring her opponents with the combat effectiveness index of the Saiya family.

The combat effectiveness is close to 4000, which does not mean that the combat effectiveness of the two great apes has really been comparable to the strong demigod level. Compared with the real demigod level, they still have a big gap!

Next, three heavenly knights and a level-3 magician are fighting with two terrible apes.

Three heavenly knights are in charge of defense, sometimes cold, and a counterattack can cause certain trauma to both apes. Level 3 magician\'s main attack is restrained by three heavenly knights. He has enough space and time to play his proud magic.;

Two against four, and they fought back and forth. These two intermediate Saiyan soldiers have proved their bravery.

But what\'s the use of this? At this moment, there is a level-3 magician who is killing his own blood among the middle and low-level Saiyan soldiers.

Solaka brought a total of five level three strong men!

Whether it is the four powerful aliens who are struggling with themselves and others, or another level-3 magician who is raging among the middle and low-level soldiers below, it is not the most important thing for the high-level saiyas who have turned into giant apes.

With the eyelids of two great apes jumping, the flame water lily of solaka\'s incarnation becomes larger and more mature.

When the water lily is ripe, it also marks that the forbidden spell level magic containing solaka\'s understanding of the law of fire has reached the highest level he can have.

At that time, two high-level Saiyan soldiers who have been besieged by four strong men of the same level for so long can support this forbidden spell level magic. Even the two giant apes have no bottom in their hearts.

"No, I have to withdraw!" The two great apes looked at each other and retreated. They didn\'t want to fall into the despicable siege of these aliens.

The temporary retreat does not mean the cowardice of the Saiya senior soldiers, but for a more violent counterattack against this group of alien scum in the future.

Just go. The two great apes are not muddled at all. At this time, they can\'t even care about the middle and low-level saiyas below. Anyway, they can run as much as they can. They have completed the established blocking and interception time.

"Want to go?!" In the flaming water lily, solaka\'s red eyes flashed, and the law of fire was about to come into being under the magic blessing of the demigod strong.

The lively and jumping flame elves sing happy songs in the water lilies.

The appearance of elemental elves indicates that the forbidden spell level spell has been completed!


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