Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 797

Not to mention the fourth level Saiyan Prince burta, who is still seriously injured and unconscious, it is absolutely not enough to dispatch two fourth level Saiyan soldiers from the western line to supplement the defense line of biological Planet 2.

The king of the Saiya and tedanil must also lead a large army to arrive on the second biological planet in the near future to assist popney against the enemy.

3、 No. 4 and No. 5 biological planet is a temporary defense line for abandoned children. How long can it block powerful aliens? Even Pope, a level 5 Saiya who arranged this temporary defense line, has little bottom in his heart.

The Saia must make a choice as soon as possible.

While the Saiya royal family was still worried about the army approaching the front line with alien knights and magicians, the first large-scale attack of the Huiyue Legion on on the Saiya city on the biological planet 5 also began.

The organization of this medium-sized city level looting mission was a semi divine magician named solaka.

With the half god level magician waving his arm, the number of Knight magicians willing to follow the strong man to participate in combat missions in Huiyue Legion exceeded 1000 in just one day, and this number is still rising.

If not many knights and magicians have received other combat missions, if not for the other two demigods in the Legion, and also released their own team of small city looting missions, I\'m afraid there will be more knights and magicians involved in this battle.

There were more than 4000 knights and more than 3000 magicians in the Huiyue legion, and finally participated in the plundering mission led by the semi divine power of solaka. According to the records of the Mission Center, there were nearly 2000 knights and 1200 magicians, nearly half of the total number of the Legion.

In the garrison of the moon corps, in a towering magic tower, on a brocade bed paved with silk, the hot bodies of two women rolled together, Yin Mi sound came from it.

One was joyna, a knight who had cooperated with Locke, and the other was solaka, a semi divine magician.

Through their performance at this time, we also know that they are a pair of rare lilies.

"I heard you finished your last task well." Solaka, a semi divine magician, is a dignified and childish woman playing with joyna\'s pepper Milk, asked lazily.

I didn\'t expect that master solaka, who has a great reputation among the magicians of the Huiyue Legion and served as the vice president of the Huiyue Santa college, would have such an incredible side.

Be held in shame by your lover Joyna was in a state of confusion Love fans, but the rank of the land Knight kept her mind clear at this time.

"Yes, the knight named Locke and the assar magician are all powerful secondary strongmen, mainly due to them." Joyna gasped back.

Joyna didn\'t let Locke take out so many benefits in vain. What the woman said was quite fair. Indeed, she only played the role of a qualified secondary creature in the last task of plundering the Saiyan Town, with no other outstanding performance.

Hearing joyna\'s answer, solaka tilted her lips and said, "then she used a burning gem I gave you? Won\'t you be partial to them?"

In the lily relationship between sokala and joyna, the mild character of sokala is actually the attack, while joyna, who is a knight and has good muscle strength, is affected. Therefore, joyna praises other people\'s actions, which makes our semi divine magician Soraka taste a little.

She is not only eating Locke\'s vinegar, but also assal\'s vinegar.

The taste of solaka made joyna laugh and cry. Fortunately, their relationship had been maintained for nearly 200 years. Joyna also knew that solaka\'s taste was just declaring her sovereignty.

"Thanks to your burning gem, otherwise I might be charred by the self explosion of intermediate Saiyan soldiers this time." Joyna licked solaka\'s earlobe and said waxy.

Sure enough, this move had a miraculous effect on solaka. I saw the semi divine female magician trembling after a burst of whispering.

The earlobe is the sensitivity of solaka Feeling a little, she was praised by joyna\'s soft words. Solaka had a feeling of flying to the peak.

A few minutes later, with a flushed face and finally slowing down, solaka twisted joyna\'s waist, "don\'t use this move to me, will you come?"

The angry solaka has a special flavor with her childish face.

However, in her words, the blame was greater than the blame. Joyna didn\'t take it to heart, but stretched out her hand and continued to ask her for burning gemstones.

When joyna reached out to beg for the baby, solaka stared at joyna, and joyna didn\'t shrink back and raised her exquisite face at solaka.

Two beauties with different flavors stared at each other in bed.

Finally, solaka was defeated first. Although she was an attacking role, solaka was as soft as her appearance. She basically obeyed joyna\'s requirements at ordinary times.

It is also the support and support of a semi divine magician behind that joyna can mix so well in the Huiyue Legion.

Joyna Huiyue Legion claims to be a subordinate Knight of a second-class magician, which is actually a cover up.

The second level magician is a nephew of solaka\'s disciple.

"Today, I read the list of the second-class strong men who declared to attack wubu City, including the Locke knight and the assar magician." Seems to think of something, solaka suddenly said to joyna.

"Really? That\'s just right. Let\'s form a team with them." Joyna said, holding solaka\'s arm.

Joyna has no other ideas, but thinks that with these two, her survival rate and the situation of obtaining booty will be greatly improved.

She doesn\'t want to be the Canary of solaka all her life. As a knight who breaks through herself in battle, joyna is more willing to ascend to heaven with her own ability.

"Well, I\'ll match you with some powerful secondary magicians. The fog cloth city has two cities guarded by senior Saiya people." Solaka said that she didn\'t really suspect that joyna cheated. It was just flirting between lovers before.

If not every level 3 knight and magician had their own task, solaka wanted to put a level 3 strong man beside joyna to protect her.

Solaka loves joyna very much.

"You should also be careful, two high-level Saiya people, can\'t there be a demigod level?" Joyna also said to solaka.

"No, wubu city is only a medium-sized city. The only two semi divine senior saiyas in this micro plane are located in two large cities. Moreover, in the current situation of these saiyas, I doubt they will evacuate immediately if the situation is wrong." Solaka shook her head.