Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 798

It is true that the Saiya people are belligerent, but belligerence does not mean they have no brain. There are strict instructions from level 5 Saiya soldiers Bopu. These Saiya soldiers know that the defense line of biological planets 3, 4 and 5 is a temporary defense line.

When necessary, it is a lower biological planet that can be abandoned.

Ordinary Saiya people are just people whose strength is not up to level 1. The proud Saiya soldiers who have been abandoned from the Saiya planet do not have much recognition for these same families, so they will not have too much psychological burden to abandon them.

In essence, the Saiya are an extremely selfish race.

The last time Locke and ASAR were able to achieve good results in the Saiyan Town, they mainly relied on surprise and did not give any reaction time to the Saiyan soldiers.

On the day when the Huiyue Legion attacked, Locke was very surprised, because it was a coincidence that joyna was assigned to a combat force with him and Ashar.

In addition to their three second-class strong men, there are also two second-class magicians of Huiyue holy tower.

Two ground Knights cooperate with the high-level combat power combination of three level-2 magicians. Locke is not sure how to divide the personnel of the headquarters of the Huiyue Legion. I\'m afraid this is the only force in the Huiyue legion with more senior magicians than knights.

The number of first-class knights and magicians below is quite reasonable. It is a regular combination of 70 first-class knights and 30 first-class magicians.

The number of slave creatures assigned to them was 600. Locke secretly observed joyna for several times. He seriously doubted that the above favored their team, and joyna played a great role in it.

Of course, it may also be the credit of the other two Santa II magicians. He and Ashar are non staff members of the Huiyue Legion and can\'t be taken care of so much.

Wubu City, which was attacked this time, is a Saiyan City second only to three large cities among the ten medium-sized cities on the 5th biological planet. It is also a Saiyan power center closest to the garrison fortress of the Huiyue Legion.

Not only to start the first war, but also to ensure the safety near the garrison base of the Huiyue legion, the semi divine magician solaka led a vast army of knights and magicians to fly towards wubu city.

This time, in order to cooperate with the plundering task of the semi divine magician, the Huiyue Legion assigned them 150 floating ships.

Overhead are floating ships and flying slave creatures that block out the sun. Below are a large and powerful army of knights, magicians and slave creatures. Just passing by, I don\'t know how many small Saiyan town residents fled in a hurry.

Even the proud and powerful Saiyan soldiers are unwilling to face this alien invader far beyond their own strength.

The strength of Saiya people is converging to wubu City, and other Saiya cities around wubu city also begin to transfer their strength to wubu city.

It seems that in the face of the first large-scale battle of aliens, the Saiyan soldiers on the fifth biological planet did not show weakness.

When the semi divine magician of the moon Legion took action, the greedy wolf Legion on on the other side of the fifth biological planet was not willing to fall behind.

A large army led by the semi divine strong is gathering in a mighty way. Their goal is still higher. They even aim at a large Saiyan city.

Although this large city is the only one that is not guarded by the demigod Saiya, there are as many as three senior Saiya stationed in it. In the face of the senior Saiya transformed from the blood ape that started the battle, even the general semi God strong ones may not be able to take advantage of it.

It seems that the greedy wolf Legion is not only showing their muscles to the Huiyue legion, but they also want to be fat in one bite.

"I\'m not afraid to choke them!" Solaka sneered, "pass my order and the whole army will attack!"

Outside wubu City, the Huiyue legion, who had reorganized the formation, launched a bloody and crazy attack on wubu city at the command of the semi God strongman solaka.

The energy beams of hundreds of magic guided cannons launched a round of concentrated shooting towards the energy shield outside wubu city. The dazzling fire and surging element fluctuations surprised the secondary strong like Locke.

Looking at the color of the energy shield of the Saia family on his head changing from dark blue to cyan, and the thickness of the shield is much thinner, but there is no trend to dissipate. Locke has to sigh that the defense strength of this medium-sized city is far more than that of the Saia town he plundered and destroyed before.

The source of hundreds of magic guide brands is the floating ships floating in the sky. The floating ships of the magic Empire not only have the function of transporting troops, but also have expensive offensive performance. The caliber of each magic guide cannon can cause terrorist attacks that threaten more than one level of life.

"Hey, we should go!" It was joyna who woke locke up from her exclamation. After a scream, the woman decisively opened her blood and transformed herself.

The burning flame wings are the sign of her blood transformation. The four tusks add a wild to the female knight, and the elongated physique endows joyna with strong close attack ability.

Flapping the flame wings, joyna led many knights and slave creatures to the shaky fog cloth city in front of the energy shield.

Locke didn\'t fall behind, let alone to a woman. After a long roar, his blood changed and suddenly expanded. While his five meter physique was rising, Locke\'s momentum was also rising.

"The last combat effectiveness detector showed that my combat effectiveness before transformation was 897. I don\'t know what my actual combat effectiveness is after transformation." After twisting his neck and making a beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep bee.

The Knights led an army of slave creatures to launch an offensive frenzy, and the magicians were not idle. Powerful magic emerged from the surrounding space in the singing of hundreds of powerful magicians. Among them, the most powerful was the "God of fire chant" summoned by the semi divine magician solaka.

A thousand meters wide sea of fire first hit the energy shield of wubu City, followed by powerful magic attacks of various elements.

The cyan energy shield on the periphery of wubu city is finally in a shaky state in the face of such multi-element attacks.

When the total amount of energy finally reaches a critical point.

"Click!" Suddenly, the energy shield of more than 100000 ordinary saiyas in the medium-sized city of asylum was smashed!


Knight\'s journey book group: 678816703, welcome readers who like this book to join the group discussion.

Longtao building has been set up in the book circle. Book friends who want to play a role can stay and participate. The role is not limited to Knights and magicians, but also ectopic creatures.

I don\'t know if it\'s true as the editor said. I can\'t control this pattern by writing so many aspects, but I just want to say that I\'ll try my best, and I hope I can stick to it until the end.

Today, I made some complaints in the group of book friends. Don\'t take it to heart. This is just my immature performance. It may be a newcomer or a young person who hasn\'t entered the society. I\'m a little emotional. I\'m sorry.