Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 796

On the planet of Saiya, in the royal family hall, the king of Saiya looked at the Saiya Prince burta who was seriously injured and unconscious below, and tedanir who bowed his head and was silent, and sighed for a long time.

The king of Saia is the spiritual belief of all Saia soldiers and is also known as the most powerful soldier of the Saia family. It can be seen how sad the king of Saia is now.

"Bring back bith and basaku on the western line." The king of the Saia commanded the senior Saia soldiers below.

"It will take another five months for the new reinforcements to be in place if we make preparations for the hard battle in bopney on biological Planet 2."

The senior Saiyan soldiers were ordered to leave. Before leaving, they also took away all the Saiyan soldiers in charge of guarding and left the space in the hall to several distinguished Royal family members.

At the moment when the door of the king\'s ancestral hall was closed, the king of Saiya suddenly raised his boundless momentum. He asked tedanil word by word, "are you sure you can kill the strong man of level 6?"

Facing the inquiry of the king of the Saiya, tedanil was silent for a moment and replied, "yes."

Hearing the answer he wanted, the king of Saiya finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat back on the throne. His expression was uncertain. He didn\'t know what he was thinking.

Unlike the two silent level five Saiyan strongmen, the Saiyan queen in the hall anxiously takes care of the unconscious Prince burta.

Forcibly merging with a level-5 strong man is a considerable consumption and strain for burta. Being able to withstand the angry attack of level-6 strong Mei without death has proved the strength of burta, the royal family of Saiya.

After all, he is only a fourth level life.

The Saiyan planet does not have a plane guardian in the strict sense, or the Saiyan royal family is actually the plane guardian of the Saiya planet.

The fit earrings are the secret treasure inherited by the royal family from generation to generation.

The Saia family is king by strength. When the last king of Saia abdicated, he was shocked to find that the strongest of his two sons was tedanir, who was not pure of royal blood, rather than his second son.

Why didn\'t the last king of the Saia Shocked.

Royal blood has always been a powerful proof. If tedanil, whose mother is a non Royal member, inherits the throne, it will bring great shock and influence to the ruling position of the Saiya royal family.

This is the result that the last Saiyan king could not accept in any case.

So on the eve of his death and abdication, the last Saiyan king made a deal with his eldest son.

That is to give up the election for the throne and hand over the integrated Earrings handed down from generation to generation to tedanil as compensation.

Birth has always been a stain on tedanil\'s life, but in the face of the earnest admonition of the last king of Saia, tedanil accepted his father\'s suggestion and was willing to give up the election for the throne.

As for his later duel with the king of contemporary Saiya, he took the initiative to ask for a battle after the king of Saiya inherited the throne and was unwilling to admit that he was weaker than tedanil.

Naturally, the result of the battle was tedanil\'s victory, and the king of contemporary Saiya tacitly accepted the fact that tedanil was in charge of the royal family\'s secret treasure.

There is a requirement for using fit earrings, that is, both users must have royal blood. When on biological planet 6, there were five level-4 saiyas, and only prince burta and two other level-4 saiyas carried royal blood.

In that case, of course, tedanir preferred the prince burta with stronger strength and purer blood. Facts have proved that his choice is correct.

It has a five level peak strength level. After getting the power of burta, tedanir\'s strength broke through level 6 in one fell swoop.

Although it was the first time to enter level 6, with the superior fighting talent of the Saiya family and the strong fighting will in case of strength, TEDA nileng was on a par with level 6 strong Mei and hit level 5 astrologer Luo Bo hard.

If he fits in with his half brother, the king of the Saiyan people, tedanir is afraid that his strength will enter the middle of level 6 at one fell swoop. After three times of Super Saiyan transformation, he can add his strength to the later stage of level 6.

For the sixth level water element magician Mei, he is not sure of winning, but he has a 70% kill rate.

After all, magicians are better at long-distance combat. As long as tedanil finds a chance to attack close, even Mei, a veteran of level 6, can\'t get well.

But one of the questions is, will may be willing to let tedanil close.

There is also level 5 astrologer rob. Tedanil can see through May\'s essence of life, but he can\'t see through rob. Tedanil has never heard of that strange body of rules.

But no matter what the outcome will be, in this case, tedanil must give the king of the Saia a reassurance.

Only when the king of Saia doesn\'t panic, can their Saia family have the hope and possibility of counterattack.

From this point of view, it seems that tedanil with a better heart is more suitable to become the king of Saia.

On the other hand, when he learned that he was combined with tedanil, he could subdue the level 6 strong man. The gloom of the king of Saia did not dissipate too much.

Because the fitting earrings have a disadvantage, that is, after the two royal warriors are combined, the dominance of the new body is in the hands of the stronger Saiya warrior. If the king of Saiya is combined with tedanir, tedanir must take the initiative after the combination.

The king of Saia, known as the strongest warrior of the Saia family, how can he tolerate the fact that he is weaker than tedanil.

In addition to this personal self-esteem factor, the defeat of the Saiyan army on biological planets 6 and 7 also kept the king of Saiya from smiling for a long time.

There are 16 strong people above level 4 in the Saiya family. Now they have fought with these alien people for less than two years, and six super Saiya soldiers have fallen successively. How can we not make the situation of the Saiya family worse.

On the western front, there are also covetous nemex and amphibians. Too many level-4 Saiya soldiers will inevitably cause changes between nemex and amphibians, which is very disadvantageous to the Saiya family.

However, it is not enough not to transfer the troops on the western front. Compared with the nemex and amphibians who are pressed within the scope of their parent star, it is obvious that this group of powerful alien knights and magicians are more threatening.

"Just leave nott on the western front. I hope he can control the Mexicans and amphibians." Said the king of Saia with a long sigh.

Nott is the last level 5 Saia warrior in the Saia family, in addition to the king of Saia, tedanir and popney.

It is also the lowest ranking among the level 5 Saiya warriors, only the level of entering level 5.

Leaving nott on the Western Front battlefield is also to bluff a shot and frighten the nemex and amphibians. If nemex and crocodile fear attack the Saiya region at the same time, they will be in danger of being attacked from both sides.