Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 795

"Brother Locke, here you are." A sensible first-class Knight came up and handed Locke a white combat suit.

The little guy can plunder materials without forgetting Locke, the leader.

Locke often takes a supportive attitude towards this kind of discerning and valuable younger generation.

"This energy essence is for you. Do it well." Locke patted the first-class knight on the shoulder, encouraged him, and threw him a second-class energy essence that he didn\'t use up.

Although the remaining energy is less than one-third, the level of this wind attribute energy essence is level 2. It is already a rare treasure for a wind attribute knight.

"Thank you, brother Locke!" The first-class Knight smiled and thanked.

Compared with a second-class energy essence, the little guy was more willing to let Locke, a strong man with the same attribute, give himself some advice in cultivation.

It\'s a pity that Locke can\'t even take care of a meimila. There\'s no time to meddle with others.

The blue enchanted armor has been damaged in many places. Although it has the ability to automatically absorb the free energy around and repair it slowly, it will take at least two or three days to repair this enchanted armor.

Simply put the Saiyan combat clothes in his hands directly on his body and feel a lighter physique. Locke still agrees with the Saiyan technology. In terms of comfort, the Saiyan combat clothes are far more than the cold magic armor.

(it\'s cold because Locke\'s blue magic armor was purchased in the digital world. The original power is ice.)

"How\'s it going?" Asked Locke when he saw Ashar falling from the sky.

The Shura field has not changed much from before, but there are more mysterious veins around the ring. Locke, who has a spiritual connection with the Shura field, knows that the quality of the Shura field has been improved.

According to the explanation of the three-star war soul Hawthorne, the highest level of the Shura field is 18 floors, and when the quality is improved to more than four floors, the Shura field will also turn into a tower shape and become a Shura tower.

Now, compared with the previous two-story Shura field, the number of living creatures below level 1 has increased to 5000, and the first-class creatures can also have a loading capacity of 50 units. Although they can\'t accommodate second-class creatures, Locke is very satisfied with the changes in the Shura field.

"The Horcruxes of the war soul clan are indeed quite extraordinary. Although I can\'t fully analyze this equipment, some minor improvements can still be achieved." Ashar came up and said to Locke.

"How to improve?" Locke asked, although the way of flesh and blood sacrifice is direct, Locke may not have such a good opportunity to use the remains of thousands of creatures for him in the future.

You know, the corpses of ordinary Saiya people were also purchased. Locke\'s ability to do so this time mainly depends on his position as the leader of the team.

It would be great if there were a method other than blood sacrifice to improve the quality of the Shura field.

The way Ashar can think of is naturally related to magic alchemy. "I found that the soul power is somewhat similar to the soul energy. In the blood sacrifice, the Shura field is also absorbing the soul energy after the death of ordinary Saiya people. When you return to the laboratory, I will make some modifications to your Shura field."

Ashar didn\'t say how to modify it. After all, even if she told Locke, Locke didn\'t necessarily understand it.

Eight hundred ordinary saiyas were driven into the Shura field. These are almost eight hundred walking energy spars. These ordinary saiyas are the property of the whole team, not his personal property,

Locke can\'t let his knights and magician Bai work with him. Of course, the mission center of the moon Corps will give them enough compensation, but Locke should also appropriately show his magnanimity.

It\'s necessary to restrain the bones of his comrades in arms. These little guys who don\'t even know Locke\'s name fall on the ectopic surface. It\'s too cruel if they can\'t even bring the ashes back to the mother plane.

As for the bones of slave creatures, they were either recycled as magic materials or became the rations of living slave creatures. Knights and magicians did not put their compassion on these humble slaves.

The garrison base of the Huiyue legion, which has been built here, is even more towering and tall than Locke when they left. Several magic towers stand around the garrison base, and each magic tower has the terror energy of level 3 magicians.

The neat Knight troops carry out daily patrols in the camp, while the magicians add and maintain the defense prohibition and magic shield around the base.

As evidenced by the completion of the task handed over in the task center, Locke obtained about 15 secondary energy essence, which were all converted into wind attribute energy essence at Locke\'s request.

In their daily cultivation, knights and magicians mainly absorb the free energy particles in the air. They often use the energy essence. Ordinary people really can\'t afford it.

Locke, who has been stuck at the peak of the earth knight for some time, has been considering using enough energy essence to force himself into the heaven knight.

Especially after assar showed that he had the strength to use level 3 magic, Locke\'s idea became more urgent.

Cultivation is a hard work. After the second level energy essence of a wind attribute is consumed, the improvement of Locke\'s fighting spirit level is very little. He needs to be prepared for a long war.

Cultivation is inseparable from materials. The energy essence of more than a dozen secondary wind attributes did not satisfy Locke. Almost this task had just been completed, and Locke was considering receiving the next task.

"I suggest you don\'t get the task for the time being. The Legion will make a big move in three days." Nina whispered to Locke at the front desk of the mission center.

"What big move?" Locke took a step forward quietly, blocking the people around him from seeing their realization.

Nina didn\'t talk nonsense. She took out a crystal ball directly. On the crystal ball, there was a rough map of biological planet No. 5. Nina\'s index finger pointed to one of the Saiya medium-sized cities.

In this area, there are only three large Saiyan cities, while there are about ten medium-sized cities. At least one level-3 strong man dares to fight against medium-sized cities and lead the troops of knights and magicians.

In fact, one of the three demigods of the moon Corps launched an attack on this medium-sized city. This Saiyan medium-sized city called sea blue city will also be the first artillery attack of the moon Corps on biological planet 5.

After leaving the Mission Center, Locke went to the logistics office, mainly to get rid of the hundreds of ordinary saiyas.

Not all of them were sold. According to the distribution of booty, he and Ashar could at least get 200 ordinary saiyas. Compared with the low-level grey dwarfs in Shura field, it is obvious that these saiyas with higher quality are more suitable to become Locke\'s new slaves.

Meimila\'s opponents in actual combat training should also be changed.