Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 794

Huiyue Legion has clearly arranged the task of catching ordinary saiyas. These 800 ordinary saiyas are also the only living people in this town.

Locke\'s Shura field can theoretically carry 3000 living creatures below level 1. For the magic guide of life, the role of Shura field has exceeded most alchemy items.

Ashar also studied Locke\'s Shura field for some time, but due to the lack of knowledge system of the soul fighting world and the lack of understanding of the power of soul power, Ashar did not study much.

Without the bottom knowledge framework, even a genius like Ashar can\'t be omniscient.

"I heard the three-star war soul who sold my Shura field say that flesh and blood sacrifice can improve the quality of the Shura field. Do you want to have a try?" Locke asked with his head sideways.

The most important thing in this ruined town around is the corpses. It\'s also a waste to put the dead bodies of thousands of ordinary Saiya people here. It\'s better to devour them in Shura field.

Ashar is also interested in Locke\'s proposal. Shura field is one of the few props she can\'t see through the functional operation principle. If she watches closely how Shura field improves its quality through flesh and blood sacrifice, it\'s not sure what new discoveries Ashar will make.

The actions of Locke and Ashar also attracted the attention of joyna over there. The woman has just lifted her blood transformation state, and women pay great attention to her appearance. No matter from which aspect, the appearance of joyna\'s blood transformation is not in line with the perspective of aesthetics.

The ring-shaped Shura field in her hand was held up by Ashar. Ashar didn\'t forget to release all the living creatures stored in it before starting the flesh and blood sacrifice.

More than 100 grey dwarves suddenly appeared. These were the low-level slaves Locke bought from the underground world. These slaves had very low wisdom, and the strongest were just low-level attendants. As soon as they appeared here, there was a small-scale commotion.

A large number of first-class creatures around and the aftermath of the fierce battle madly stimulated the nerves of these poor guys. If their master Locke hadn\'t been standing nearby, the grey dwarfs would have dispersed in a crowd.

To Locke\'s satisfaction, not all the grey dwarfs behaved so badly. The grey dwarf named "little seven" by meimila behaved relatively normally. At this time, little seven was also severely restraining the more than 100 grey dwarf slaves to calm down.

"Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!" Little seven\'s throat was opened by meimila, so this guy\'s voice broke down and could only roar like a beast.

It\'s also quite magical. Under Xiao Qi\'s roaring command, the more than 100 grey dwarf slaves gradually calmed down after the initial panic.

"Well, good performance. I can consider giving you a forging medicine next time." Locke nodded at little seven.

"Master... You?!" Next to her, meimila, who was released from the Shura field, pointed to Locke. She was shocked, scared and excited.

Locke hasn\'t released his blood transformation yet. This is the first time meimila saw Locke\'s blood transformation. She thinks that only a few people like jelina are handsome after Locke\'s blood transformation. Most people feel terrible when they see Locke\'s white bones and strange wings.

Meimila\'s reaction was expected by Locke.

"This is just a brief appearance after my blood changes. If you feel afraid, I can change back." Locke said that he still cares about his little apprentice.

Meimila, one meter six tall, is really short in front of Locke, who is five meters tall. The little girl needs to raise her head and look up to see Locke\'s half skeleton and half metal head.

The wings were folded, the bone armor gradually turned into free energy particles and dissipated into invisibility. Locke\'s physique was also slowly declining. In the blink of an eye, Locke changed back to his human form of 1.8 meters tall.

"Lose 80% of your fighting spirit." After feeling the remaining fighting Qi in his body, Locke vomited a mouthful of turbid Qi.

Seeing that the master has changed back to his familiar appearance, her short gray hair is floating in the smoke, and meimila\'s face is red. Compared with the terrible appearance after the master\'s transformation, she is still Locke in human form, which is more popular with meimila.

Touching meimila\'s small head, Locke and the surrounding knights and magicians witnessed the blood sacrifice in Shura field.

ASAR has flown to an altitude of 200 meters. At this altitude, you can have a panoramic view of the Saiyan town turned into ruins. Countless bloody and death smells are intertwined. It may be that you feel the upcoming blood sacrifice, and the Shura field emits bursts of red light.

There is no need for too redundant steps. Ashar uses magic to stimulate the power core of the Shura field, and feels the rich blood and meat offerings around. The red light of the Shura field is becoming more and more prosperous.

Countless dead bodies and debris floated from all directions from this waste Saiyan town. Only one tenth of the ordinary saians survived in the 8000 Saiyan town. At this time, they were all rushed to the slave biota for strict care.

The movement caused by Shura field not only shocked the nearby knights and magicians, but also made the ordinary Saiya people who became lambs to be slaughtered extremely frightened.

Less than level 1, they didn\'t become Saiyan soldiers. These ordinary saians don\'t have the tyranny and war loving psychology of Saiyan soldiers. To be honest, they tremble at the moment, which is not much different from ordinary indigenous creatures.

Like a stream, the blood gathered from all aspects of the town and finally gathered into a long river. Countless pieces of dead Saiya people also floated over. The scene was spectacular and terrible.

The red light of the ring Shura field slowly twisted and turned into a whirlpool of whales swallowing everything, blood and biological meat. At this time, it poured into it, and at the same time, some indescribable changes took place in the Shura field.

Ashar is the closest to the Shura field. Looking at the nearby Shura field swallowing these blood and meat offerings, Ashar with keen perception seems to have captured some useful information.

Take the crystal ball out of the space ring, and Ashar began to record the operation changes and element concentration indicators of Shura field at this time.

It took half a day to sacrifice flesh and blood. During this half day, the Knights and magicians led by Locke also plundered the basic materials of the town.

The magicians searched for the scientific research products of the Saiya family, especially the energy shield transmitter in the center of the town, which was taken care of by the magicians.

The Knights mainly took some rare minerals and spare combat clothes, space capsules and other high-value items in the Saiyan warrior base.