Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 793

ASAR is faster than joyna. The tacit understanding with Locke is there. Almost the moment Locke collides with the intermediate Saiya people, ASAR\'s Offensive Magic also completes the casting process.

Night obscures the eyes of ordinary people, but for the strong above level 1, the application skills of control and mental power are not much different between night and day.

A black energy ball emitting a dead breath was thrown from Ashar\'s hand, and the direction of advance was the intermediate Saiya who heard the news.

The other two intermediate saiyas are still rushing here. They must kill this person in the shortest time to complete Locke\'s first tactical idea.

Ashar completely adheres to the fighting idea taught by Locke. The intensity of each magic attack is a terrorist attack that makes secondary creatures dare not despise the edge.

After a roar, the intermediate Saiya warrior turned into a giant ape with his own fighting blood. It was clear that he had just fought with the two alien giants, but the intermediate Saiya warrior felt like he was dying.

If you don\'t transform into a giant ape as soon as possible to greatly increase your defense and vitality, the intermediate Saiyan soldiers will not live long in front of these two murderous gods.

"I\'ll help you too!" The burning flame wings are quite conspicuous in the night, which is also the first time Locke saw joyna\'s blood transformation.

According to the transformation strength of joyna\'s blood, the blood she fused is probably no worse than Locke\'s lost Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it must be the blood of a powerful tertiary creature.

The flaming fireballs emerged from the wings behind joyna. In a short time, more than ten flaming fireballs appeared in the sky, and this number is still rising.

"Fire meteor!" Joyna scolded, and the fireball in the sky, driven by the flame wings behind her, suddenly hit the intermediate Saiya who turned into a 20 meter high on the ground.

The smell of charred meat and hair came. Although each fireball only has a level-1 peak energy level, the fire meteors formed by so many fireballs have exceeded the scope of level-1 attack and reached the level-2 peak level.

In the burst of fire element frenzy, the intermediate Saiyan transformed into a giant ape and howled in pain.

"This woman has a lot of skills." Seeing joyna\'s strong posture, Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

He underestimated joyna. He could reach this level as a woman. Joyna was far stronger than ordinary human knights.

It\'s not Locke\'s character to be robbed of the limelight by a woman. The three bone spurs on his left arm cross with his right hand. The surging wind attribute fighting spirit is brewed from Locke\'s hands.

"The wind roars!!!" A wind attribute air bomb with a diameter of more than three meters gathered in front of Locke and finally hit the head of the intermediate Saiya with a swift and violent posture.

At the same time, the concentration of surrounding dark elements rises sharply, "dark energy Rhapsody!" Ashar, holding a magic wand, also completed the singing of another powerful magic.

The fierce battle has begun.

The twenty first-class magicians brought by Locke also began their own performances.

Cold wind element, violent thunder element, hot fire element, cold ice element, solid soil element Gorgeous magic played over this Saiyan town with less than 8000 residents.

After a night of hard work

The once vibrant and clean Saiyan towns have been reduced to ruins.

In the face of the raids of knights and magicians led by Locke, the Saiya people in this town were more quickly overwhelmed by the powerful strength of the enemy after showing their initial bravery.

The weak have no right to live. A total of 107 low-level Saiyan soldiers were killed by knights and magicians. The price they paid was only the death of 36 companions, including 27 knights and 9 magicians.

This casualty figure is also very low in the whole Huiyue Legion. It all depends on the help of Locke, asal and Joanna.

There is no situation of undead people in the war, and Locke is not arrogant enough to think that he can achieve zero casualties and reduce the loss of troops as much as possible. That\'s what he should do when leading the team. It\'s better to save his unrealistic delusion.

Among them, the most serious loss was slave creatures, and less than 200 of the 500 slave creatures survived.

Because it was these slave creatures that slaughtered ordinary saians, Saiyan soldiers also focused on these slave creatures.

Only two of the most vigorous cold wave earthworms and crystal Devourers survived the twentieth level Warcraft. They are now the leaders of the remaining slave creatures.

"Is your injury okay?" Ashar flew over and asked Locke.

There are not many people that can make Ashar care about. Locke is one.

After the transformation, the physique grew to five meters, and assar needed to be three meters off the ground to barely keep eye contact with Locke.

Locke\'s white boned bone armor in his abdomen was broken. For Locke, the bone armor is not an unconscious armor, but similar to the cuticle of the skin.

These seven bones were broken by a crazy middle-level Saiya\'s life. This is the first time Locke has suffered so much in the hands of Saiya.

"An intermediate Saiya with a combat effectiveness of 762. I didn\'t expect such a strong guy in this town." Locke showed his teeth in pain. Behind him, a black haired giant ape with a physique of about 25 meters lay quietly in the ruins and fire.

Before the transformation, the combat effectiveness was 762. After the transformation into a giant ape, the combat effectiveness of this intermediate Saiya man was close to 900 and became a peak second-class creature equivalent to Locke. Locke would really be hard to kill this guy without the help of Ashar and joyna.

"Thank you for your flame barrier, or I might break more than seven bones." Locke said to joyna, who was exhausted not far away.

The flame wings were still burning, but the flame was much weaker. Joyna, who was unable to stand because of exhaustion, leaned against a stone wall and thanked Locke with a white eye. "It consumes me a burning pearl. I want 50% of the income of this intermediate Saiya."

"No problem." Locke agreed without thinking.

If joyna had not used a precious prop at the last minute to isolate the middle-level Saiyan warrior who was about to explode by means of a flame barrier, Locke doubted whether she would have such a clear consciousness now.

The cleaning of the battle was still going on. Ashar handed Locke a recovery potion and borrowed his Shura field.

Nearby, 800 surviving ordinary saiyas were driven by slave creatures. Only Locke\'s Shura field can hold so many live props.


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