Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 792

"Master, is it possible to break this energy shield quietly?" Outside the Saiyan town marked d186 by the mission center of the moon corps, Locke preached to Ashar\'s spiritual power.

In front of them, a blue energy shield covering almost three-quarters of the towns is emitting a faint light.

To break the blue energy shield, it\'s just about two or three rounds of Volley by more than 20 magicians in the team, but Locke doesn\'t want to scare the snake.

With their sensitive sensing and assar\'s magic detection, they found three opponents of the same level in this Saiyan town.

If you hit hard in the front, Locke and Ashar are confident that they can deal with an intermediate Saiyan warrior alone, but it\'s hard to say for the bottom knights and magicians.

The superior fighting talent of the Saiya family allows them to be superior to most creatures of the same level. Except for top knights and magicians such as Locke and Ashar, ordinary people can hardly be their opponents one-on-one.

Quietly breaking this layer of energy shield can make them catch each other by surprise. Moreover, fighting in the city where ordinary Saiya people live can also disrupt the order of the city and facilitate them to fish in troubled waters.

Locke prefers to find a chance to work with Ashar to kill one intermediate Saiya first, and then deal with the remaining two.

The strength of the knight joyna Locke is not very clear, but since she is a female knight, her actual combat effectiveness Locke can\'t expect much, she still has to rely on herself.

If he can fight in groups, he will never fight alone. Locke does not have the arrogance of the Saiyan soldiers. For him, that method is good for him, and he will use which one.

For Locke\'s question, Ashar pondered for a moment and replied, "yes, but I need time."

In the Space Fortress, assar mainly studied the scientific research achievements of the Saiya people, and the direction is the energy shield.

In the ice half plane, ASAR obtained a group of alien slaves from Locke, including a Puka star man or a two-star forging master. The energy shield technology was originally proposed by the Puka star man.

Ashar is a second-class magician with real materials. Without perfect assurance, she can\'t say such absolute words.

Now it is the night of biological planet 5. Everything is quiet, and there are stars in the sky. Most Saiya people in this Saiya town are gradually falling asleep.

The news of alien invasion broadcast during the day has indeed terrified many citizens, but life has not passed. Apart from a small number of rich and powerful people, the whole family has moved to medium and large cities, most saiyas in this town have to face the reality.

The powerful Saiyan soldier guard team and the energy shield transmitter in the center of the town give the ordinary Saiyan people in the town a certain sense of security. Looking at the light blue energy shield fluorescence outside the window, countless ordinary Saiyan people try to hypnotize and persuade themselves that they are very safe and do not need to worry about alien people breaking in.

According to the situation of the Saiya region for thousands of years, it has always been the Saiya people invading other planets. There is no precedent for the indigenous people of other planets to hit their Saiya region.

The Saiyan soldiers are not vegetarian.

6、 The tragedy of the No. 7 biological planet was completely blocked by the Saia people. The poor No. 5 biological planet is unknown to ordinary Saia people. The two biological planets closest to them have become human purgatory at this time.

“%*&#¥@*......” Ashar\'s low singing echoed on the outskirts of the small town.

In order to avoid the turbulence of element rhythm and arouse the vigilance of Saiya soldiers in the town, assar made a special trip to stabilize the element arrangement order in the nearby space with her huge spiritual power before casting the spell.

The last spell came out of Ashar\'s mouth, and a dazzling white light crossed and went straight into the light blue energy shield. After the ripples of the energy shield, the color of the light blue energy shield became lighter and lighter, and finally disappeared into invisibility.

Assar\'s success boosted the morale of the following knights and magicians, and even the knight joyna looked at assar in surprise.

It seems that someone in the town found the abnormality of the energy shield, and the subtle noise gradually sounded. Locke also needs to face up to the detection of energy, so as not to give Saiya people too many opportunities to respond.

Take out the long gun from the space ring, and instantly complete the transformation. Locke, who became a five meter high monster, roared and rushed to the Saiya town first.

The buildings and living creatures passed by were turned into debris and corpses under Locke\'s boundless and sharp fighting wind blade.

Locke\'s leading role played a great role at the moment. Without Locke\'s greeting, the Knights and slave creatures below also spread their feet to stimulate their full strength, followed Locke and rushed to the Saiyan town.

The purpose of this battle, at the beginning of the mission, Locke told the following knights and magicians that they must be fast, accurate and cruel. When the Saiyan soldiers are not organized to form effective combat effectiveness, they must consume as much of their effective strength as possible.

Assar\'s practice of breaking the energy shield is very good for them. At this time, every Knight turns into a human beast to destroy and kill everything in front of them.

In fact, those slave creatures in the team are more cruel. Their huge size and bloodthirsty temperament, and slave creatures above hundreds of advanced Warcraft are the real destruction experts.

In the hands of the lightning leopard, there are only half of the dead Saiya townspeople. In the nose of the four horned mammoth, there are three or four Saiya mixed corpses. On the claws of the fierce wind owl, there are poor people awakened from deep sleep

In the face of ordinary saiyas with less than one level of life, ferocious slave creatures are their nightmares.

"Is that the guy\'s changing posture?" In the rear, looking at Locke\'s back with wings and pierced a low-level Saiyan who came with three bone spurs in his left arm, geoknight joyna exclaimed.

In terms of the knight\'s blood after transformation, Locke\'s appearance is indeed much more ferocious and powerful than ordinary knights.

Only jielina, a person with unique aesthetics, will feel that Locke\'s blood looks very handsome after transformation.

There was no hesitation for too long. Locke had led the cavalry and slave creatures into the Saiyan town. How could joyna shrink back when she came to perform the task together.

After a loud scream, joyna also completed her blood transformation.

The back opened a pair of red burning wings, the skin became crimson, the cheeks elongated, four tusks came out of joyna\'s mouth, the legs bent into the hind legs of some kind of beast, and the physique didn\'t stop until it grew to four meters.

Flapping the wings of the flame, joyna chased in the direction of Locke, where the energy wave of the intermediate Saiya came.