Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 791

The No. 5 biological planet has a pleasant climate and beautiful environment. After thousands of years of diligent construction by millions of ordinary Saiya people expelled from Saiya, high-rise buildings have sprung up here.

Ordinary Saiya people do not have the combat effectiveness that Saiya soldiers are proud of, but they still have achieved good brilliance and achievements with their own wisdom.

Due to the difficulty of childbearing, the population of Saiya people in each city is not very large, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Except for a few large cities, there are few cities with a population of more than 200000.

The looting mission obtained by Locke from Nina is the town level with the lowest risk factor.

"A small town with a population of only 8000." Looking at the mission described in the knight\'s medal, Locke whispered.

Based on the base number of 8000 ordinary saiyas, the city looted by Locke should have nearly 100 low-level saiyas, and the number of middle-level saiyas should not exceed three.

As for the senior Saiya, Locke didn\'t believe he would be so back that he could meet the senior Saiya with a combat effectiveness of more than 1000 at the smallest town level.

Senior Saiya are already the highest combat power in this micro plane. I\'m afraid all senior Saiya in this plane gather in those medium and large cities to protect more ordinary Saiya.

Rob a Saiyan town with 8000 people. Naturally, Locke can\'t be alone.

In the cold ice half plane, Locke attracted many first-class knights to follow him. The third-class sky Knight directly above was also very sure of Locke\'s ability. It was no problem to gather enough people in the Huiyue Legion.

"Do you want to go together?" Locke made a special trip to Ashar.

It is a common thing for magicians to often lock themselves in the laboratory for research, but Ashar obviously needs to be more isolated. Locke hopes that Ashar can go out from time to time.

"Yes, I happen to lack a batch of Saiya specimens." Ashar nodded.

There is no easier time to obtain Saia specimens than on the planet where Saia live.

The Saiyan soldiers above level 1 are too belligerent and have too fierce temperament. They would rather die than step back. Even their bodies are difficult to be captured by knights and magicians.

Locke has seen the self explosion of Saiya soldiers more than once, which is also one of his admiration for Saiya, a fighting nation.

In contrast, ordinary saiyas below the first level, no matter how violent their temperament is, assar is still confident to knock them out and control them before they reveal their intention to explode.

Although any creature will have a qualitative improvement in gene and blood code after being promoted to the first level, this improvement is also limited. If there are enough ordinary Saiyan specimens, assar is confident that he can further explore the powerful blood root of Saiyan soldiers and find something valuable.

Locke pursues strength and assar pursues knowledge. They are actually the same kind of people.

With a powerful secondary magician like Ashar joining in, Locke has more confidence in the looting task he received.

Through the contact of the Knight Medal and the introduction of the Mission Center, a total of 78 first-class knights and 26 first-class magicians are willing to participate in the looting mission.

So many participating knights and magicians have greatly exceeded Locke\'s previous expectations.

It seems that Locke and Ashar have achieved results in the ice half plane.

In the circle of the second-class strong, only Locke and Ashar have successively captured the terrible number of six intermediate saiyas in the ice half plane.

There are few stage of lone Rangers in the ectopic war. Both knights and magicians are willing to follow the strong. They have to ensure their lives first, and then have the mind to plunder resources.

"I\'ll take part in your looting mission." The one who said this was joyna, whom Locke had met several times in the moon Corps.

This woman not only has the strength of the land knight, but also has a good position and contacts in the Huiyue Legion. This time she wants to join Locke\'s looting mission, she must be in order to have a close look at the real strength of Morlock, the so-called "First Knight of the Huiyue Legion".

Locke had a sense of bewilderment about the title given to him by outsiders.

The number of land Knights owned by the Huiyue Legion is nearly 100. This title roasts him on the fire. Privately, some land knights are not convinced to fight with him, but because the war is still going on, everyone points to the end.

It can\'t be said that Locke won every game, but at least he hasn\'t suffered a loss.

Moreover, the combat effectiveness of Locke is described on the combat effectiveness detector. In human form, his combat effectiveness is indeed comparable to that of few people in the Huiyue Legion.

There is a knight to join, of course, Locke welcomes with both hands. Not to mention anything else, just the contacts and status joyna has in the Huiyue Legion is enough to make Locke accept.

Facts have proved that Locke\'s choice is correct.

Not only more than 20 first-class Knights under joyna joined the looting mission, but the official deployment of the Huiyue Legion gave them nearly 500 slave creatures.

It\'s almost all joyna\'s face.

Locke has long seen the combat effectiveness of slave creatures in the abarut empire. The lowest level slave creatures are high-level Warcraft. Among the slave creatures assigned to them by the moon corps, Locke even saw nearly 20 first-level Warcraft.

If the scale of the Saiyan town to be attacked is not too small, I\'m afraid that the Huiyue Legion can also send secondary super level Warcraft slave creatures to a small city with more than 10000 people.

Losers cannot lose the array. The competition between Huiyue Legion and greedy wolf Legion has already started when the two space fortresses come from different directions.

In order to encourage level II and III Knights like Locke to actively lead their troops to attack the Saiyan City, the headquarters of the Huiyue Legion not only improved the task remuneration by several levels, but also made their best efforts in the distribution of slave creatures.

The mighty biological army of knights, magicians and slaves, led by three second-class strong men, went to a small Saiyan town not far from the space fortress.

In terms of the strategic layout of the earth 5 biological planet, the high-level of the moon corps and the high-level of the greedy wolf Corps do not intend to bite into a fat man. Anyway, there is a four-month mission period, so it\'s just to move forward slowly.

First pull out the towns of the peripheral Saiya people and small and medium-sized cities one by one, and finally concentrate the superior forces to attack several large cities of the Saiya people.

In terms of the number of Saiyan soldiers left behind in this position, there is no reason for Huiyue Legion and greedy wolf Legion to lose anyway.

The only thing to pay attention to is how they can control and reduce the casualties of their troops.