Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 790

The latest order of the moon Corps is to attack two planets that are very close together, and there is a space fortress in the middle as a signal transfer station. Jelina\'s crystal ball can communicate with Locke\'s Knight Medal, but the energy crystal consumed is probably astronomical.

She glared at jelina and motioned her not to talk. Locke began to discuss with Ashar what they should pay attention to after arriving at biological planet 5. There are many strange creatures and minerals on the Saiyan biological planet 5. Ashar\'s experimental specimens need to be increased, and Locke\'s vault should be expanded.


Two huge space fortresses broke through the obstacles of plane barriers and landed on the continent of biological planet 5.

One space fortress belongs to the moon corps and the other to the greedy wolf Corps.

Hundreds of energy rays were emitted from several large cities of the Saiyan people on the biological planet No. 5, targeting two space fortresses.

The magic shield of the Space Fortress opened. Under the energy supply of more than 100 large element pools in the fortress, the magic shield on the surface of the Space Fortress did not produce too much waves in the face of the energy rays of the Saiya people.

The temporary defense line established by level 5 Saiyan soldier Bopu on the third, fourth and fifth biological planet has limited combat power. According to the intelligence issued by the moon corps, there may be less than 10000 Saiyan soldiers above level 1 in the micro plane of biological planet 5.

It is also because of the weak defense force that when the two space fortresses of the abalute Empire came to this micro plane, no decent Saiyan army came out to block it, but hundreds of painless energy rays as a welcome fireworks.

Objective - to occupy biological planet 5 within four months, remove the remaining Saiyan soldiers and establish a stable space transmission channel.

This is the basic task index issued by the moon Corps.

"It\'s a miniature plane with pleasant scenery." Hundreds of floating ships flew around from the interior of the Space Fortress like scattered flowers. Among them, Locke sighed to Ashar.

The landing site of the Space Fortress of the moon Legion is located in the east of the micro plane, while the landing site of the Space Fortress of the greedy wolf Legion is located in the west of the micro plane.

If we are not absolutely confident in our own strength, we believe that the high-level leaders of both sides will not reach such a consensus.

In the ranking of the main legions of the magic Empire, the strength level of the Huiyue Legion is almost the same as that of the greedy wolf Legion. The only difference is that the Huiyue Legion is backed by the Huiyue holy tower, and the head of the army is the demon general Cecilia.

The commander of the greedy wolf Legion is a well-known demigod strong man for a long time.

Although the overall strength of the two legions is not much different, the status of the heads of the two armies is not equal, so that the greedy wolf legion, which is dominated by knights, has always been one of the low brightness moon legions.

This time, they attacked and invaded the micro world from different directions with the Huiyue legion, but also to prove that they are stronger than the Huiyue Legion.

At this time, the head of the temporary army leading the Huiyue Legion is no longer the ice demigod hosev who is powerful in the ice half plane, but an earth demigod magician in the Huiyue holy tower.

Hosev was not originally part of the Hui Yue Legion. After the first World War of the cold ice half plane, the highly meritorious demigod has been transferred back to the gale Legion by Cecilia to join the gale Legion in the attack on the stronger No. 3 Biological planet in the temporary defense line of the Saia people.

Soon after the Space Fortress landed, the intensive base preparation work began. With the help of thousands of magicians above level 1, with the help of turning corruption into magic, but in just half a day, a towering and solid fortress base has been built.

"I need a mission to rob the nearby Saiyan city." At the mission center of the fortress base, Locke winked at Nina sitting at the front desk.

The girl went back to her job as the receptionist of the task center.

"Just a moment, please." Winked at Locke playfully, Nina said formulaically.

Like other knights and magicians who receive missions, Nina injects a mission information into Locke\'s Knight Medal.