Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 789

The great victories of the abbalut empire on the sixth and seventh biological planets were transmitted not only to the mother plane, but also to Locke\'s ice half plane.

In just one and a half years of fighting, he captured six level-4 strong opponents of the enemy. Abbalut is worthy of the magic empire. You know, in the digital world war that Locke has participated in so far, the enemy has only five level-4 or above creatures at most.

With the east wind of the great victory, the millions of troops of the abbalut empire in the Saiya region began to push towards the center of the Saiya region.

The 200000 Saiyan army once led by the fifth level Saiyan warrior bopney lost most of its losses on biological planet 7, while the 150000 Saiyan army led by the Saiyan Prince lost all of its losses on biological planet 6.

In the face of the encirclement and suppression of ten strong men above level 4 in abarut and the endless legions of knights, magicians and slave creatures, no matter how good at fighting, the Saiyan soldiers of biological planet 6 can only lower their arrogant heads when facing opponents whose strength is far higher than their own.

Even when they were on the sixth biological planet, there were too many strong people above level 4 in the abbalut Empire, and the strong people such as tedanir on the Saiyan side were tired of dealing with the strong attacks of Mei and others. As a result, the 150000 Saiyan soldiers almost didn\'t achieve results in line with their own strength, and turned to withered bones under the double squeeze of rules and magic fighting spirit.

If we say that the No. 7 biological planet is in ruins under the bitter battle between many strong people above level 4 and the armies of both sides.

Then the sixth biological planet was almost destroyed by many strong men and a large number of creatures above level 1.

The laws that constitute the basic operation law of the plane are broken, and the plane consciousness is vague and invisible. It may take nearly 10000 years to recover by relying on the biological planet No. 6.

Not to mention how the two lower planets will be handled in the future, the primary task at present is to pursue the victory in order to achieve greater results.

The three imperial generals met again outside the No. 6 biological planet. Under the order of the level 6 strongman Mei, the three generals and millions of troops jointly attacked the temporary defense line set up by the Saiya people on the No. 3, 4 and 5 biological planet.

The fourth and fifth biological planets of the Saiya are micro planes. Although the third biological planet is a low-level plane, there are only two level-4 strong guards at this time.

This is the only strength that level 5 Saiya popney arranged when he led the army to retreat. The fierce power of the abbalut empire is too strong. After the disastrous defeat of the sixth and seventh biological planets, the Saiya must strive for enough time to enable them to reorganize an effective army.

In other words, the third, fourth and fifth biological planets have been regarded as abandoned children by the Saiya people. When necessary, the two level Four strongmen stationed on the third biological planet can also retreat on the premise of preserving themselves.

There are about 70000 Saiyan soldiers stationed on these three biological planets and seven surrounding mineral stars.

A mere 70000 troops, of course, can\'t turn the waves in front of the millions of troops of the abbalut empire.

However, it is undeniable that the imperial army could not contain the division of troops when there were so many offensive targets.

In the endless starry sky, riding in a space fortress of the abbalut Empire and looking at the bright star river outside, Locke once again marveled at the breadth and profundity of the endless world.

In the corridor inside the Space Fortress, meimila also lay curiously on the special window to enjoy the beauty of the star world with Locke.

This is the first time that meimila has stepped out of the plane, and it is also the first time that she knows the plane of her life. It is just a larger star in the endless universe.

Next, just out of the laboratory, after jelina greeted them, she sat next to meimila.

Since she recognized the relationship with meimila, jielina likes to knead this girl when she is free. Compared with the general love for meimila\'s sister, jielina may have more maternal nature.

I don\'t know if meimila suddenly has a two or three hundred year old dry sister, and the other party is still a second-class strong person. Is it a good thing or a bad thing for this girl.

"It\'s time for you to train." Locke patted meimila on the head and said.

The magicians of Ashar and Huiyue Santa tower have cracked the secret of the Saiya gravity chamber. This kind of cultivation chamber that can exert twice to 100 times the gravity is very suitable for knights.

In the room assigned to them by the moon legion, Locke specially asked Ashar to create a gravity chamber for him, both for his own cultivation and for meimila\'s cultivation.

With such a comfortable environment as the Space Fortress, meimila has never returned to the Shura field since she left the ice half plane. Instead, she sleeps with Locke every day. Anyway, the room is big enough.

"Can\'t sister meimila stay with me for a while?" Jelina glared at Locke.

Just finished an experimental study, jelina\'s face was covered with fatigue,

"I think what you should do now is rest." Locke turned around and gave jelina a back of her head. The more familiar she was with this woman, the less airs there was between them.

"Hum." Jielina snorted discontentedly. Based on her understanding of meimila, the little girl definitely listened to Locke, not her dry sister.

Sure enough, at Locke\'s urging, meimila left the Space Fortress corridor and walked to the gravity chamber in Locke\'s room. She needed to complete the homework Locke set for her every day.

Before leaving, meimila smiled apologetically to jielina. While her dry sister cared about her, she completely raised her as a daughter, which also made meimila a little distressed. She is not young this year, nor is she the young girl at the beginning. Why doesn\'t anyone treat her as an adult.

Yes, as time goes by, four years have passed since Locke took her away from the kingdom of Fusen. After four years, meimila is already an 18-year-old girl.

"Is the experiment going well?" When meimila entered the room, Locke asked casually.

He knows that recently, spell casters such as Ashar and jelina are committed to cracking various scientific and technological products of the Saiya people. Ashar\'s main direction is the new energy shield of the Saiya people, and jelina\'s main direction is the biological cabin that can sail alone for a short distance in the universe.

"It\'s OK. The basic principle of the composition of the Saiya biological cabin has been found out. Now it\'s just stuck in the use of energy." Jielina said, "the energy used by the Saiya family is mainly electric energy, and the energy we use is mainly energy spar."

"Electric energy?" Locke was stunned.

When it comes to electric energy, Locke thinks of the micro plane he once lived in, which is also a world dominated by electric energy. He doesn\'t know how the people he knows in that world are doing now.