Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 788

"Bang!" The burst water element exploded in the waters of biological planet 6.

The huge waves will devour the dead bodies of countless creatures floating on the sea level.

The sixth biological planet is now a veritable death planet. Mountains and rivers are interrupted, the earth\'s crust vibrates greatly, and the bombardment of more than a dozen strong people above level 4 and even the will to give way almost dissipated.

The endless rain of blood fell from the sky, which was full of the blood of invaders and saiyas.

Level 5 astrologer Luo Bo was seriously injured and unconscious. No wonder under Mei\'s rage, the rules of water in this plane had such a disordered change.

May finally knows why Lobo came all the way from the Oriental astrological land to help her. This Saiya family born in the low plane has a world-class secret treasure in their hands!

The world-class treasure is a treasure with the essence of a face. It can be produced naturally or artificially.

Take the wizard world as an example. As a powerful medium-sized world, the wizard world has seven world-class secrets, which are in the hands of powerful forces, individuals and plane guardians.

(the seven world-class treasures are: the blood melting pot held by the Warlocks on the west coast, the equivalent key owned by the business alliance capech, the light of wisdom and the eternal staff owned by Douglas, the master of the sky city, the destiny crystal ball of the Oriental astrological land, the absolute barrier in the hands of the plane guardian and the tears of the sea.)

Every world-class secret treasure has incredible power.

Taking the only light of wisdom as an example, this secret treasure refined by integrating supreme wisdom and knowledge from the position to the strong Douglas has almost promoted the prosperity and growth of the profession of arcane master.

It contains all the arcane research achievements and truth exploration progress in the plane. The light of wisdom can even represent the changes and deduction of the magic knowledge system of the wizard world for hundreds of millions of years.

Perhaps the actual combat value is almost zero, but the light of wisdom containing countless knowledge and magic is the dream of every caster.

Although the abbalut empire is so powerful in its mother position, like the Belem Empire, it has no world-class secret treasure town.

The world-class secret treasure of the Saiya family, which recently appeared on the sixth biological planet, is undoubtedly an aggressive secret treasure comparable to the blood melting pot and the eternal staff.

No wonder the level 5 astrologer Luo Bo predicted that the Saiyan family had a threat comparable to the level 6 strong. Leng, no one would have thought that the world-class secret treasure would appear in such a low level.

However, considering that the strength of the Saiya plane is infinitely close to the medium-sized plane, the emergence of the world-class secret treasure is both unexpected and reasonable.

Inside the blue ball, which is completely composed of the rules of water, Robert is lying quietly.

In the face of the sudden violent terrorist counterattack by the Saiya people, it was rob who saved Mei at the critical moment and traded his serious injury for Mei\'s safety.

"How\'s the chase going?" Holding back her anger, may asked the steel cast general crower behind her.

A close friend is seriously injured and unconscious. Level 6 water system element teacher Mei has reached the edge of violent walking.

People familiar with the ancestor of the abbalut Empire know what kind of temperament Mei is. Although she usually looks like an old neighbor\'s grandmother, she is actually a fierce woman.

If her talent is not compatible with water elements, Mei may be more suitable to become a fire or thunder element master.

"Nelson is chasing the two escaping saiyas with Gary and Clive, but the other party absconds very fast. The level 5 saiyas seem to have some space escape ability." Steel general crower replied honestly.

May\'s anger grew even more when she heard klauer\'s answer.

If she didn\'t need to stay here and protect Lobo\'s spiritual light and rule body, she would have killed and pursued the two foreign aborigines who fled with world-class treasures.

However, between the world-class secret treasure and the companions of hundreds of thousands of years of friendship, Mei chose a companion.

"Dispatch the army of biological planet 7 as soon as possible to meet and attack other biological planets in the Saiya region immediately!" Mei snapped.

In the end, she is one of the ancestors of the founders of the plane war. The old lady is still immortal. The killing intention contained in her words shocked the strong people who have experienced the tempering of corpses, mountains and blood, such as general Gangzhu.

"Yes!" Said crower in a deep voice.

"Also, don\'t expose the news that the Saiya people have world-class secret treasures. We should also have a world-class secret treasure town in the abbalut empire." Then Mei told me again.

With the rarity of world-class secret treasures, other forces and powerful people in the mother position know that they will inevitably have some ideas, especially the Belem Empire, which has always been against the abbalut empire.

"As for the level 4 death knight who died in the war, gather his bones. I will ask the astrological holy tower in the Oriental astrological land to find his relatives. This is also the compensation given to him by the Empire." Mei said.

May may even surpass the current emperor Morton, who witnessed the magic empire from weak to strong.

For Mei\'s orders, general Gangzhu said one by one that the life span of the old lady in front of him was longer than his family history. This is a living legend.

After leaving Mei, a level 6 strongman, and taking a breath, general Gangzhu quickly dispatched troops to clean up the mess of biological planet 6, and commanded the army to immediately join the army of general Cecilia, a demon general on biological planet 7.

Thinking of his experience in the past month, steel casting general crower had a feeling of dreaming.

He never imagined that he could see the competition between the two top level 6 strong men in his lifetime.

One level-6 strongman is naturally Mei, and the other is tedanir, a level-5 Saiyan who combines with the Saiyan prince after using the world-class secret treasure.

Itself is the peak level of level 5. With the power of the Saiyan prince, tedanir broke through the shackles and was promoted to level 6.

Although it was a short level 6, even a top level 6 strong person like Mei was caught off guard in the face of the Saiya\'s fighting talent, combat power bonus and terrible three-time super transformation.

If Lobo hadn\'t stood up at the critical moment and temporarily resisted the violent posture after tedanil\'s three-time super transformation, which bought Mei time, it is likely that a strong man like Mei would also miss the horse.

Thinking of the pair of earrings with unbelievable ability, the steel cast general felt hot, "world-class secret treasure..."


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Longtao building has been set up in the book circle. Book friends who want to play a role actively stay and post. The role is not limited to Knights and magicians, but also ectopic creatures. I will try my best to let each role play once.