Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 787

The No. 7 biological planet on the edge of the Saiya domain of the abbalut Empire has been deadlocked with the Saiya people for nearly a year.

Even half a year ago, steel casting general Klaus led another imperial army to attack biological planet 6, the rhythm of the war was stubbornly delayed by the Saiya people.

When other forces in the wizard world who are concerned about this war want to see how the magic Empire solves the current situation, the surprise attack on biological planet 6 a month ago surprised everyone.

The old ancestor level figure of the magic Empire and one of the only remaining level 6 strong men in the wizard world, Mei weiruisi, a childhood sweetheart from the strong Douglas, unexpectedly appeared in the Saiya star domain, and successfully promoted the war of the magic empire against the Saiya star domain.

No one doubts the power of a level 6 strong man, but it is clear that the old ancestor has not been out of the mountain for thousands of years. How did he suddenly join the alien invasion of the magic Empire.

Desperate, all the top powers were sent to the Saiya star region to fight. With such a big array, several other large forces in the mother position were very curious about the creature born in the lower level of the Saiya people.

If the emergence of Mei is still within the understanding and acceptance of other forces, but the emergence of level 5 astrologer Robo has to make people think about other aspects.

Is it the eastern astrological land that wants to join this plane war?

In the standard plane, the astrologers in the Oriental astrological land have no desire and desire. They hardly organize the plane invasion war. They are only interested in the boundless starry sky. They spend almost their whole life in the astrological tower.

However, some people speculate that it was the personal relationship between Robo and may that allowed the strong man with the reputation of "first astrologer" to join the war of aggression of the abbalut empire.

Speaking of Rob\'s personal relationship with may, I have to mention the owner of the city of the sky, Douglas, who is the strongest.

There are even some rumors that Douglas will soon go to this ectopic battlefield, which makes the West Coast blood warlock and the southern beren Empire who are equivalent to the power of the magic Empire curious about the war in the Saiya star domain.

It is still unknown whether Douglas will participate in this plane war, but the intelligence obtained by many other forces in the mother plane is that the battle of the abbalut empire on biological planet 6 ended in a great victory.

On the sixth biological planet, the high-level combat power of five level-4 saiyas and one level-5 saiyas was blocked and besieged by ten strong men above level-4 in the abbalut empire for a month.

Among them, there are top players such as may and Robo, and second-class players such as silver dragon general Nelson.

In such a disparity of power, the abbalut Empire officially announced not long ago that four level-4 saiyas were killed by them on biological planet 6!

The plane that gave birth to a level four strong person can already be rated as a low-level plane, not to mention four.

The combat effectiveness of the level-4 strongmen of the Saiya family is also much stronger than that of ordinary level-4 creatures. Apart from others, the achievements of the four level-4 strongmen alone have made the abbalut Empire famous in the mother position.

Morton the great also had a tendency to surpass the reputation of the Belem emperor Safire.

This is just the beginning. After the brilliant achievements of biological planet 6 returned to the mother plane, the war of biological planet 7 has also changed.

Bopney, a level 5 Saiya man, led the army for a month and finally got in touch with the parent star in the center of the Saiya star domain. With the consent of the king of Saiya, bopney did not love war and resolutely led the remaining army to make a strong breakthrough.

The magic Empire put its main combat power on the sixth biological planet and the seventh biological planet. Cecilia, the demon general, failed to resist the Jedi counterattack of the Saiya people.

Ten days after the fierce battle between the two sides, general Cecilia could only sigh helplessly when she looked at the hundreds of spaceships fleeing to the endless starry sky.

It was not completely unproductive. When popney led the army to break through, a level 4 Saiyan soldier volunteered to sacrifice in order to cover the retreat of the army and stay to stop the pursuit of many strong men led by the dark knight ebadang.

After all, Abba is not the strong man of the Yili Knight alliance. Cecilia has no reason to force them to pursue at any cost. The victory of a level 4 Saiya can only be said to be a consolation. It did not let the Abba lute Empire lose nearly 100000 knights and magicians on biological planet 7 in vain.

In fact, this group of level 4 Knights of the Erie Knights alliance has been very interesting. Not to mention that all Knights above level 4, including ebadang, have been seriously injured. The knight Legion lost by the Erie Knights alliance in this war is enough for ebadang to feel distressed for them for a long time.

If the abbalut Empire did not give them enough compensation, it would certainly make the Yili Knight alliance cold hearted.

Knights, what an honest and honest group of people, the Yili Knights Union has fully explained this point.

In contrast, capech, a commercial alliance that can divide up the wealth of the war of the magic empire by only providing massive logistics resources, will be much more crafty.

Since more than a year ago, the trans plane space transmission was officially launched to invade. In such a short time, the magic Empire has successively captured the fourth level strong among the six saiyas. What a brilliant and objective figure. ( α One planet, four biological planets No. 6 and one biological planet No. 7.)

The abbalut Empire has proved the strength of one of the top forces in its position to other forces in its mother position!

However, in terms of practical benefits, did the abalute Empire really make as much money as he showed?

Sad music played in the plane of the sixth biological planet, which was beaten into waste land by the top powers.

Level 4 Death Knight Williams died!

Like the boundless death he carried when he appeared, the fall of Williams also brought the cry of millions of creatures on the sixth biological planet.

Williams\' life is legendary and unknown.

The powerful knight has been a powerful level-4 death knight since he appeared in the public\'s sight. Perhaps, except that the rise experience of the powerful Knight will be recorded in the imperial secret volume, it is difficult for others to even write down the name of the strong man.

There is no Knight palace force under his command, and I have never heard of any relatives. The death knight Williams, riding a skeleton horse and wearing a ferocious iron mask, fell quietly on a biological planet in the distant Saiya region.