Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 782

At the moment of kucker\'s voice, the three steel cast generals had unknowingly approached an extremely close distance.

After a few months of fighting with these alien giants, Klaus somehow figured out the means of these guys.

After a short and rapid chant, the level 4 magician next to the steel casting general has completed the spell casting. The complex and mysterious magic array pattern appears at the feet of the three people. After a beam of light, the three people disappear together, which represents the direction of the three people\'s energy escape. It is the distant space fortress!

At the same time, the human knights and magicians fighting below also began to retreat on a large scale, as if they had planned in advance, abandoning a small number of slave creatures to the forefront of the battlefield. Each knight and magician was trying his best to escape to the direction of the space fortress.

"Want to escape?!" Burta looked cold.

What Saiya people despise most is the opponent who fled without fighting. General steel casting and two other level four strong men obviously scratched the tiger\'s beard.

Without burta\'s command, countless Saiyan soldiers have developed their own pursuit of the fleeing enemy, without giving this group of invading enemies a chance to escape. Burta blinked and took the lead in flying to the three space fortresses of the abbalut empire.

Down to the low-level Saiya soldiers and up to the five strong level-4 Saiya people, this time, in order to catch this big fish, they did not hesitate to use themselves as bait and were in the dangerous sixth biological planet. The stupid Saiya people did not know that the protagonist of the encirclement and suppression war had quietly changed.

Half an hour later, facing the solid magic shields of the three space fortresses like tortoise shells, the Saiyan soldiers also understood the feelings of human knights and magicians facing their energy shields.

Three consecutive yuan Qi guns have been cast by steel generals with boundless metal fighting spirit. At present, for this guy who only defends but does not attack, Saiyan Prince burta doesn\'t know what to do with him.

It\'s not the character of the Saiyan people to wear off the enemy\'s defense. The grumpy burta has planned to order the Saiyan army to attack. Even if he pays a higher price, burta will keep all these alien people on the sixth biological planet.

Just as burta was planning to gather the strength of five level-4 saiyas to jointly break the turtle shell of the Space Fortress, a painted black wormhole appeared from the back of burta.

From the wormhole, a middle-aged man nearly three meters tall came out. It was tedanier, uncle of burta and half brother of Saiya prince

"Burta, you should go. My fighting blood tells me that great malice and danger are approaching!" As soon as tedanil appeared, he pulled up burta and walked to the wormhole he had opened.

For thousands of years, tedanir has mastered many skills that the Saia people have not mastered. This wormhole creation ability similar to the magician\'s space transmission is one of them.

At the other end of the wormhole is a spaceship docked outside the sixth biological planet.

The appearance of tedanir, a level 5 Saiyan, not only surprised several other level 4 Saiyan soldiers around, but also the Saiyan Prince jorta couldn\'t understand his uncle\'s sudden move.

Strong malice and danger that can make level 5 peak Saiyan soldiers feel?

Burta is covered in hair!

Without doubting the truth of what the uncle said, burta also plans to evacuate the biological planet first.

As the future king of the Saiya region, burta is much stronger than ordinary Saiya soldiers in action and decision-making.

At least, he will not be dazzled by the restlessness of the fighting blood in his body.

Unfortunately, it\'s too late!