Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 783

Three blue and purple starlights run through the main control room of the three space fortresses.

Taking the high-power element pool of the Space Fortress as the energy source and the body of a level-4 magician as the space landmark, on the other side of the space channel, there is the strength of the horror of the magic empire. The construction of this cross plane space transmission array is faster than expected.

The painted black wormhole was unstable when tedanil just opened. Now three blue and purple stars run through the world. Under the interference of countless mysterious forces, the wormhole disappeared after a burst of disorder.

Now, not only the Saiyan Prince burta can\'t go, but even his level five peak is difficult to leave this position in a short time.

"Why go now that you\'re here?" A loose, peaceful voice emerged in the starlight.

In the blue and purple starlight, countless energy lines intersect with the outline of runes, and finally form the image of a white haired old man.

Energy was gradually transformed into flesh and blood. In the blink of an eye, the white haired old man turned from energy into a real person. Not only the level-1 and level-2 knights and magicians below were stunned, but also the level-4 magician who was the guide of the space landmark.

This is beyond his understanding of the profound meaning of magic.

"Master rob." In the full combat state, general crower, who was six meters tall under the armor, respectfully greeted the white haired old man less than two meters high in front of him.

The white haired old man is dressed in casual clothes, which is no different from the ordinary old man next door, but now on the battlefield, who will regard him as an ordinary old man.

Taidanier, a Saiyan soldier at the peak of level 5, gradually converged his expression, protected the Saiyan Prince burta behind him, and appeared on taidanier\'s face with unprecedented dignity.

It\'s not that he can\'t beat the white haired old man, but in the vision of tedanil\'s level 5 life, this man can no longer be regarded as a flesh and blood creature, but a life body outlined by rules and energy. What kind of monster is this!

Tedanil thinks he has been around Saiya for more than 100000 years and has seen many incredible magical creatures. But seeing this white haired old man today has refreshed tedanil\'s cognition again.

"Is this what you call the strongest Saiya? I don\'t think so!" Another voice appeared out of thin air. This time, tedanil\'s warning became stronger.

A mass of water elements gathered from all sides of the surrounding space, and finally formed the appearance of an old human lady.

Different from being unable to see the essence of Robo, tedanil finally saw his familiar flesh and blood essence in the suddenly appeared old lady, but after seeing the essence of the old lady, tedanil was even more frightened, because he felt the power level far beyond his life level from the old lady.

"Level six strong!" Tedanil looked at the old lady incredulously.

After traveling outside the Saiya region for many years, tedanil has also seen some incredible creatures, but none of them is as threatening as the two uninvited guests today.

The emergence of the level 6 strong man marks that he is the ultimate strong man in at least one medium-sized world. Tedanil finally knows what level of enemy they are facing in the Saiya domain at this time.

"It seems that you know a lot about passive evolution. You are also one of the few special organisms I have seen in hundreds of thousands of years." Gradually adapt to her new body, the old lady looked at tedanil for a long time and commented.

Convert the flesh and blood body into regular energy at will, which seems similar to the element body of the second-class magician, but it is actually thousands of miles away.

The exchange of material and basic energy can be realized so easily. These two new strong men have almost stood at the top of all life bodies above level 4.

The mystery of level 5 astrologer Luo Bo and the strength of level 6 water element teacher Mei make level 5 peak Saiyan warrior tedanil feel unprecedented pressure.

"Your purpose is me?" Tedanil said in a deep voice. Until now, facing the two powerful terrorists in person, tedanil didn\'t feel the lingering danger and malice in his fighting blood. It was originally aimed at himself.

"If you are eliminated, there will be no threat to the plane war of the abbalut empire. However, since it is a dangerous prediction comparable to level 6, you\'d better show all your strength as soon as possible." The old lady said so. It was clearly a kind old lady\'s appearance, but her words were very strong.

Different from the old lady holding tedanil here, level 5 astrologer rob has been intertwined with blue and purple regular lines since he came to this low level, turning into six pointed star array, eight pointed star array and twelve pointed star array, which appear on the top of the three space fortresses.

Before, the level 4 magician took himself as the space guide, but summoned them. In fact, the real cross plane space transmission array has not been completely constructed.

Although I don\'t know what the white haired old man is doing, tedanil, a level 5 Saiyan warrior, has smelled a more severe threat and can\'t delay any longer. He instantly inspired the second transformation of Saiyan blood, and tedanil rushed to Lobo.

As a level 6 strong man, how could Mei let a level 5 creature be presumptuous in front of her? She didn\'t even use the magic wand. She just pushed her left hand forward, and countless complex magic array patterns appeared out of thin air.

In the boundless and vast agitation of water elements, a kilometer long Python rushed out and rushed to tedanil with the same extremely rapid momentum.

"Boom!" The violent water explosion sounded from the sky of biological planet 6. At the same time, a huge wave reaching 10000 meters is forming in the sea area of biological planet 6.

The formation of any life planet is based on the rules of water.

Mei, who has reached the top level of level 6 creatures, is the absolute controller of the rules of level water. With the help of the rules of the low level, she can bless herself. This is the power of level 6 strong people beyond ordinary level 4 and 5 strong people!

On the other hand, the fifth level astrologer Luo Bo soon ended his spell casting, and the cross plane space transmission array was finally gradually formed. The terrible threat of life began to come to this low-level plane.

Silver Dragon general Nelson! Queen of fire, Gary! The heart of ice, walborch! Holy gun warrior Clive! Death knight Williams!

At this moment, several other tower masters and knight hall masters who have long been on standby in the abbalut Empire also came to the sixth biological planet!


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