Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 781

Being besieged by three strong men of the same level, one of whom is the famous steel casting General of the Empire. The fourth level Saiyan soldier kuker can last so long, which is a manifestation of the strong combat effectiveness of the Saiya family.

The whole body was full of wounds, and the golden energy shining on kucker had run out of oil at this time. The lamp was dry, and his high fighting will was no longer the same. In kucker\'s heart, there was only the abiding command from Saiya planet to support him from falling down.

The four powerful enemies made general Gangzhu, together with the other two level-4 knights and magicians, quickly stop. One second ago, they played more and less, and the situation changed a quarter of an hour later. It was their turn to become the weak side.

Although his heart was very eager to kill the seriously injured Saiyan soldier, crower knew that their current means were not enough to kill the level 4 strong man in a short time.

"Kucker, you\'ve worked hard. Go back to the spaceship and have a rest." Among the four fierce Saiyan strongmen, one is wearing a gorgeous war robe. Under the war robe is the super class combat suit newly developed by the Saiyan family. He is the prince burta of the Saiyan people.

"Your Highness, I can still fight. Please let me kill this alien scum myself!" Despite his weakness, kucker insisted.

In front of the Saiyan prince, kucker could not show the slightest cowardice.

"Then you just watch. I\'ll solve this alien scum myself." Burta threw away his gaudy robe and revealed his exquisite combat clothes.

Like every Saiyan warrior, burta is also eager to fight, and the combat effectiveness detector in his left eye shows that the alien wearing heavy brown armor in front of him has the strongest strength.

"Combat effectiveness 57890? You can be my opponent." Burta said, licking his lips with his scarlet tongue.

With a giant shield in his left hand and a thick heavy sword in his right hand, crower, a steel general with a seven meter physique and wrapped in brown armor, looked at the strong enemy in front of him quietly like an ancient god of war.

"Saiyan prince? Hum!" The boundless momentum spreads around, and the sharp and heavy metal elements gather around crower. From the perspective of the Saiyan prince, crower\'s combat effectiveness is rising at this time.

However, this increase was still under burta\'s control. Not only did burta not interrupt, but burta was very leisurely watching crower condensing his momentum.

The user of metal fighting spirit, steel casting general Klaus, cultivates metal fighting spirit with both attack and defense.

Known as the steel casting general, it is enough to prove his strong defense, but don\'t be confused by the literal meaning of the steel casting general. In terms of attack power, the steel casting general crower is also enough to crush the vast majority of level 4 knights.

Able to stand out from many level-4 strong men and be granted one of the three generals of the abbalut Empire, steel casting general klauer has his own pride!

"It\'s a little interesting. It\'s much more interesting than the level 4 Mantis man on kazir, and much better than the level 4 Rock clam on crocodile phobia." Burta Jie said with a smile, and his joints\' beep, beep, beep \'sounded, which was a sign that burta was about to show all his strength.

"Come on, let me see what means you alien scum have!" The cruel smile on his face became more and more obvious. Burta flickered and disappeared from his place. The next second, he came to a position less than three meters in front of the steel casting general.

"Vitality gun!" Huge lights erupted from this battlefield.

The dazzling degree of light irradiation can be seen even outside the ruling plane.

The Saiyan royal family itself has more fighting talent than ordinary Saiyan soldiers, and it is easier to understand the true meaning of fighting blood than ordinary Saiya.

Among the sixteen saiyas of the saiyas, who are above the fourth level, there are as many as twelve strong people with royal blood.

Burta is the pride of the royal family. With its fast growth and strong combat effectiveness, it has already competed with the king of Asians and is even better when he is young.

Speed is a feature of burta battle, which is similar to the ability to move instantaneously. I don\'t know how many foreign powers were defeated in the battle with burta.

What matches the speed is burta\'s strong combat effectiveness. Each punch blows down, carrying a palpitating energy light wave. The general level 4 strong can\'t resist directly.

That is, steel casting general Klaus, with his strong defense, can compete with burta in a short time.

"Why do you only defend but not attack? Come on, I can feel the terrible energy contained in your body!" Burta kicked klauer, who was in armor and had been in a defensive posture.

However, no matter how burta attacked, the steel casting general just didn\'t fight back. A thick bright yellow gas barrier appeared beside klauer. He had a deep understanding of the golden system law and had touched the pole of defense.

"Since you don\'t fight back, let you try my move!" An energy ball condensing more than half of burta\'s strength gradually converges in burta\'s hands, and the energy fluctuation intensity is a bit better than the previous yuan Qi gun.

"Boom!" The huge explosion occurred on the sixth biological planet, and the rising mushroom cloud can still be clearly seen thousands of miles away.

"Big shield!" A bright golden light was emitted from the dragon shield on crower\'s left hand and finally shrouded crower\'s whole body.

With the blessing of the strange gold system law, the steel casting general stood still in the face of burta\'s ready attack!

In terms of combat, the Saiya people are not as "shameless" as knights and magicians. Although the current number ratio is 5:3, the Saiya people still send only one companion to deal with these alien giants.

The other two level-4 Saiyan soldiers accompanying him also had a war with two companions of general steel casting. On the one hand, they were the fresh troops who had just joined, and on the other hand, they were the tired division who had been fighting for months on the sixth biological planet.

Different from the calm and indifference of general steel casting, the other two level four knights and magicians showed the phenomenon of losing step by step under the attack of the Saiyan soldiers.

This phenomenon applies not only to the three level four strong men of the abbalut Empire, but also to the Legion of more than 100000 knights and magicians in the whole plane.

Faced with not less than their own number of Saiyan soldiers, and not enough slave creatures to act as meat shields, the elite legion of the Empire began to show an unstoppable situation.

Although the defeat has not yet been highlighted, it is very bad for the army of the abbalut Empire to continue fighting like this.

Kucker, a level-4 Saiyan soldier who had been beaten by pressure before, and another level-4 soldier of the same family, felt a sense of comfort when they watched the three strong enemies in front of them beaten back by his Highness the prince and his companions.

"No! They\'re running!" Outside the war, kucker, who had been watching the battle situation, observed the small movements of general steel casting and suddenly warned.