Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 778

The seventh biological planet, eight space fortresses suspended side by side in the sky.

Today, the very rare abbalut imperial Legion did not attack the Saiya people on biological planet 7.

Inside one of the space fortresses, the demon general Cecilia is discussing the next battle process with the Dark Knight Abbas.

Cecilia\'s moon key fluorescence on her forehead is much darker than before, which is a manifestation of energy consumption overload.

"Has the ice half recovered?" Abba asked casually.

Among the Knights and magicians attacking the seventh biological planet, the forces belonging to the Yili Knight alliance mainly obey the command of ebadang, while the forces of the magic Empire obey the orders of Cecilia.

These two are also the heads of all knights and magicians on the seventh biological planet.

Abba was no less concerned about the war than Cecilia.

He is responsible for tens of thousands of knights participating in the battle of the Yili Knights alliance.

"We have basically eliminated the Saiyan forces on the half plane, and we are still cleaning up later." Cecilia said, holding her forehead.

Over the past year, Cecilia has felt mentally tired due to the high-intensity combat and dispatch of troops.

The abbalut Empire really did not deal with ordinary low-level planes. Just in the seventh biological planet and the sixth biological planet, the strength shown by the Saiya people could not be taken out by ordinary low-level planes.

The level-5 Saiya man bopney and EBA, who are so confident in his strength, feel very difficult. If Cecilia hadn\'t been helping, he might have lost long ago.

Today, half of the area of biological planet 7 falls into the hands of the abbalut Empire, and the other half is the area where the tenacious Saiya people stay.

A light blue energy shield is separated between the Saiya people and the abbalut imperial Legion outside.

This light blue energy shield is issued from bamia, the central city of the Saiyan people. It is the latest scientific research achievement developed by the Saiyan scientists.

In the face of the pressure of war, any race has exploded its full potential.

In bamiya, the central city of the Saia people, there are more ordinary Saia people in addition to the Saia soldiers with high morale.

In the Saia\'s mother plane, any ethnic group who does not reach the lower Saia warrior level in adulthood will be expelled and exiled from the Saia plane.

From No. 1 biological planet to No. 7 biological planet, these are the planets where ordinary people who do not reach the level of low Saiya are exiled.

These unqualified Saiya warriors have lost the right to return to the Saiya plane. Only when they reach the level of low-level Saiya warriors in the future can they be accepted by the home planet.

Not reaching level 1 does not mean that these ordinary saiyas have no value in life. In fact, 90% of the scientists in the saiyas star domain are composed of these ordinary saiyas.

Without the proud power of their peers, their brains can also shine and heat for the Saiya star domain.

This is really a strange race. The Saiyan warriors who are good at fighting are not inferior to human knights in muscle strength, while the achievements of Saiyan scientists who are good at scientific research are also comparable to human magicians.

Unfortunately, the development history of the Saiya star domain is still too short. If they can have a deep development background of the wizard world, they will be able to achieve a terrible medium-sized plane in the future.

Nowadays, ordinary saians in bamia, the central city of saians, are in a state of panic all day. Eight small continental space fortresses above their heads have put great pressure on them.

The blood of the Saiya family in the body makes them more courageous than ordinary intelligent creatures, but this blessing is limited. Plane war is a nightmare for creatures below level 1.

For ordinary Saiya people less than level 1, their nightmare has lasted for a year, and this nightmare may continue.

In the city of bamiya, the suicide rate of Saia citizens has repeatedly reached a new high in the past two months, which makes the Saia soldiers here quite indignant. They are ashamed of the blood flowing by these cowards like themselves.

In an underground ballroom in Dongcheng District, several Saiyan soldiers who just walked out complained boring. As creatures above level 1, they are completely two kinds of creatures with ordinary Saiyan people below level 1.

"Boss, I heard you have a child?" A low-level Saiyan soldier asked a strong man two meters high who was walking in front of the team.

The low-level Saiya\'s question attracted the attention of other low-level Saiya around.

This is a standard Saiya combat team, with one intermediate Saiya as the captain and seven lower Saiya as members.

There are also two low-level Saiya female soldiers in the team. They both pricked their ears at this time. They have long had ideas about this cold captain. Unfortunately, it is wartime, and they have never had the opportunity to introduce themselves to the pillow.

"A child with a cheap dancing girl is a waste even if he grows up in the future." The strong intermediate Saiyan soldier twisted his neck and said.

The Saiya family has always preferred boys over girls. The woman who combines with the intermediate Saiya soldier is also an ordinary Saiya dancer who has not reached the first level. No wonder the intermediate Saiya soldier is so impatient.

This group of low-level Saiya people were somewhat surprised that the captain suddenly had a child, but there were not too many emotional fluctuations. Also, what potential could the child under an ordinary dancing girl have in the future? In addition, the mother didn\'t even reach the first level, and the baby didn\'t even have the qualification to enter the Saiya planet.

The family concept of the Saiya people is also indifferent, especially for the bottom Saiya soldiers, only fighting is the meaning of life they pursue all their life.

Asked about his child by his men, badak, an intermediate Saiya, suddenly remembered that the dancer who gave birth to his son had come to him not long ago.

The purpose is to send their newly born children away from the land of right and wrong on the seventh biological planet.

Of course, the dancer alone was not able to complete the interstellar transportation, so she ran to badak.

After all, he is his first descendant. No matter how much badak despises his son born with the dancer, a bond from the depths of his blood, he still asked badak to come forward and send the child to biological planet 5 in a biogas tank.

Biological planet 5 is one of the lowest biological planets in the Saiya plane. It is a micro plane that does not even exist in the fourth level strong.

Thinking of his son, badak couldn\'t help reading his casual name "kakarot."


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