Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 779

While the battle of biological planet 7 is still in an endless stalemate under the tenacious resistance of the Saiya people, biological planet 6, represented by steel casting general klauer, has begun to make rapid progress, leading another army of the abbalut empire.

There is only one level-4 Saiya stationed on the sixth biological planet. In the face of the joint attack of steel casting general Unicom and the other two level-4 strong men, it can last so long, which mainly depends on the full shield energy source of Saiya on the sixth biological planet.

Unlike the No. 7 biological planet, which is a livable planet only fought down by the saiyas in recent hundreds of years, the history of No. 6 biological planet in the hands of the saiyas has gone through a long two thousand years.

For two thousand years, what kind of intelligent life was originally born on biological planet 6 has also been forgotten in people\'s minds.

After so many years of hard-working ordinary Saiya people\'s struggle and construction, biological planet 6 ranks among the best in the whole Saiya region.

However, the once beautiful and prosperous biological planet No. 6 has become a world of war.

The sky was dyed red by the burning fireworks, and the burning clouds brought a sense of horror to the ordinary Saiya people on the sixth biological planet.

Three fifths of the planet fell into the hands of aliens. Level 4 Saiya warrior kuker stood in the central city of mitula and looked at the rampant alien creatures and floating ships outside the energy shield. His combat gloves became tighter and tighter.

"When did the proud Saiyan soldiers need to hide in the energy shield and tremble? Kucker, this was not your style two months ago!" In the sky, at the top of three space fortresses galloping side by side, the fourth level Knight crower smiled down around a brown cloak.

At such a distance, the fourth level Saiyan soldier kucker can see the angry smile on the face of this humble alien.

The steel cast general, one of the three generals of the abalute Empire, can obtain this honor as a knight in the magic empire. Klauer not only has the strength to match his identity, but also has good wisdom and strategy.

Avoiding the No. 7 biological planet closely defended by the Saiya people, relying on the strength of the imperial magician corps, we can show concealment to the three space Saiya, and then find another way to cross the No. 7 biological planet and go straight to the No. 6 biological planet. In fact, it is not the proposal of the imperial think tank walpoche.

It was the result of his steel general crower\'s war with Morton the great.

Steel casting general Klaus came from a famous family in the magic empire. When he was young, he was tested to have no qualification to practice magic. He was a poor man who was abandoned by the family. Who can think that this indomitable man didn\'t give up.

At the age of 25, he was promoted to level 1 knight with amazing talent, level 2 land Knight at the age of 50, level 3 sky Knight at the age of 109, and demigod at the age of 496. At the age of 776, he was outstanding in a war against the ectopic side of the magic Empire and made outstanding contributions to the victory of the war, so he got the support of the Empire and was promoted to level 4 strong in less than a thousand years!

From the appearance, everyone would think that the bearded steel general was the oldest of the three imperial generals. Who would have thought that his age was actually less than a fraction of that of silver dragon general Nelson.

If you write a book about the rise of the three generals of the Empire, it must be sold out in the abbalut Empire, and the rise of the steel general tells countless bottom Knights how important a strong heart is.

Level 5 knight has a long way to go. At the age of 6728, Klaus still didn\'t give up as he did when he was young.

At the end of being awarded as the third general of the Empire 3000 years ago, this is not the end of crower. He still wants more and wants to touch the top power.

With muscles rolling all over, klauer looked at the level-4 Saiya warrior hiding in the energy shield below and sneered. One by one, he was confident that he would not lose to the level-4 Saiya warrior.

However, knowing that only by winning the sixth biological planet as soon as possible can we solve the dilemma of the imperial army of the seventh biological planet, so crower would rather encircle and suppress the fourth level Saiya three to one in a disgraceful way.

The sufficient energy provided by mitola, the central city of the sixth biological planet, continuously supplies the solid shield around the city. Ordinary Saiya people have given up their villages and suburbs and all returned to several core cities under the protection of Saiya soldiers.

The strong energy shield is one of the most proud research achievements of Saiya scientists. As long as the energy can be adequately supplied, the strength of the shield will even headache the level 4 strong.

It\'s not that the level-4 strong can\'t break the turtle shell, but the energy consumed is too much. Don\'t forget that there is a level-4 Saiyan warrior who is eyeing.

After nearly a year of fierce battle, all the officers and men of the magic Empire understood the difficulties of the Saiyan family.

"How\'s the eternal light energy charge?" Crower asked back.

"97% completed!" A level three magician replied respectfully.

At their feet, three small continental space fortresses have opened all their war forms, and a bunch of guns with amazing caliber and death silence protrude from the bottom center of the space fortress.

While countless energies gathered, thousands of magicians also began to sing spells, ready to cooperate with the power of the main gun of the space fortress to teach the following Saiya natives a good lesson.

Three eternal light energy cannons! Three terrorist magic attacks comparable to the forbidden spell!

Once the charging is completed, I believe that the energy shield that the Saiya rely on for defense will be penetrated by three beams like paper paste!

This is a more powerful terrorist attack than the main gun of the three Western Island Space Fortress, and it is also the pride of the magic legion of the abalute empire.

The charging of the eternal light continues. At the top of the Space Fortress, the steel casting general crower seems to have seen the angry and angry expression of the level 4 Saiya warrior soon after.

Just when crower thought everything was going as he planned, suddenly a three-level space magician appeared out of thin air and went to crower to report something.

Outside the sixth biological planet, there are a considerable number of guard forces of the abbalut Empire to prevent the enemy from reinforcements, escape and so on.

"What?! how many people have come?" Klaus asked in a deep voice.

"Outer space is now densely populated. There are nearly 1000 spaceships, all of which are supported from the center of the Saiya star domain. I\'m afraid the number is more than 100000, and there is no less than a level 4 strong person in the detection of the crystal ball!" The magician of the third level space system said quickly.

The situation outside the No. 6 biological planet is not optimistic. With the advance speed of the Saiyan army, I\'m afraid it will arrive and land on the No. 6 biological planet in less than five days.

Silence, steel casting general crower now overcast his face and didn\'t know what he was thinking.