Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 777

Saiya people pay attention to being direct in their feelings. Bernie has been considering directly showing his love to Vina after the war.

With his level of strength as an intermediate Saiyan warrior, Weina must not refuse.

Saiya people worship the strong. The more powerful Saiya soldiers are, the easier it is to get the favor of female Saiya people.

Just as Bernie was about to go to the gravity chamber of the base for training for a while, a harsh alarm sounded.

"There\'s a situation!" Bernie jumped up and rushed out of the base.

Next to the low-level Saiya female warrior Weina is not slow. Although her injury has not recovered completely, Saiya female warrior Weina is still eager to fight.

Outside the B Saiya base, the fully equipped Huiyue Legion has approached again. This time, their offensive is more rapid and the attack intensity is more than before!

In the tide of tens of thousands of moon Corps slave creatures, Bernie saw the alien who stabbed him.

With a five meter physique, a pair of wings on the back and covered with bone armor, Bernie is unforgettable for the three sharp bone spurs on the alien\'s left arm.

It was the three bone thorns that caused the scars on his abdomen.

The turbulent ice tornado is squeezing the energy shield around base B. this time, for the Saiya people stationed in base B, the air is full of a sense of depression that wind and rain are coming.

The light golden key light looms in the center of several ice tornadoes. In order to completely win the B Saiya base, the semi divine ice element division hosef has planned to use the back hand given to him by general Cecilia.

This is a powerful prop that can mobilize part of the key of the moon!

Ten days later

The Saiyan base B was a mess, full of burning flames and corpses.

After less than half a month of hard fighting, Huiyue Corps finally completed the attack on Saiya base B within a limited time.

Five days later, another Huiyue legion with two demigod strongmen in the town also completed the cleaning of base a with the help of the subsequent demigod strongman hosef.

Including all knights and magicians, we can\'t forget the golden age that broke out at the B Saiyan base five days ago.

The bright golden energy column not only defeated the strongest senior Saiyan soldiers in the Saiyan base B, but also destroyed all the energy shields around the Saiyan base.

Under the incomparable absolute suppression, the senior Saiyan soldiers who inspired the transformation of the great apes can only watch the bright energy column that they can\'t understand sweep across the four directions, and can\'t take any effective countermeasures.

It\'s a power that can only be mastered by strong people above level 4. No one knows how strong Cecilia with the body of the key of the moon is. This attack with some of the key power of the moon makes countless magicians crazy.

This is the real magic power, and this is the essence of interpreting the profound meaning of magic.

In the dilapidated base B, Locke led a group of first-class knights in finishing the work.

For the Huiyue legion, the most precious materials of base B are the mined and collected jingling ores.

More than a thousand slave creatures turned into coolies to pull goods and transported the jingling mine in the Saiya base B to the cross plane transmission array of the garrison camp of the moon Corps.

Thanks to some of the power of the key of the moon, the moon Corps captured many live Saiyan soldiers in this battle.

A badly wounded female low-level Saiyan warrior has just been escorted from Locke. The land knight in charge of escorting is also one of Locke\'s acquaintances in the moon Corps.

"Joyna, is this female Saia going to be transported to the camp?" Locke said curiously.

Female Saiya people are not common. Locke has only seen this end in front of him after fighting for so long.

"Yes, many great magicians in the holy tower are very interested in female saiyas." Joyna has the forthright character possessed by most knights. In addition, this woman also has a strong strength that Locke must face up to.

Santa mage is interested in female saiyas, of course not because of their appearance. According to the characteristics of the fighting nation, most of the female saiyas are also a group of iron men with muscles all over, which is very different from knights and magicians in aesthetics.

And with the bodies and bones of magicians, they can\'t stand the women of the Saiya family.

I\'m afraid that the reason why I\'m interested in female Saia people is more to study the topics of reproduction and reproduction of Saia people.

Joyna is different from Locke. She is a member of the abbalut Empire and one of the garrison Knights of the moon Corps. Although she is a woman, she has more status and rights in the moon Corps than Locke.

Locke wondered if it was because general Cecilia was a woman that many female knights and magicians occupied high positions in the Huiyue Legion.

In addition to joyna, a deputy commander of the Huiyue legion, a level 3 magician, is also a woman.

Assar was recruited before, which was the head of the level three magician

Joyna quickly escorted the female Saiya warrior away, and was imprisoned by the soul of the magician. The female Saiya warrior was completely like an ox and sheep to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

Ignoring other people\'s affairs, while leading the first-class knights to clean up and search for useful materials, Locke rowed his harvest of the battle.

The killing results of two intermediate Saiyan soldiers made Locke gain a lot of energy and essence. At the same time, he became famous again in the Huiyue Legion.

Now everyone who knows Locke knows that he is a terrible strong man with strength at the second peak.

Regardless of any power, when the strong above level 4 are hidden behind the world, the strong at Level 3 is the strongest standing at the peak of power.

Everyone is willing to make friends with such a top power.

Secondary peak? It is indeed Locke\'s current strength, but level 3 is still a little far away for him.

Even if there are rules to quench the body, Locke doesn\'t think he can break through level 3 in the short term. For today\'s plan, he should absorb combat experience as soon as possible and turn it into his own combat power.

At this time, in Locke\'s space ring, in fact, there is still a middle-level Saiya body, which is the biggest gain of his battle.

A relatively complete middle-level Saiya corpse must be purchased by many Santa magicians.

It\'s also the misfortune of the intermediate Saiya people. If they have nothing to do, they are the first to rush out to find Locke\'s trouble. They are swept by the residual power of the Huiyue spoon and let Locke pick up a ready-made one.

Locke thought back and asked Nina to lead a lead and hang it to the alchemy store of Huiyue Santa tower.