Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 776

Meimila, who has just been summoned by the master from the Shura field, is shivering in the cold wind.

This is a temporary laboratory opened by jelina in the glacier. Locke is lucky to be here "is the decisive battle going to be carried out in advance?" Locke asked, frowning.

The recovery of the ice half plane was originally planned to end within three months. Now it is only one and a half months, but Nina has received the news and the time limit has changed.

"Yes, Lord hosseif should launch a general attack on base a and base B within half a month." Nina\'s voice came from the knight\'s medal.

With decades of contacts with the holy tower of the moon, Nina sometimes obtains the above new decisions and trends faster than Locke, a secondary knight. This is also the reason why Locke is willing to sign a magic contract with her to protect her as much as possible in the ruling war.

"Do you know why you suddenly want to speed up the pace of war?" Asked Locke.

Nina was silent for a moment, and then said, "I heard an elder in the Santa tower say that this is the order personally issued by general Cecilia. It seems that everyone should know that they are going to have the last and most tragic decisive battle in this cold half plane.

In the Saiyan base B, Bernie, an intermediate Saiyan soldier, is bared with one arm and injecting a tube of gray reagent into his blood vessel.

This is the H117 tranquilizer invented by Saiyan scientists. It can not only calm the mood of Saiyan soldiers trapped in tyranny and chaos, but also has a good function of recovering from injuries.

The main material of H117 tranquilizer is ε Crystal ore from mineral stars.

After all the grayish white reagents were injected into the blood vessels, he felt a trace of cold energy flowing in the blood, and Bernie, an intermediate Saiyan soldier, breathed a sigh of relief.

Pull out the needle, throw away the used H117 tranquilizer, and Bernie puts on his battle suit again.

With the powerful self-healing ability of intermediate Saiya people, the blood eyes on the arm disappeared at the moment when the basic medicine needle was pulled out.

In the battle a few days ago, Bernie, an intermediate Saiyan warrior, not only killed more than ten first-class alien scum, but also tore two knights of the same level.

At the same time of his brilliant achievements, Bernie, an intermediate Saiyan soldier, was also seriously injured. Although his transformation into a giant ape can effectively alleviate the Saiyan\'s pain intuition, Bernie\'s hard work is unforgettable.

It was an alien man covered with bone armor.

Bernie was angry that he was unable to fight the powerful alien because he was exhausted. Fighting with the strong who matched him was the favorite thing of the Saiya family.

Combat effectiveness 672 is not Bernie\'s limit. Bernie can go higher with the fighting blood talent of the Saiya family.

"Oh!" A painful cry of patience came from the side.

Bernie turned his head and saw that it was a female Saiya warrior. The status of female Saiya in the Saiya family was very low. They were even regarded by some paranoid Saiya warriors as just a reproductive machine of the Saiya family.

The female Saiya warrior has only one level of strength, and Bernie happens to know her.

"Vina, can you hold on?" Bernie asked. The combat effectiveness detector in his right eye showed the current state of the female Saia. Combat effectiveness: 69 (82).

Due to the inherent disadvantage of female Saiya in strength, the combat effectiveness of Weina in her heyday reached 82 points, which has exceeded the vast majority of low-level Saiya soldiers.

"I\'m fine, Lord Bernie." Like all the Saiyan soldiers, Weina\'s face is full of indifference. Only fighting can make Weina feel the meaning of life.

Bernie nodded when he saw that Vina was so strong. He was not good at expressing his inner feelings. Although he felt that he liked Vina, he would not say it now.