Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 775

Outside the B Saiya base, the scuffle between the bottom creatures is still fierce. At the same time, the ice demigod hosef, who is in the center of several ice storms in the sky, also began to compete with two senior Saiya strongmen.

As a magician, hosseff can fight back and forth with two saiyas who are famous for their melee ability, which is enough to prove his ability.

Among the Huiyue legion, there are three demigods who can still participate in the battle. The remaining two are invited by hosseff to preside over the attack at the No. a Saiya base. Now in this battlefield, hosseff himself is the only one who can help hosseff.

It\'s better to ask for others than yourself. While using the frost and delay effects of the ice attribute law to open the distance from the two senior saiyas, it also uses the powerful magic attack containing the bone-deep ice law to give a fatal blow to the two incoming enemies.

Hosseif\'s fighting process may not be so gorgeous, but the victory lies in practicality.

Saiya people have always been a race that wins more with less. How has it ever happened that two people can\'t win a strong person at the same level.

After turning into a giant ape, the two high-level saiyas have the combat power of 7562 and 4271 respectively. They are already the two strongest creatures in the battlefield at this time, except hosef.

But now they are very oppressed. Hosseff won\'t fight with them from the front. With the wisdom of the magician, how could hosseff choose the most unfavorable way to fight for himself.

Hosseff, who has a deep understanding of the ice law, also applies the unique spread and frost free effect of the ice law in combat. Perhaps even the two senior saiyas don\'t realize that their muscles are slowly becoming stiff and their minds are not very sensitive.

The cold ice storm is driving the ice element energy particles on the half plane of the cold ice closer to hosef\'s body. Now hosef is no longer a human body, but transformed into an existence similar to the cold ice giant.

In the center of the ice storm, the dark blue ice crystals are getting thicker and thicker, and the physique of the ice giant is getting bigger and bigger with the blessing of endless ice attributes.

At his feet, an ice Phoenix with a wingspan of nearly 50 meters sent out a sharp sound, flashing its huge ice wings, and rushed forward to two senior Saiyan soldiers.

Five days later, a pile of biological remains turned into crushed ice residue was left outside the Saiya base. As the two sides of the war, the Saiya and the Huiyue Legion paid a heavy price respectively and withdrew their troops for the time being.

On the whole, the attack on the B Saiya base ended with the slight advantage of the Huiyue Legion. The ice semi God magician hosef proved his strength with the results of battle after battle.

Outside the barracks, Locke is digesting and absorbing the experience of this battle. He holds two secondary wind energy essence in his hand. The ubiquitous wind energy rushes towards Locke\'s body. He has made a lot of achievements. After the battle, he has received a high reward from the Huiyue Legion.

"I thought only asal would fight like this. I didn\'t expect you to be a Madman of cultivation." Jielina didn\'t know when she came to the open space where Locke practiced.

Locke\'s cultivation has come to an end, so the arrival of jelina did not affect Locke.

Now asal is playing with her experimental products in the laboratory. Jelina will come to Locke. It is estimated that she will be shut down in asal.

"Why are you so idle? I remember you got some low-level Saiyan specimens in the last battle, didn\'t you?" Locke said silently.

"The combination of work and rest is my style. I have a lot of time to study those low-level Saiya specimens in the future. Why do I have to do it now?" Jelina rolled her eyes.

Also, there are a few magicians who fight like assar. At least Locke has hardly seen assar do anything for relaxation.

Take back the energy essence used for cultivation into the space ring. After standing up, Locke walked to the camp.

"In other words, should you let meimila\'s sister out for a breath and lock up your apprentice in the Shura field? Do you have the heart?" Jenna came up and said in a crazy tone.

Of course, she didn\'t really think of meimila, but there was no one to talk to in the Huiyue Legion. This woman was too boring.

If Ashar is an alternative among magicians, then jerina must also be a wonderful flower among summoners. Locke is curious about how this guy can be promoted to level 2 without the patience that ordinary spell casters should have.

"Meimila\'s child is practicing with low-level Asians in the Shura field. It\'s not time to call her out now." Locke said, "and with the harsh environment of this cold half plane, meimila, who is only a middle-level attendant, can\'t stay in this plane for a long time."

"It\'s not me. My magic shield can definitely help sister meimila." Jielina said with a smile.

Seeing that jielina wanted to see meimila so much, Locke had no choice but to say, "let her out after her training. Now I have to go to the logistics Quartermaster office."

In the battle a few days ago, Locke\'s two pets, scorpion dragon Fermo, had been protecting Nina, while Hellfire giant AI had no energy to manage it after the battle began.

Locke\'s regiment is a dangerous place where only the second-class strong can participate. Hellfire giant AI is willing to help her master. However, her strength is poor. She can only fight on the periphery and deal with some low-level Saiyan soldiers with other slave creatures.

Also at that time, the inexperienced Hellfire giant AI ate the self explosion of a low-level Saiya at close range.

With his rough skin and thick flesh, AI didn\'t die, but he also ended up seriously injured. Locke finally dug it out of the corpses of slave creatures.

Now I go to the logistics and Quartermaster\'s office to buy AI a restorative medicine suitable for it.

After arriving at the Quartermaster\'s office with Jenna, Locke said to a first-class magician working there, "the restorative medicine I want was booked three days ago."

At present, the most important thing for the Huiyue Legion is magicians, and there are many skilled alchemists, some of whom want to earn Locke\'s extra money.

A special healing potion with a faint blue flame burning on the liquid surface is handed to Locke. This is the advanced potion scheduled by Locke for the effective recovery of Hellfire family\'s constitution.

After leaving two first-class energy essence, Locke left the Quartermaster\'s office.

"You are very good to your pet?" Jielina couldn\'t help saying that few people would spend two precious first-class energy essence to recover the injury of a pet with only first-class life level.

"Ai once died for me." Locke said faintly.