Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 772

When the battle of the sixth and seventh biological planets, including several mineral planets, is still in full swing in the Saiya domain, the center of the Saiya domain, the Saiya plane, today ushered in a victorious prince.

"Burta, my child, you\'re finally back." In the Royal Palace of the Saiyan people, seeing their children return, the Saiyan queen said excitedly.

The son\'s mother is worried. The queen of Saiya, who is famous for her virtue, attaches the most importance to her two sons.

Behind him, the teenage Saiyan little prince begita looked at his big brother in worship.

Burta is not only a noble Saiyan prince, but also a powerful fourth level Saiyan who understands the true meaning of Saiyan fighting blood.

Among the Saiya people who pay attention to strength, superb combat power is more respected than superiority of status.

Today, vegeta, who has only broken through 1000 points of combat power and reached the level of senior Saiyan soldiers, has always taken surpassing her father and brother as her goal.

On the throne, the king of Saiya saw that his outstanding eldest son, whose majestic face as deep as a glacier all year round, also showed some signs of melting.

"Father, did you call me back in such a hurry because of the war on the sixth and seventh biological planets?" Asked burta, the Saiyan prince.

On another front in the Saiya domain, he not only defeated the joint legion of nemex and crocodile fear, but also started two mineral planets one after another.

If it weren\'t for the quick order from the king of the Saiya, burta would certainly lead his Saiya army to pursue while winning, even if he hit the nearest crocodile fear star at one go.

"Yes, this group suddenly α The aliens who come out near the mineral star and call themselves knights and magicians are more difficult and tricky than any of our opponents in the past. " Said the king of the Saia in a deep voice.

The high spirit at the beginning of the war no longer exists. Although the momentum of the Saiyan army on the seventh biological planet is still high, as the king of the Saiya family, the king of the Saiya in the belly of the Saiya star domain has seen some deeper hidden dangers.

On the seventh biological planet, nearly a quarter of their Saiya warriors gathered there, but such a powerful force not only failed to curb the sudden alien enemy, but also lost several mineral planets one after another.

Now these aliens even hit the sixth biological planet.

The level 4 Saiya warrior of biological planet 6 has asked for help from the Saiya plane more than once. At this time, he is facing three alien giants of the same level alone on biological planet 6!

The Saiya people don\'t know who these aliens are, how much strength they have, and what the number of strong people above level 4 is.

To be a king is not only to have developed muscles and strong combat effectiveness. Although the king of Saia is known as the strongest of Saia, he also has a rational mind to judge the time and degree.

The Saiya people are not afraid of these forces revealed by the abbalut Empire, but they are afraid that the strength shown by abbalut is more than these.

"Isn\'t uncle popney on the seventh biological planet? What did he say?" When it comes to fighting on the front line, burta is obviously much more active.

In the nearby star regions, bulta is about to surpass his Lao Tzu in the evaluation of the Saiya family in recent years. Especially 300 years ago, after leading the army to complete a sneak attack on a small planet near the crocodile, bulta\'s prestige in the nearby star regions reached its peak.

Although this prestige is mostly negative.

"He has contacted me privately for several times. There is no problem in guarding the seventh biological planet, but kucker alone is not enough in the sixth biological planet, and popney has no spare power to support him." Said the king of the Saia.

Kucker is a level 4 Saiyan warrior stationed on biological planet 6. At this time, he is facing three strong men of the same level in the magic Empire at the same time.

The short-term support is OK. If it is delayed, the sixth biological planet may be lost. If the sixth biological planet is lost from the Saiya, the seventh biological planet, which is farther away from the Saiya domain, will fall into a lonely death.

There is no lack of wise men among the saians, and Saiyan scientists do not eat only by muscles like Saiyan soldiers. Many saians have discovered the sinister intentions of the abbalut empire.

Now, the plan is to send people as soon as possible to solve the crisis of biological planet 6, and then send the Saiyan army to support biological planet 7.

And the most suitable task to accept is burta.

This is not only to build momentum for the prestige of the prince of burtasia people\'s Congress and facilitate burtasia to successfully take over the throne of the king of Saiya from him in the future, but also the best strategy to solve the front-line crisis.

Another Saiyan army returning from the fear of crocodiles will inject new vitality into the Saiyan soldiers fighting hard on the front line!

"If you go this time, take tedanil with you." At the end of the meeting in the palace, the king of the Saia suddenly said.

Tedanir is a super soldier among the four level 5 saians in the Saiyan race, ranking second only to the king of Saiya in combat effectiveness. He is not only an excellent Saiyan soldier, but also a member of the royal family and the half brother of the king of Saiya.

Because of his dishonorable origin, tedanil failed to take over the throne from the former king of Saiya. Now he just exists as a sacrifice of Saiya royal family.

According to the folk rumors of the Saia people, when the contemporary Saia people just took over the throne tens of thousands of years ago, they had a war with the half brother of tedanil.

As a result of the battle, it is widely said that the king of Saia won, so he became the king of Saia.

But there are also some unrealistic claims that it was tedanil who won at that time.

But rumors are rumors after all, and they do not have much credibility. It is generally accepted by all Saiya people that the king of Saiya won the final victory.

However, only a few royal family members who know the inside story know what the facts are.

Hearing that his father took the initiative to talk about tedanir, a "taboo" figure in the royal family, burta suddenly felt that the alien creatures encountered in the Saiya star domain this time were not that simple.

Tedanil has always been an invisible man in burta\'s army. He is ordered by the king of Saia to silently protect burta\'s safety. Among all the members of the royal family, the only close object of tedanir, who has no children under his knees, is also a nephew of burta.

"I see." Burta said in a deep voice.