Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 771

In the sky, the semi divine magician hosseif stood quietly, and the biting cold ice storm gathered around hosseif. This is the passive blessing of the ice half plane on the rules after he understood the ice law.

Magicians are a group of wise men who are good at borrowing rules. The special rules of the ice half plane make hosef, the peak of the demigod level, even stronger.

An ice crystal Phoenix with a wingspan of nearly 100 meters appeared at hosef\'s feet. This is just an Elemental creature he summoned. However, with the blessing of the ice law, this ice crystal Phoenix has nearly level 3 combat effectiveness.

It is hard to imagine that this was written by an elemental master rather than a summoner.

Hosseif\'s supernatural means also embarrassed those summoners belonging to the summoning holy tower in the magician army below, including two level-3 summoners.

However, as level 3 summoners, they also think they can\'t summon such an ice element creature to fight on the premise of consuming so little magic.

In the sky, hosseif was not in a hurry to launch an attack. He was waiting for a signal from the troops attacking the Saiyan base a.

In the last battle, the blow caused by base B to the Huiyue Legion was more than that of base a, which was more defensive. Not only did a semi divine strongman seriously retreat from this position and return to the rear for rest, but even the Knights and magicians of the Huiyue Legion also suffered unacceptable losses.

General Cecilia is fighting hard on the seventh biological planet, so that she can\'t blame hosseif for his dereliction of duty, but hosseif himself can\'t get over it. He is one of the deputy heads of the high wind Corps. He was specially assigned by general Cecilia to the cold ice half plane to temporarily command the Huiyue Corps.

If the Huiyue Legion falters again and again in the battle of the ice half plane, hosseff will have to worry about his ability in the eyes of general Cecilia.

This is the consequence that hosseff can\'t tolerate. Like every semi divine magician, hosseff believes that the third level peak is not his end, and he still has considerable potential to move forward.

However, the resources and insights needed to move forward are not what hosseff can do alone. He must take the strong heritage of the magic empire as a backup.

The level war is the easiest place to make achievements. The two level-4 strong men who emerged in the Empire in recent thousands of years all achieved brilliant results in the level war 700 years ago, so they were able to obtain the tilt of the Empire\'s resources and achieve level-4 in one leap.

Hosseff also hopes that he will be the next strong man to achieve level 4 in the magic Empire, and the battle on the ice half plane is his biggest stage.

Far away from hosseff is ladam, a senior Saiyan soldier with a combat effectiveness index of 5678 in base B.

"Is that freck who was seriously injured by the alien?" Ladam looked at the mighty hosseff and said to himself.

Freck is the strongest senior Saiyan soldier in base A. in the last battle with the moon shining legion, the ice semi divine element division hosef seriously injured freck with his unparalleled ice law.

It was also the defeat of the strongest Saiya people in base a that made the Huiyue Legion win a great victory in that war.

Looking at the distant sky, the surrounding ice storm was raging, like hosef who came from the ice demon God, ladam, a senior Saiyan soldier, sank in his heart.

His combat effectiveness index is 5796, which is not much different from frek, the strongest in base A. if frek is defeated miserably under this man, I\'m afraid he can\'t get well according to the data.

Ladam, a senior Saiyan warrior, was not afraid to face half god level ice element division hosef, but was appointed by level 5 Saiyan strongman bopney ε He doesn\'t want his mission to fail.

It is self-evident that jingling ore can clear the mind and play an important role in Saiya soldiers. Maybe ε The abundant supply of mineral planet jingling ore does not help the Saiyan army on the seventh biological planet as much as expected, but it is also a little help to the Saiyan soldiers who struggle to support the battle.

"Kakar, you and I will deal with the alien later." Ladam said to the senior Saiyan soldiers beside him.

Hosseff has proved his strength by making proud Saiyan soldiers join hands to deal with it.

Kakar is a senior Saiyan warrior with a combat effectiveness index of 3897. Although he has not reached the demigod level, Shi has the same combat power as the demigod level after he launched the transformation of the great ape.

He is also base B, second only to ladam\'s senior Saiyan warrior.

With regard to the battle against the Saiya base B, at the command of the semi God strongman hosef, tens of thousands of slave creatures, together with thousands of knights and magicians, suddenly launched a charge.

For the fewer saiyas, their defense is attack.

Faced with enemies several times their own, the Saiyan soldiers were not afraid.

With a roar, they directly turned into giant apes and started a bloody hand-to-hand fight with the slave creatures in the front row.

It seems that the Saiya people in base B dare not despise this team of knights and magicians.

Stepping on the shoulders of Hellfire giant AI, Locke led a team of knights to firmly guard the second front in the back row of slave creatures. The singing spells of the magicians behind him have sounded. Locke, who has seen the power of the magicians of the abbalut empire once, knows that as long as the magicians in the back row can guarantee the normal casting of spells for 20 minutes, the battle can be declared a victory.

In the Legion cooperation of magicians, the abbalut Empire surpassed the three western islands by several grades.

When the magicians of the three western islands were still fighting their own battles on the ectopic battlefield, the abbalut Empire had developed a quite mature joint formation.

The magic mages of the Huiyue Legion have practiced a lot before the war.

Even ASAR praised the level of the magic forces of the abbalut empire.

The first intermediate Saiyan to break through the slave biological Legion appeared in front of Locke.

Able to kill from tens of thousands of slave creatures, this intermediate Saiyan has his ability.

The body is full of scratches and wounds. This intermediate Saiyan warrior transformed into a giant ape is quite bloody.

His mouth was still biting a dying saber toothed tiger like slave creature. With a force on his upper and lower jaw, the saber toothed tiger turned into two broken bodies after a sad cry.

Sticky plasma drips between the teeth of the great ape.

"A good opponent!" Locke kicked on the shoulder of Hellfire giant AI and rushed straight at the intermediate Saiyan.