Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 773

At the same time when the troops were dispatched from the center of the Saiya star domain, in front of an ordinary wooden house, a white haired old man who had been sitting for a long time suddenly opened his eyes.

In his deep eyes, the six pointed star array, eight pointed star array and twelve pointed star array overlap layer by layer. Through the destiny weaving line constructed by infinite rules, the old man sees something far away from time and space.

This is a kind old man with wrinkles and pale hair, which is proof of his long life experience.

"May, we should go." Slowly close your eyes, the old man said to the wooden house behind him.

After a while, the wooden house opened, and out came an old lady who was also old. The old lady was fair haired and well behaved. Judging from her appearance, she was still a beautiful woman when she was young.

However, time is unforgiving, and the beauty is no longer beautiful. Now only an elderly old lady appears here.

With a silver magic wand in her hand, the old lady walked to the white haired old man without delay.

"It\'s the ectopic battlefield newly opened by the Empire. What\'s going to happen?" Asked the old lady.

"Well, I know from astrology that the race named Saiya, the strongest, has set out from their position and is heading towards the sixth and seventh biological planets in which the imperial army is fighting." The white haired old man nodded.

At such a long distance, the white haired old man can divine and detect the Saiyan star domain, especially the fate weaving of the strong above level 4. It can\'t be explained by being divine.

Fate is the research object that magicians most fear and want to explore the essence of its truth. Since the Wizards in ancient times, the research topic of fate has never been stopped.

In modern times, in the whole world, these astrologers who deal with rules and mysterious forces can be called to touch the fur of fate.

The white haired old man has such a powerful astrological ability. His identity is self-evident. Naturally, he is Luo Bo, who has the title of the first astrologer in the plane.

Although there is only the life level of level 5 astrologers, in the field of astrology, Lobo\'s prediction accuracy is even more accurate than Douglas, who is a level 6 wizard, a level 6 astrologer and a level 7 arcane.

The old lady in front of him was Mei weiruisi, the only level 6 magician existing in the abalute empire.

"It\'s time to go out and stay on the top of the water rhyme. My old bone will rust." Said the old lady.

When she was young, she was famous for her shrewdness and hyperactivity. Now she is old and used to seeing things in the world.

For thousands of years, the old lady wanted to go out for a walk.

"Speaking of it, we haven\'t been out of the wizard world in 4726 years." The white haired old man sighed.

"Yes, let\'s..." The old lady agreed and immediately tasted the deep meaning of the two words "we" in the words of the white haired old man. She said impolitely, "don\'t mention that guy to me. Let him die in the city of the sky!"

The old lady\'s words were still sharp, and she was referring to Douglas, the strongest of the standard.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, old lady may, rob and Douglas were three people, but they acted together no matter what.

At that time, the wizard world was not strong. It could only be said that it was at the medium level in the low level. It was Douglas, may and rob, who had just broken through level 4 at that time, who led the low-level knights and magicians to open the battle path of the wizard world.

These three are said to be inseparable partners in the first-class biological stage, with hundreds of thousands of years of friendship.

As for when the rift began and there was no contact between old age and death, it should be the astrological duel between Douglas and rob more than 100000 years ago.

The initial reason for their competition was to win the favor of beauty. Both Douglas and rob had a special love for Mei, who almost accompanied and influenced their life.

The final result of the competition was that rob won, which plunged Douglas, who claimed to be the first person, into depression for a long time.

Although Mei didn\'t accept Robo\'s love in the end, the relationship between the three was not as harmonious as at the beginning.

4726 years ago, it was the last time for the three to go out of the wizard world and explore an abandoned ancient temple in a distant time and space.

Thinking that Douglas had not contacted himself for thousands of years, Mei secretly bit her silver teeth.

She, the water element division, doesn\'t know how many curses she has cast on Douglas. Unfortunately, her strength is poor. Her curse can only cause some painless little trouble to Douglas.

Casting a curse on Douglas is one of the few interesting things that Mei has spent time in her thousands of years of silence at the top of the water rhyme.

When Mei said this, Douglas, rob smiled bitterly, and his deep eyes restored the clarity of ordinary humans. Unlike Mei, who has strong element fluctuations, rob has no strength to show, just like an ordinary human old man.

"Does the Saiya plane really have the inside information comparable to level 6 creatures?" Before leaving, may confirmed again that she doubted whether rob was trying to trick her out.

When the three were young, rob made a lot of jokes.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn\'t have come all the way from the land of Oriental astrology." Rob smiled bitterly.

After such a long period of silence, both he and Douglas have grown a lot. Especially in the past ten thousand years, the two people who have more and more explored and explored the profound meaning of a higher level have become more and more indifferent. They are about to lose the basic emotion of "human beings", have no joy or sorrow, and ignore everything.

Only Mei has not changed much. She is a figure at the ancestral level. She still looks like a wind and fire inside, which is very different from her gentle and virtuous character.

However, it may be this impatient and arrogant style that makes Douglas and rob go through hundreds of thousands of years and don\'t change their original heart.

"But even if you have the inside information comparable to level 6 creatures, I\'m enough. What are you doing here?" May glanced at Rob and asked.

"Well, I\'m worried about you." At an old age, it\'s hard for Rob to say such tender love words.

Turning her eyes, Mei ignored the old man. The silver white staff bit by bit, and a two meter wide and three meter high portal appeared out of thin air.

On the other side of the portal is the Peruvian plain where the trans plane space transmission array of the abalute empire is located.

"Come on, let me see what\'s strange about these ectopic creatures." The old lady took the lead to the portal.


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