Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 770

However, the plane war is not only a war for the strong. Although the Saia people above level 4 turn on the super transformation of the true meaning of the Saia blood battle, they can face the God level strong at the same level with one enemy, two or even three.

However, the situation of Saiyan soldiers below level 4 is not so optimistic on the seventh biological planet.

Before the war against the Saiyan star domain began, the abbalut Empire prepared nearly eight million slave biological legions for this purpose.

The strength levels of slave creatures are uneven, but among the eight million slave creatures, there are at least more than one million at the level of first-class Warcraft. The slave biological quality of the magic empire is also the top in the whole level.

These slave creatures can also drown ordinary Saiyan soldiers on the seventh biological planet. This is also the reason why many Saiyan people control the planet and send Saiyan soldiers to support the seventh biological planet, including the cold ice half plane.

In the sky, like the Space Fortress of eight small continents, a large number of slave creatures are spitting out all the time. These slave creatures, like transit locusts, set off a tide of flesh and blood on the battlefield.

The Saiya people also have many enslaved alien creatures in the Saiya star domain, but the different values and Fighting Concepts of both sides make the Saiya people disdain to use the power of these alien scum, which is very different from the Knights and magicians who pay attention to value and interests.

Magicians take the road of exploring truth and try to study higher and purer magic knowledge. They will not exclude any power that can help themselves.

Although the Knights also take a strong road, they do not have the arrogance and arrogance of the Saiyan fighting nation. It is the so-called standing higher and looking farther. The Knights will never despise any of their opponents.

On the seventh biological planet, almost every Saiyan warrior below level 4 has to face slave creatures nearly ten times their own. Ants kill elephants. These slave creatures are creating their own residual value for the plane war of the abbalut empire in their own way.

At the same time, the Knights and magicians of the main imperial Legion are also giving a vivid course to the Saiya people. They are more united and know how to cooperate with the Saiya people.

War has never been a world of lone Rangers. Although Saiya people have strong individual combat effectiveness, they have not played their previous crushing advantages in the face of the effective cooperation of knights, magicians and slave biological legions.

A giant ape covered with blood roared up to the sky. The scarlet blood covered its original hair color.

This is a senior Saiyan warrior who shows the original talent of Saiya.

With a combat power of more than 3000, it is infinitely close to the demigod level, but at this time, in addition to the bright red blood, there are countless slave creatures eating on it.

No matter how strong the Saiyan soldiers are, they can\'t stand the endless wheel war, especially the prosperous war has been nearly a year.

The physique of 50 meters after turning into a giant ape has now become the biggest drag on the high-level Saiya. When his strength is about to run out and his body is getting weaker and weaker, even some low-level slave creatures less than level 1 can climb onto it and dominate it.

The flesh and blood of level 3 creatures are not so delicious. There are already many slave creatures of medium and high level Warcraft. After eating a mouthful of the flesh and blood of high-level Saiya people, they can\'t bear the high-density energy in the flesh and blood, and "bang!" With a sound, it turned into a pile of broken meat.

Become another bright and bright blood flower on the body of senior Saiya people.

The steps are getting heavier and heavier. This 50 meter tall Saiyan soldier is about to come to the end of his life.

There is also a limit to the fighting talent of Saiya people when they are strong. In the face of endless slave creatures and the huge blow of knights and magicians, his ability to withstand has made you ashamed of other creatures.

Once again, a land Knight transformed from Shi\'s blood was pulled out of the slave creatures. After a hard grip and explosion, the senior Saiyan finally exhausted his last strength.

The eyelids were slowly lowered, and the 50 meter giant ape body fell obliquely behind, killing and injuring many other creatures.

But this is not the point. At the moment when the great ape Saiya fell, slave creatures like ant tide rushed up again.

They wanted to eat everything they could. In terms of the domestication of slave creatures, the abbalut Empire had his own methods.

Not only did the slave creatures stare at the high-level Saiyan, but many day knights and level-3 magicians on the battlefield also stared at the high-level Saiyan warrior who was dying.

In the seemingly chaotic battlefield, in fact, the undercurrent is surging.

Five minutes later, an earth shaking explosion occurred here. The explosion energy was so high that it was close to the full blow of the demigod strong.

Like other Saiyan warriors who choose to die, this senior Saiyan warrior who turned into a giant ape also takes self explosion as his last battle continuation.

Its death made hundreds of slave creatures bury it, and also made some knight and magician who were not so sensitive to its way.

Well, up to now, the Knights and magicians have also understood the fearless way of death of the Saiyan soldiers. It is a pity that they did not get a precious senior Saiyan specimen, but there are other Saiyan soldiers on the battlefield waiting for them to harvest.

Nearly a year later, the number of fallen Saiyan soldiers on the seventh biological planet is close to 80000.

You know, the whole Saiya clan, qualified Saiya soldiers above level 1, is only a small number of one million.

At such a fierce juncture when the war on the seventh biological planet was going on, the king of the Saiyan made a decisive decision. He not only transferred back the Saiyan Prince and his direct troops fighting in other star regions, but also raised nearly 200000 Saiyan soldiers from the center and position of the Saiya region to prepare for the seventh biological planet.

After fighting with the abbalut empire for so long, no matter how slow the Saiya people are, they also know that these sudden enemies are not at the same level as the alien scum they killed and enslaved before.

In the ice half plane, in front of the large jingling mineral base B, the Huiyue Legion has set up its battle array.

Tens of thousands of slave creatures are at the forefront. They are the most reliable meat shields and cannon fodder for knights and magicians. The lineup of nearly 3000 Knights above level 1 and 2000 magicians above level 1 in the back row makes the Saiyan soldiers in No. B Saiyan base have to put away their arrogance and arrogance.