Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 769

Level 5 knights and magicians are rare. In the whole position, each level 5 strong person is the top level of all forces, and almost one person represents a large force.

The Yili Knight alliance, located in the south of the abbalut Empire, has a total of more than a dozen Knight palaces, but there are only three strong level five. These three also represent three different positions within the Yili Knight alliance.

The black flame giant is a level five knight who is close to the abbalut magic empire. The other two, one is close to the beren Empire adjacent to the East, and the other is a middle force that does not help each other. The main purpose is to develop and expand the Erie Knight alliance.

"Abba Dang, if you want to add conditions, you\'d better kill this level 5 Saiya first!" Cecilia, the level 4 wind attribute element master behind her, said impolitely.

In terms of strength, Cecilia is not as good as the level 5 Knight Abbas, but in terms of status, Cecilia, who has the title of general of the magic Empire, has much more say in power than Abbas, the leader of the knight Hall of the Erie Knight alliance.

The black flame giant also knows that this is not the time to bargain with Cecilia. Since he has paid enough in this position, it is not bad for the last!

"Demon prison!" The black flame giant roared, and countless dark red light spots gathered from the machete at the giant\'s right hand, so that the whole sky was replaced by the strange dark red color at this time.

After the energy gathered to a certain moment, it suddenly burst open. What the black flame giant was carrying was not a machete, but an energy competition composed of dark red energy!

The whole plane wants to be divided into two. The sky is completely divided into two. The dividing line in the middle is the terrorist means caused by the infinite power of the black flame giant.

Level 5 Knight ebadang, a rare top power in the world, is a dark knight who has left some legends since ancient times.

The dark attribute Qi fighting skill is quite rare, because practitioners will experience the pain of washing and cutting marrow when absorbing and improving the dark attribute energy in the body.

Dark Knight, this is a road of no return that is more difficult to reach the peak than the promotion of ordinary knights. Since ancient times, Dark Knights have either left a great reputation or died early. This is a strong way to sail against the current. If you don\'t advance, you will retreat!

Abba Dang is not just a level 5 Dark Knight. Maybe in the literal sense, others don\'t know his strength, but you know, in terms of combat achievements, Abba Dang is one of the few strong people in the world who have killed the level 5 strong at the same level.

Any existence that is promoted to level 4 or above has more or less some incredible abilities. It is because the world also calls these beings above level 4 who cannot be understood as "gods".

God is more ancient and immortal. At least in the biography of intelligent creatures, it describes the greatness of God.

After level 4, it is extremely difficult to kill a strong person at the same level. It can be seen from the encirclement and suppression of several level 4 digital beasts in the digital world.

It takes two or even three strong people at the same level to start together in order to have absolute confidence.

Cecilia doesn\'t know how the level 5 Dark Knight abbadang killed her level 5 opponent in those years. However, today, Cecilia, as a level 4 magician, also benefited from close contact with two warrior level 5 strong men in face-to-face fighting and fighting.

The bright moon key on the forehead exudes a faint brilliance, which provides the level 5 Dark Knight Abba Dang with positive gains such as damage reduction, strength blessing, will improvement and spirit locking. It also exerts negative benefits such as pain perception, chaos invasion, energy depletion and so on to their opponent level 5 Saiyan soldiers.

The Dark Knight Abba Dang\'s ready attack, the demon prison, hit the head, and all kinds of negative attacks from the wind attribute elementalist Cecilia Huiyue\'s key came one after another.

On the Saiyan front in the plane, the fifth level Saiyan soldier bopney roared, and the rich golden energy was about to condense into real objects. This is the special energy possessed by the Saiyan family after understanding the true meaning of the battle. It is as bright as the sun and its power is terrible!

In the face of the joint attack of ebadang and Cecilia, bopney, a level 5 Saiyan soldier, didn\'t even move his face. Under his cold eyes, bopney was burning with war.

The Saiya never fear more enemies than themselves, and never show the slightest timidity in battle.

On the day when you become a qualified Saiyan soldier, words such as retreat and cowardice are eliminated from the Saiyan dictionary.

"As long as I stand here, the seventh biological planet will not be lost from the Saia people!" Popney said coldly with a smile that although the combination of ebadang and Cecilia was strong, it was not enough for them to suppress him.

At the same time, on the seventh biological planet, the battle belonging to the other four strong forces is also in full swing.

Level 5 Saiyan soldier bopney is not fighting alone. There are also four level 4 Saiyan soldiers supporting him on biological planet 7.

α The death of Baruta, a Saiyan of the fourth level of the planet, caused the Saiya family to be touched against the scales. There was an order issued by the king of Saiya himself. They must give an explanation for Baruta\'s death.

If the battle between bopney and the dark knight ebadang and the demon general Cecilia is a long stalemate, the battle between other Saiyan soldiers and knights and magicians largely belongs to the dominant battle.

The level-4 Knights of the three Knight palaces and dale, one of the masters of the knight palaces of the abbalut Empire, were against a Saiyan warrior of the same level, and two level-4 magicians assisted them. They were stunned that they didn\'t take any advantage of these level-4 Saiyan warriors.

No wonder the price of killing a Baruta is that general Nelson of the silver dragon was seriously injured. The strong strength of the Saiya family has made the top echelons of the abalute Empire clearly realize what level of enemy they are facing.

Perhaps the move of steel casting general crower to open up a new battlefield and go to biological planet 6 for aggression is not a chance for the Empire to win, but a helpless choice.

Instead of spending all your strength on the seventh biological planet and waging an endless tug of war with the Saia family, it\'s better to find another record.

According to the intelligence, Saiya people have more than ten level-4 strong people. Even the top leaders of the abalute Empire have no idea how many there are.

Now the combat effectiveness of these saiyas above level 4 has tested the psychological endurance limit of the Imperial military headquarters. At the end of a year of the reign war, the imperial high-level officials, including emperor Morton, finally know that the prophecy from the Oriental astrological land is not from a hole.