Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 768

Three days later, Locke, who returned to the garrison base of the Huiyue corps, handed over the coordinates of the b8901 base and the situation in the base to the corps headquarters. After receiving a good task reward, Locke came to Ashar\'s temporary laboratory.

This is an ice cave, chiseled on the side of an ice cliff next to the garrison base. It took Locke\'s effort to help Ashar open up this temporary laboratory.

From the Shura arena, Locke released putur, the draconian, and nanashu, the Puka.

"Are the two new experimental specimens sent to me?" ASAR\'s first words made Pu PUR and Nana Xiu feel a chill in their hearts.

Because there are many frozen strange biological specimens in the ice crevices of the walls of this temporary laboratory in assar, which are all assar\'s treasures.

Some of the creatures made into specimens also showed the most basic life information. Pu Pu shuddered when he heard that most of the eight clawed monster whose body was still frozen in the ice left only one head outside.

These aliens can\'t compete. Asians are cruel and tyrannical, right? Popper prayed in his heart.

"This guy is a two-star scientist among Puka people, a bit like our alchemist." Locke pointed to Nana Xiu who was silent for a long time.

"This guy is a Dravidian. He seems to know a lot about the Saiyan realm." Then Locke pointed to the shivering Popper.

Locke and Ashar have known each other for so many years, and they have formed a certain tacit understanding. Locke made a special trip to bring them because he knew that Ashar was likely to be interested in these two guys.

"Well, I see." Ashar nodded.

Not too polite to Locke, Ashar pointed to her right hand. Under the control of strong spiritual power, Nana Xiu and pupur rose into the air and flew towards the two ice beds in the laboratory.

That\'s the asal planing biological test-bed.

As for how Ashar got the information she wanted from the minds of the two alien slave creatures, Locke didn\'t intend to care.

After putting the people down, Locke said goodbye to Ashar and left Ashar\'s temporary laboratory.

Just after returning to the garrison base of the Huiyue legion, Locke\'s immediate superior, a powerful level-3 sky knight, told Locke to prepare him. Within a week, the Huiyue Legion\'s second attack on the Saiyan base will begin.

With the continuous advance of the aibalut imperial front in the whole Saia region, the seventh biological planet that the Saia people have been struggling to support and Garrison has become in danger.

According to reliable information, steel casting general crower has led another army of the Empire to approach the No. 6 biological planet of the Saiyan people. Level 4 strong crower also had a war with level 4 Saiyan soldiers stationed on the No. 6 biological planet.

The specific outcome has not yet reached the ice half level, but what we can know is that the Saiya people can\'t hold on.

What if the Saia don\'t have follow-up support α The planet (also known as the yellow sand half plane) cross plane transmission array has a steady stream of follow-up troops. Even with the human sea tactics, the abalute empire can drown the Saiya people of the seventh biological planet.

The reason why the Huiyue Legion sent troops again is that not long ago, the Saiyan soldiers in two large bases transferred some support to the seventh biological planet.

This time, it was a dead order from the Imperial military headquarters, requiring the Huiyue Legion to eradicate the Saiyan troops on the ice half plane within three months. After all, according to the proportion of the strong at the same level, the proportion of Saiyan to Knights and magicians in the ice half plane has reached an obvious gap of 1:4:3.

There is even a secret that only three demigods know, that is, when necessary, the Huiyue Legion can use part of the power of the Huiyue key, general Cecilia\'s core treasure.

It was a powerful prop that the level-4 strongmen were also afraid of. The actual commander of the Huiyue legion, half god ice element division hosef, was full of confidence in the battle in a week.

Meanwhile, the seventh biological planet.

The sky is gray, because from time to time, spaceships and floating ships fall with scorching smoke.

The ground is devastated. The once flat land, towering peaks and clear rivers are now replaced by huge pits full of blood.

Above, countless slave creatures mixed with the blood of Saiya people, emitting a pungent smell.

The energy beam with terrible caliber falls from the sky. The hit of each energy beam marks the fall of a strong Asian warrior and the emergence of a huge pit on the ground again.

The whole eight space fortresses are suspended in the sky of the seventh biological planet, like eight floating continents and eight Black Death Stars, bringing the sadness and joy of death to more than 100000 Saiyan soldiers in the plane.

The eight space fortresses indicate that the abbalut Empire has invested at least eight strong men above level 4 in this low level!

This is a terrible number. Based on the details of the abbalut Empire, eight strong people above level 4 also account for half of the top strong people in the Empire!

However, in fact, among the eight strong men above level 4, only three belong to the abbalut empire. They are magic general Cecilia, level 4 Knight Dale and level 4 magician Lester of the botanical department.

In addition, there are five strong men above level 4, four of whom are the four knights hall masters of the Yili Knights alliance. The last one is the foreign aid attracted by the abalute empire from other regions. It is also a Santa Tata master and a level 4 magician!

"Bah, it\'s a big loss this time. I want to talk to your emperor Morton about post-war compensation again." An ancient giant incarnated as black flame was indomitable. In his hand, a machete glittering with monstrous red slashed forward and locked the level 5 Saiyan warrior with vigorous hair and two-time super transformation hundreds of miles away from him.

While the black and red energy light blade was flying to the level 5 Saiyan soldiers, a faint silver light was emitted from the hands of demon general Cecilia and blessed to the energy light blade, making the attack power of the energy light blade even more powerful.

A golden key is printed on Cecilia\'s forehead. It is the key to the bright moon, her secret treasure. It is a rare prop obtained from other plane adventures, which can provide Cecilia with unimaginable ability improvement.

However, at this time, the demon General of the Empire just started to fight. It was the ancient giant who incarnated black flame who really fought against the powerful level 5 Saiyan warrior!


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