Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 767

Locke did not sympathize with these alien slaves. He just felt that the slave biological Corps in the camp did not lack this food.

Tell his first-class knights that after leaving these alien slaves to live and die, Locke plans to lead people back to the camp.

But I didn\'t expect that just two steps later, the alien slaves caught up, as if they wanted Locke to take them away.

"My Lord, we can mine! We can have children! Please give us some way to live!" Or the red skinned Druid puple, he may think Locke is easy to talk and run to Locke for the first time.

Locke didn\'t do it. Fermo, the scorpion dragon who had been as docile as a cat next to Locke, straightened up, opened his bloody mouth and roared at poople.

Fermo, a scorpion dragon with a height of more than ten meters, is as terrible as a great beast in front of such humanoid creatures as poople, let alone some broken flesh between the teeth of the scorpion dragon.

The highly corrosive scorpion saliva drops onto Pu Pu Pu\'s skin, making a "hissing" corrosive sound. He grits his teeth and bears the pain. Pu Pu Pu said with difficulty, "please, sir, you can give us a way to live. We can give anything, just a little food and air."

Where are these alien slaves ε The original existence value of the planet is mining.

Now abandoned by the Saiya people, there is no fixed source of material supply. Eating the corpses of their companions is not a long-term plan. The corpses will be eaten one day. Even if they can have basic survival ability in this dangerous environment, without food and sufficient air, they will turn into a pile of dead bones one day.

Locke looked at the ragged, thin alien aborigines with only a layer of skin.

He is not interested in supporting a sky of life for this group of alien aborigines who have nothing to do with himself. Even in Locke\'s eyes, this group of alien aborigines below the first level are less valuable than mole ants.

There is still a long way to go in the war between the abalute Empire and the Saiya people. How can Locke guess when these abandoned jingling mines will be recovered? Now there is no place to give full play to the residual value of these alien aborigines.

"If you want to die, you can go one step further." Locke sneered that if these alien natives naively think that their knights and magicians are good people to save them from danger, Locke will teach them a lesson about the cruelty of reality.

When he heard Locke\'s murderous sneer and Fermo, the scorpion dragon, standing next to him, pul, the Drake, flinched.

He fell to the ground feebly, and several partners next to him tried to pull him up, but after touching the scorpion saliva on his body surface, he rolled around in pain.

This group of alien natives who don\'t even have middle-level attendants are indeed more vulnerable than ants.

Just as I was about to turn around and leave, I didn\'t expect that there were alien slave creatures who were not afraid of death. Without Locke\'s hands, several first-class knights who had long been disliked nearby inspired several fighting blades to shoot at the alien slave who was not afraid of death.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!" The expected flesh and blood and limb breakage did not happen. Instead, it was the fighting attack of several first-class knights, which was blocked by a translucent shield.

If they failed, several first-class Knights\' conditioned reflex stimulated their full strength, and the fighting spirit spewed around them. The biological pressure belonging to first-class life made these alien slaves below first-class shaken.

These alien slaves can be abused and bullied by the Saiya people for so long, but they have no other skills. Everyone has a rough skin and thick skin bag. With the weak strength ranging from entry-level attendants to low-level attendants, they can support the authority of several first-class knights. They really have them.

The translucent shield to block the fighting attack is issued from a black box in the hands of a thin alien. This black box is obviously made up of many strange parts, which makes people feel different.

Moreover, many parts of the black box are rusty. It\'s really difficult for it to create an energy shield to block the attack of the first-class strong.

"Nana Xiu, what are you doing?! don\'t admit your mistake to adults!" The red skinned Druid puple\'s ghost took a big risk.

It was normal for the knights on the field to destroy them with the rude move of the thin little blue alien slave.

The bright and dark energy shield broke spontaneously with a "Bo". I don\'t know whether it is lack of energy source support or what\'s wrong with the black box.

His fighting attack failed, which made several first-class Knights blush and walk towards the blue skin alien slave step by step. In a moment, there will be an extra puga body on the ground.

"Let these alien giants kill me. I don\'t want to live on dead bodies anymore!" The thin blue skinned Puka man screamed, probably frightened by the smell of many creatures above level 1 around him. His voice was quite hysterical with broken cans.

Judging from the fluctuation of its mental power, it is still a female.

The Revenge of several first-class Knights did not work because Locke stopped them.

"Tell me, how did you make this energy shield? I think you still have some skills." Locke asked with interest.

Locke has several magician wives. Naturally, he knows how difficult it is to make props that can resist the attack of first-class creatures. In particular, the level of this thin alien creature is not as good as a low-level attendant.

Locke wondered how this Puka star named Nana Xiu did it.

In Locke\'s inquiry, there was a hint of spiritual strength. With Nana Xiu\'s spiritual strength, how can she resist a knight like Locke.

Her eyes were in a trance. Nana Xiu replied, "I made it with the abandoned vortex ionizer and some core parts of the combat clothes destroyed by the Saiya collected in b8901 base, including jingling ore and the cosmic light and heat absorbed by our Puka people, which can be used as basic energy."

Nana Xiu then explained to Locke what knowledge and principles it used to make this simple shield launcher.

These knowledge and principles are the crystallization of the wisdom of Puka scientists. Not only did Locke get dizzy, but I\'m afraid no one around understood what he said for a long time.

Locke cast a questioning look at pul, a draconian man. In his panic, pul told Lok Nana Xiu that she was a two-star scientist among Puka people.

"Is this guy still a scientist?" Locke looked at the thin Nana Xiu and was amazed.

Then, with puple\'s explanation, Locke knew the level of existence of the two-star scientists and that the space capsule, one of the core technologies of the Saia people, was the result of invading Puka people\'s planet.