Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 766

After the first confrontation with the Saiya, the attack of the Huiyue Legion on on the ice and snow half plane once stopped.

The main strength of general Cecilia, the owner of Huiyue Santa tower, is the gale legion, one of the main legions of the Empire. In the final analysis, Huiyue Legion is still weaker than gale legion, which did not attract Cecilia\'s attention.

Now Cecilia leads her army on the seventh biological planet to fight with the Saiyan Legion. She has no spare energy to manage the attack of the Huiyue Legion. However, the task indicators given by the imperial high-level to the Huiyue Legion do not have a clear time limit, so the battle is put on hold.

Now there are four semi God level strong men in the Huiyue legion, and one of them is seriously injured and can\'t participate in the war. It is very troublesome for huosef, the temporary commander of the Huiyue legion, to decide whether to continue to fight with the Saiya troops against the consequences of heavy casualties.

And I fought with Huiyue legion, especially the Saiya in base a ε When the Saiya soldiers in the largest crystal ore base on the planet saw the power of the semi divine ice element division hosev, even the Saiya people also stopped looking down on these alien creatures.

Base a is not allowed to lose, so many Saiya soldiers in bulk mine base C, under the assignment of senior Saiya, abandoned these scattered mining bases and stationed in large bases a and B.

In the previous battle of base B, the Huiyue Legion was severely damaged, so a considerable number of Saiya soldiers were added to base a from base B, and some senior Saiya joined them.

In a sinkhole in the central continent of the ice and snow half plane, Locke and a team of knights walk here.

"Is this the jingling vein?" One kick broke a gray white rock raised on the ground, and the rock the size of a washbasin was broken, revealing some crystals the size of a fist inside.

This is the raw ore of Jingling mine. If processed and purified, this fist sized jingling mine raw ore can probably get a small jingling stone the size of a thumb, which is about half to one primary energy essence.

After inspecting this small mining area with the accompanying knights, no Saiya soldiers were found, only some abandoned garbage materials and low-level miners were found.

"Let the slave creatures take part of the raw ore of Jingling mine. We can\'t go back empty handed!" Locke shouted to the Knights around him.

At Locke\'s command, the Knights around burst into cheers.

This is the No. C bulk mine base of the Saiya people, one of the small bases. Half a month ago, the Saiya people reduced their troops to bases a and B, and many scattered bases below base C were abandoned by them.

Today, Locke was ordered to bring people to check whether there are any remaining Saiyan forces in this base called b8901.

It seems that as described in the intelligence, this small base has been completely abandoned by the Saiya people. Not only does there not exist any valuable materials, but even the most basic energy shield has been removed by the Saiya people.

The people who followed Locke were basically first-class knights. There were only two second-class knights. Locke\'s battle at the h18029 mining base made several third-class strong men of the Huiyue Legion remember his name, so he was granted the right similar to the captain.

It may be due to his previous experience in the army. After Locke led these knights, he always considered the problem from the perspective of the team. For example, there are not many jingling mines in this small mining area, especially for knights like him, it is a chicken rib, tasteless to eat and a pity to abandon.

But Locke did not forget that his knights were mainly first-class knights. He despised the first-class energy essence of one or two, but it was a valuable resource for these first-class knights.

About twenty first-class knights, more than 100 slave creatures, and two second-class knights. This is Locke\'s team.

"Brother Locke, what about these guys?" After a while, a knight came and asked Locke. His name was Lyme.

Lyme is in the middle and lower level of the land knight. The strength in Locke\'s ordinary form can suppress the transformed Lyme, which is also the reason why Lyme is respectful to Locke.

Like the Saiya people, the Knights also respect the strong. LEM witnessed Locke\'s heroism in suppressing a Saiya at the same level a month ago. Therefore, although he is older than Locke, LEM admires Locke from the bottom of his heart.

Lyme refers to the alien slaves abandoned by the Saia in this b8901 base.

Five minutes later, a group of blue skinned and red skinned aliens squatting on one side appeared in front of Locke.

These alien creatures generally have low biological energy levels. Locke only found a humanoid creature with red skin and spots all over comparable to the middle-level attendant level.

It is difficult for the half plane to survive the biological individuals below level 1. These alien creatures can survive in the Saiyan base mainly by isolating the cold outside with the energy shield and connecting with the essential elements of life such as oxygen, water and food produced by the machines in the Saiyan base.

Now all the Saiya people have left, including all the useful devices and equipment. Locke is surprised that these alien creatures can survive for so long.

"How did you survive this half month?" Locke asked the middle-level attendant red skinned alien. He also saw that this guy was the head of the alien slaves.

Locke\'s questions are communicated directly through spiritual force, so these alien creatures can understand his language.

"My Lord, we are draconian and puga. Draconian can filter air through the cochlear point on the body surface, and puga can absorb light to obtain biological heat." The red - skinned alien said in dismay that it was a Dravidian named pupur.

The Saiya people treat the alien creatures they enslave a hundred times more cruel than the Knights and magicians treat the slave creatures. At least the Knights and magicians will not kill their slave creatures for no reason and take pleasure in abusing them.

After listening to the explanation of the Dravidian named pupur, Locke knew that the other three alien slaves in the base, including the filar people, died gradually due to lack of supplies and talent, and their Dravidian people and puga people could finally survive. A large part of them depended on the dead bodies of the filar people.

If they are high-level heterosexual slaves, Locke doesn\'t mind taking them back, marking them with soul marks and filling them into the slave biological Legion. However, the level of these alien creatures can\'t even meet the threshold of slave creatures in the abalute empire. Taking them back can only become the food for other slave creatures.