Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 763

"Good experiment." Ashar looked at the warlike bouadam and said that after bouadam turned into a black giant ape, Ashar became more interested in the strange race of Saiya.

The fierce collision unfolded again. No matter Locke or bouadam, there was infinite war in their hearts at this time.

If possible, Locke would prefer to be alone with this group, but this is a battlefield. Locke should not only consider his own situation, but also take care of other companions around him.

Since joining the army when he was a teenager, Locke knew that the lone ranger could not get benefits on the battlefield. After all, it was a huge war in front of the air. Before he had enough strength, holding together for warmth should be what the bottom life should do.

Although there was no proper cooperation with assar, Locke and assar were able to fight with buadam at this time.

Buya, the black giant ape, has brute force and fighting spirit in the air, but he is like being blind. He is played by Locke and Ashar.

Sometimes fighting is like an art. Locke and Ashar are like artists holding a baton, while bouadam, a giant bear full of barbarism and violence, performs his own clumsy juggling under the guidance of the baton.

"The wind roars!"

"Sword Qi finger!"

"Energy tornado!"


"Dark energy Rhapsody!"

"Annihilation ball!"

"Chain of soul lock!"


Bouadam is adding to his wounds at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, his body became weaker and weaker, and he shed more and more blood, but buadam\'s fighting spirit did not drop much.

He even lost too much blood, which calmed buadam\'s confused and tyrannical mood after his transformation.

The scarlet eyes gradually returned to focus. The black giant ape obviously reduced the blow to Locke every time, but Locke felt that this guy was slowly getting stronger.

"In the information provided by the abalute Empire, do the Saia people have the talent to be strong when they are strong?" Ashar even discovered the change of bouadam earlier than Locke.

But instead of preventing Locke from continuing to hurt him, she helped bouadam break through a new bottleneck in the battle.

This is also a part of Ashar\'s experiment. She is testing the potential of the Saia people.

"Master, this guy won\'t break through level 3?" Locke looked at bouadam getting stronger and stronger in Vietnam. He was a little uneasy. While dealing with bouadam\'s crazy attack, he said to Ashar behind him.

"It\'s impossible. His initial strength is only the middle and upper reaches of secondary creatures. Now the level of secondary peak is obtained after he changed into a giant ape. If he breaks through level 3, it will violate the law of biological evolution." Ashar said calmly.

"However, the Saiya people, a strange race, do have their own uniqueness. It is not impossible for the Saiya soldier to break through level 3." Ashar then added that Locke really didn\'t know what to say.

If Buya really breaks through level 3, it will be in trouble.

"Master, you can do your experimental research later. Let\'s take care of this guy first. Others are not as relaxed as us." Locke couldn\'t help reminding.

Many level-1 and level-2 Knights have died around, and even the last magician has begun to suffer preliminary damage.

This is bad news. If we let it go, let alone destroy the Saiya people in the h18029 mining area base, it is still a problem whether they can retreat.

"Well, I\'ll do it later. I think the Saiya has reached his limit." Ashar said coldly.

Soon, a dark yellow energy light ball containing infinite radiation power and explosive power appeared at the top of Ashar\'s magic wand.

"Buy me a minute." Ashar said to Locke.

Nuclear Nova! Assar\'s latest research on the ultimate magic has a power comparable to the strike of a level 3 strong man, and will also be used as the terminator of his life!

It takes a minute for the nuclear explosion Nova to cast a spell. This is a minute for Locke to hold buadam back.

It may be that he felt the powerful attack attribute of assar singing that magic. Although buadam turned into a giant ape and his reason decreased a lot, from this moment on, he attacked assar very clearly.

Most of these attacks were blocked by Locke, and some were blocked by Ashar\'s strong magic shield.

The passing of each second marks that bouadam is one second closer to death, and also marks the victory of Locke and Ashar.

After all attacks failed to effectively interrupt Ashar\'s casting, bouadam was desperate for the last ten seconds.

He didn\'t know what the dark yellow energy ball represented, but the fighting blood in his body told him that it was a terrorist attack that could kill him.

In desperation, bouadam exploded his final potential.

This potential did not turn into combat effectiveness as usual, but

A more violent explosion took the lead in generating on this ice surface. Although it did not reach the level 3 power of terror, it was infinitely close to the level 3 power.

Why did the abbalut Empire fight with the Saia for half a year? So far, tens of thousands of Saia have been captured, but few Saia bodies have been harvested.

Because the Saiya are a tough race that fights to death.

Self explosion!

At the last moment of his life, bouadam, like all his comrades who were about to die, chose self explosion to complete the meaning of his life.

Fight the nation until death!

This is the Saiya!

In this unprecedented big bang, the first to bear the brunt is Locke, who is closest to bouadam.

The light cyan gas shield suddenly appeared around Locke. In this dazzling explosion, Locke\'s body became smaller and smaller

A week later, the Huiyue Legion was stationed in the base.

Lying on the hospital bed, Locke had nothing to do and played with a captured combat effectiveness detector.

Sometimes he put the combat effectiveness detector in his right eye to test the strength of knights and magicians who are also in a state of injury. Finally, Locke pointed the lens of the combat effectiveness detector at himself.

"Combat effectiveness 457 (896) points." Locke looked at the index in the detector and felt a little happier.

His combat effectiveness was 395 (896) points yesterday. It seems that today\'s recovery is good.

457 points is Locke\'s current actual combat effectiveness, and 896 points is Locke\'s combat effectiveness after he regained his heyday.

"You are so capable that I feel embarrassed. I heard that you and Ashar killed an intermediate Saiyan soldier?" Shortly after returning to the camp, jelina came to see Locke.


200W words, sprinkle flowers, sprinkle flowers.

The writing of the Saiya plane marks that the book has entered the middle stage from the initial stage and began to reach the main part of the book. At least my outline is set up in this way.

Recently, I have subscribed badly. It\'s not as much as the previous two watchers. It\'s really a big blow, eh.

I hope old fellow\'s free recommendation will be given to you. Thank you for your support.

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