Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 762

"Did you kill that guy?" Locke asked as he looked at the rolling waves of dark elements.

Under this unexpected attack, the middle-level Saiya warrior decided not to have time to turn on the energy shield. Locke thought that under the same circumstances, he could hardly stop assar\'s super magic without turning on the gas shield.

Even if you don\'t die, it\'s also a serious injury and difficult to continue fighting.

Defense has never been Locke\'s specialty.

The chest armor was broken, and the internal pain made Locke show his teeth. The short fight made Locke deeply realize the strength of the Saiyan race.

This is also Locke\'s first time to face a humanoid creature comparable to a knight\'s strong man. The Saiya people have an impact on him, which is far greater than the shock given to him by heterogeneous races such as activated goblins and digital beasts.

It also makes Locke understand that there are people outside people and there are days outside the world.

If the two dueled under the same circumstances, Locke did not have much confidence to completely subdue the man.

It didn\'t let Locke relax for too long, and the dark elements around him haven\'t dispersed. Ashar said coldly, "that guy hasn\'t died, but it makes me feel stronger. Be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, a painted black arm with fur protruding from the wave of dark elements hit Locke and Ashar.

"Bang!" Where the ice broke and Locke and Ashar took refuge, a two meter deep pit appeared there.

This is the half plane of ice and snow. There is a thick layer of ice on the ground. You can blow two meters deep with one punch. You can imagine how much strength it contains.

"Roar!" The attacker finally came out of the dark energy wave.

It turned out to be a painted black giant ape with a height of nearly 20 meters. Its scarlet eyes showed how irritable the giant ape was at this time. There was blood on his right shoulder, and the bones and blood vessels inside were clearly visible.

It can be concluded that this great ape is buadam who was seriously injured by Locke and Ashar.

"Did the gifted great ape change..." Ashar looked at the chest of the black haired giant ape. There was a circle of obvious burning and corrosion marks, which was caused by Ashar\'s power to annihilate the ball.

The single attack magic, which is famous for its energy degree, also caused a lot of injuries to the Saiyan who turned into a giant ape, but although the injury was serious, it did not kill, or even seriously injured.

After becoming a giant ape, bouadam\'s combat effectiveness index jumped from 572 to 892, 3 points more than the 889 combat effectiveness value in the Locke combat effectiveness detector.

It\'s harmless to exceed the 3 points of combat effectiveness. In fact, for them at the level of secondary life, as long as the combat effectiveness gap is within 100, there will be no decisive gap.

This is also Locke\'s combat effectiveness evaluation when he did not start his blood transformation.

"Let\'s make a quick decision. The situation is very bad now." Behind him, Ashar\'s voice came.

The "situation" she said is not the battle between them and the powerful intermediate Saiyan warrior, but the overall battle outside the base of h18029 mining area.

The combination of two level-3 sky knights and level-3 great magician is being beaten by the senior Saiyan warrior, who is unable to care about others, and the front composed of knights and slave creatures on the ground has become precarious.

Especially at this time, the battle entered the stalemate stage, and they became the Saiyan soldiers of the great apes. The strength of the Saiyan people was clearly described in this battle.

Almost every Saiyan warrior can challenge assar with one against two or even three, not to mention bouadam, who is far higher than his combat effectiveness index.

When you are strong, you will be strong. The fighting talent of the Saiya people is rare among you.

Although several powerful middle-level Saiyan warriors were jointly restrained by several knights, a larger number of low-level Saiya were about to break through the blockade of first-level knights and slave creatures.

The first-class Knights have no blood transformation ability. At this time, the low-level Saiyan soldiers who turned into great apes in the face of the blood that inspired the battle present a one-sided situation.

It takes almost four or even five first-class knights to control a low-level Saiyan who turns into a giant ape.

From the soul contract, Locke also felt the spiritual fluctuation of Fermo and AI. They were really dealing with a low-level Saiyan warrior at this time.

After becoming a giant ape, the intelligence and mental strength of the Saiya people have decreased significantly. In return, they have nearly doubled their strength, defense and recovery.

In the face of such fierce fighting and super physical giant creatures, the first-class knights who are "short" and generally only about two meters tall, really don\'t have any countermeasures.

Hearing Ashar\'s hint, Locke also noticed that the current situation on the battlefield was gradually bad. There was no unnecessary nonsense. Locke, like other knights on the field, launched his own blood transformation.

Sen\'s white bone armor appeared on the surface of Locke\'s skin. His left hand turned into three sharp bone spines. His right hand held the long gun taken out of the space ring. A pair of white gold wings on his back opened, and the fine light gold scales appeared in the gaps of all parts of Locke\'s body, which not only increased Locke\'s defense, but also gave Locke a great bonus in flexibility.

Locke\'s transformation of blood at this time has many subtle changes compared with that before him. The main reason is the improvement of Locke\'s strength and the practice of hemolysis.

Most of these changes are benign. The only disadvantage may be that Locke doesn\'t adapt to the changes of his blood transformation, which Locke didn\'t expect in advance.

He twisted his neck, probably to absorb the blood of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, which added a lot of bone elements to Locke\'s transformation. "Beep beep" a burst of crispy sound. Locke finally adapted to his state at this time.

Almost all the Saiya people around have turned on the transformation of great apes. If one of them still retains human form, you may see Locke\'s combat effectiveness index at this time.

Buadam opened his scarlet eyes and stood against Locke, who was only five meters tall in front of him. Obviously, his physique was less than a quarter of his own, but buadam gave birth to a faint sense of threat.

Unfortunately, when the combat effectiveness detector turned into a giant ape, it was torn by the soaring body shape just like the combat clothes he wore. Buadam could not intuitively get the gap with Locke.

But this faint sense of threat is what buadam loves and is keen on. The fighting nation can understand the meaning of life only in the battle. Even if it is death, death in the battle is also the greatest respect for the Saiya people!