Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 764

"Kill a Saiyan? Sort of..." Locke showed off his bandage.

In the battle at the base of h18029 mining area a week ago, as the offensive side, they finally drew with the Saiya people. After both sides lost a considerable number of manpower, they took the lead to withdraw and degenerate as the termination symbol.

In the end, the Huiyue Legion underestimated the race of the Saiya people. Although the officials of the abbalut Empire repeatedly stressed the difficulties of the Saiya people before, they did not actually fight with the Saiya people. The Huiyue Legion still fell a big somersault in this ice and snow half plane.

Facts have proved that the tactic of dividing troops to crush the whole line is a lose lose lose game that hurts one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred. The Saiya people are not afraid of enemies twice or even three times more than themselves.

It is the most normal and least costly way to suppress this fighting race completely and exert ten times their strength.

Different from the arrogant Saiya people, knights and magicians never have any negative emotions because they bully more and less. They are rational humans, not orangutans who have no brain and only know how to fight.

Like Locke\'s troops who went to the h18029 mining base, other combat troops of the Huiyue Legion lost a lot in this first battle with the Saia.

Locke\'s army was fairly good. Only about a quarter of the Knights died in the war. Only a dozen unlucky magicians were killed by the saiyas who broke through the defense line. It was normal for the troops attacking other bases to lose more than half, and some were completely destroyed.

It is said that the most tragic is the base B of the ice and snow half plane, which is attacked by a semi God magician. There are not only a semi God Saiya with a combat effectiveness of more than 4000, but also several senior Saiya with the same strength.

Half of the Knights and magicians representing the main force of Huiyue Legion lost their halberds in base B, and the semi divine magicians were seriously injured and dying. The casualty rate of knights and magicians was three-quarters.

Finally, if we had not decisively abandoned the car to protect the commander, left more than 10000 high-level slave creatures there to stop the saiyas from subsequent attacks, and attacked the fourth and fifth combat forces of the Huiyue regiment in base B, the whole army would be destroyed there.

Not all the troops of the Huiyue Legion are at a disadvantage. They attack the combat troops of base a, the largest main base of Saiya in the ice and snow half plane, and finally win by advantage.

Although it did not completely wipe out the remaining Saiyan troops in base a, this victory brought great encouragement and confidence to the Knights and magicians of the Huiyue Legion fighting on the ice and snow half plane.

The brilliant achievements of base a mainly depend on the actual leader of the moon corps, a semi God ice element division.

In this ice and snow half plane, the ubiquitous ice and snow law gives the semi God magician incomparably powerful strength blessing.

There is a half plane rule as a backup inside information blessing. The ice half god magician named hosev even achieved the terrorist record of one enemy two in base a.

This shocked not only the Knights and magicians fighting, but also the Saiyan soldiers of the opponent.

It has always been the Saiya people who win the strong with the weak and win the many with the few. When did this kind of enemy of the same level appear, which can only be suppressed by two semi God Saiya people with a combat power of more than 4000 points.

So, about the moon Corps in ε The battle of the planet (also known as the ice and snow half plane) finally ended in the victory of base a, the disastrous defeat of base B and the draw of base C.

Jelina\'s summoning Santa force, like Locke, attacked a small base somewhere in the C bulk mine base.

According to jielina, their troops didn\'t ask for too many benefits from the Saiyan people. The Saiyan people in general form are OK, but if they are the Saiyan soldiers after turning into giant apes, their huge physique and unparalleled power are enough to crush the summoning animals of most summoners.

Not every Summoner can summon Level 3 creatures to fight like the two geniuses in the final of the summoner competition.

Taking jielina as an example, her second level summoners are only three, and limited by magic and spiritual power, jielina can summon up to two second level summoners at the same time.

In the previous battle with the Saiya people, jelina\'s two level 2 summoners were slightly injured and seriously injured. Fortunately, there was no big loss.

Playing with the combat effectiveness detector in his hand, Locke chatted with jelina while silently recovering his injured body.

The close range self explosion of intermediate Saiya people is not so easy to resist. If there were not a second-class top element master Ashar next to him, Locke\'s situation might be worse.

As for the battle at the base of h18029 mining area, Locke did not get nothing. The five secondary energy essence of killing intermediate Saiyan soldiers has been distributed to him and Ashar.

The magic empire is supported by the commercial alliance kapech in logistics. It doesn\'t take money as money. It not only gives the reward of killing strong enemies surprisingly fast, but also provides the recovery medicine after Locke\'s injury.

For Locke, the biggest gain after this battle is the further improvement of the actual combat level and the acquisition of several secondary energy essence.

But for ASAR, the biggest gain of her battle was half a broken Saiyan tail and some captured Saiyan equipment.

Now the Saiyan tail, which is said to contain unknown power, is still soaking in Ashar\'s laboratory nutrition tank. Low-grade equipment such as combat effectiveness detector flows to Locke\'s hands.

The combat effectiveness detector is worthy of being a new combat equipment developed by Saiya scientists. Ashar has disassembled and analyzed it for several days, but he has not received valuable information. Finally, he turned to study the Saiya tail with cellular and biological power.

In addition to the combat effectiveness detector, items such as broken Saiya combat clothes and space capsules were also collected by Locke.

These spoils were obtained by the two low-level saiyas killed by Locke and Ashar after they solved buadam.

It was also this battle that made Ashar and Locke famous in the seventh combat force.

At that time, after the battle of h18029 mining area base, the level-3 magician, as one of the team leaders, personally met assar once and tried to introduce assar to the Huiyue holy tower, but assar refused.

Locke really wants to communicate with another team leader, the sky knight, in terms of combat skills. Unfortunately, the sky knight was beaten a little miserably by the senior Saiya Keene. He was hurt worse than Locke. Now he is still lying in the serious illness room.