Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 758

"It\'s really unlucky. Why did my dignified Lord buadam, an excellent intermediate Saiyan warrior, come here to watch these scum mining." A poor philean had just passed out, and the Saiyan complained to his companion.

"I heard that the war on biological planet 7 is becoming more and more intense. I really want to participate in it and feel the hot plasma of despicable alien creatures." Next to him, a Saiya man said.

"Yes, under the leadership of Lord popney, we Saiya will be able to trample on those alien lower creatures!" Buadam\'s complaint aroused the resonance of other Saiyan soldiers in this small base. They shouted one after another, and occasionally whipped the whip on the past slave miners.

Bopney is the king of Saia. Half a year ago, he was sent from Saia to investigate the death of baluta, a fourth level Saia.

In addition to Pope and others, four level-4 Saiyan soldiers and a 200000 Saiyan army were accompanied.

In the past six months, the Saiyan army led by bopney and the army of the abalute Empire have launched several wars successively. Although the Saiyan were forced to retreat step by step and lost four mineral stars one after another, the army of the abalute Empire has not yet caused substantial damage to these saians.

The fighting enthusiasm of Saiya people is still high.

Mining in the base of h18029 mining area includes not only filar people, but also draxing people and Puka people They are poor miners who have been destroyed by the Saia and enslaved for generations.

He burst a filar\'s brain bag and brushed his combat boots with its hot brain, which calmed down the tyranny in his blood.

Kicking away the dead filar, buadam\'s combat effectiveness detector in his right eye made a "drop by drop" sound.

"There\'s a situation!" Bouadam jumped into the air and jumped to the top of the base.

The speed of other Saiyan soldiers is not slow. They jump up one after another. The long calm makes them extremely eager for a hearty fight.

"Is the alien scum coming again? Let me kill some more this time!" The scarlet tongue licked his teeth, and bouadam said grimly.

"There are two tricky guys among the alien enemies coming back. I\'ll deal with those two. Buadam, you and other intermediate Saiyan soldiers will lead the lower Saiyan soldiers to kill all the alien scum that dares to invade the h18029 mining area base!" Next to bouadam, a strong Saiyan with a height of 2.5 meters ordered.

"Yes, Lord keener." Bouadam bowed his head and said respectfully.

The Saiya only obey the orders of the strong. The strong Saiya who can command the intermediate Saiya buadam is a senior Saiya warrior with a combat effectiveness value of 2892 points. This is the only senior Saiya in this base.

Outside the h18029 mining area base, nearly 1000 knights, magicians and slave biological forces came here, which reached an absolute advantage of 5:1 with the number of Saiya stationed here.

Although the total number of slave creatures is more than 700, 700 slave creatures ranging from high-level, quasi level and even first-level Warcraft are enough to drown any enemy they want to attack.

This was the first battle after the Huiyue army entered the ice and snow half plane. There was not much nonsense. The small army of the Huiyue army launched a fierce attack as soon as it approached the base of h18029 mining area.

Hundreds of ferocious slave creatures, in a semi surrounded and scattered formation, rushed to the Saiyan base in front, followed by powerful first-class and second-class knights. As sharp knives in the team, they are the sharp tools for harvesting life!

At the end of the team, nearly 100 level-1 and level-2 magicians are singing incantations. Surging element fluctuations are gradually set off in the sky. Even the ice attribute elements in the air are also scattered in this disordered element energy.

The first person to rush out of the Saiyan base was a high-level Saiyan warrior with amazing momentum. As soon as he appeared, he rushed alone to the magician force at the end of the team with an incomparable terror.

It seems that after half a year\'s tug of war, Saiya people also have a clear understanding of the fighting ability of knights and magicians. He also knows that the greatest threat to this base is not the hundreds of slave creatures, nor the powerful level-1 and level-2 knights, but the casters who hide behind and release magic.

It was too late and fast at that time. At the speed of senior Saiya people, it took more than ten seconds to approach the magician\'s army. In a few seconds of reaction time, the cavalry and magician\'s army also rose in the air, and two level three strong men greeted the senior Saiya people.

The battle between the three-level strong is faster than expected.

The Saiya people disdain the protracted and soft battle. The straight and fierce impact is their true color.

As soon as he came up, he often killed moves. Not only did he kill the level-3 heavenly knight in a bit of a hurry, but even the level-3 great magician was forced to release the magic shield first by the fierce attack of the senior Saiya people, and there was no time to prepare for the powerful killing magic.

Before the transformation of the gifted giant ape, the senior Saiyan warrior was so fierce that one enemy and two did not lose, but pressed two level three strong men to fight, so that Locke, who had been secretly watching the war above his head, could pick up his heart.

Below, hundreds of slave creatures soon collided with the 200 Saiyan soldiers, and a blood and flesh frenzy soon set off.

The solid scales on which the slave creatures depended to protect their lives could not withstand the bombardment of the Saiyan iron fist. Basically, if they punched down, it was a fist pit half a meter deep. The incomparable power of the Saiyan people, like the Knights and magicians as invaders, explained their instinct to fight the nation.

In terms of quality, the slave creature legion of the abbalut empire far exceeds the slave creatures of the three western islands. Among the hundreds of slave creatures, the weakest have the level of high-level Warcraft. Unfortunately, all they encounter are Saiyan warriors above level 1.

The Saiya people are a strange race. All the same races that do not meet the standards of low-level Saiya people will be abandoned by the Saiya people. They will either throw them to other planets to survive or exile them to other spaces. In short, there can never be Saiya people below the first level to survive on the Saiya planet. (except minor Saia.)

It is this distinctive system of survival of the fittest that has kept the Saiya race alive for hundreds of thousands of years.

The slave Legion soon collapsed. Even the most powerful level-2 super level Warcraft, it was difficult to resist the fierce attack of the intermediate Saiya.

Obviously, the number is only 200, but this group of Saiyan soldiers, in violation of the consistent cognition of knights and magicians, rushed towards them with more numbers!

The fighting blood of the Saia people is boiling!


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