Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 757

And α The yellow sand on the planet is different, ε The planet is a land of ice and snow, with a perennial temperature of minus 20 degrees. It is named the ice and snow half plane by the abbalut empire.

"If you encounter a battle, try to get as close as possible to my range of 50 meters, so that I can take care of you." Through the transmission array, enter ε After the planet, Locke turned to Nina and said.

He and Nina have a magic contract agreement. Locke still takes good care of the life safety of this cheerful little Nina.

It was also when the magic contract was signed that Locke knew that Nina was 55 years old today, which happened to be six years younger than Locke, so Locke called her "little Nina", which was reluctantly recognized by both sides.

This is the garrison area of Huiyue Legion. There are nearly 150000 slave creatures stationed outside the camp of knights and magicians.

At such a anxious and tense juncture of the war, 150000 slave creatures can be sent here, which is the greatest help that the decision-making level of the abbalut empire can give.

When the moon Corps enters ε In front of the planet, there have been several wars between the imperial army of ebarute and the Saiya people here, with losses on both sides. In this ice and snow world, dark and scorched energy holes on the ground can often be seen.

"In this ice and snow half plane, our task is not only to destroy the Saiya and their affiliated races, but also to collect this ice attribute magic material called jingling mine." Less than half a day after finishing in the camp, the relevant mission information of Huiyue holy tower came from Locke\'s Knight Medal.

General Cecilia, the owner of Huiyue Santa tower, is leading the blast army. Once the magicians found the special element attribute of Jingling mine, it was rated as an advanced resource. A thumb sized jingling mine is worth a first-class energy essence.

The abundance of crystal ore reserves in the whole ice and snow half plane makes every intruder sharpen his knife.

Without practical benefits, who will work for you and who will obey the orders of the magic empire. The discovery of Jingling mine is not only to stimulate their fighting will as invaders, but also to weaken the Saiya people in disguise.

According to the fighting for half a year, the abbalut Empire found that the Saia people would be in a state of chaos for a certain period after their unique transformation of great apes, and the jingling mine containing rich ice element and certain mental calming effect is the best material to suppress the tyrannical mood of the Saia people.

Among the more than 20 mineral planets controlled by the Saia people, there are a large number of crystal Ling minerals ε The planet has therefore been highly valued by the Saiyan high-level.

If we can take the lead to conquer this ice and snow half plane and break its main left behind forces with the Saia people in the ice and snow half plane, there are only three left after half a year\'s tug of war.

Base a and base B are the only two large ore veins left by the Saiya in the ice and snow half plane. The jingling ore produced is also mainly supplied to the Saiya army of the seventh biological planet.

Base C belongs to the scattered mining area of Jingling mine, which produces few jingling mines. The supplier is mainly 8000 Saiya soldiers stationed on the ice and snow half surface.

The higher the ranking of the combat forces of the moon corps, the stronger the combat effectiveness. Among the first five combat forces, the top strongman leading the army to base a is the ice semi divine element division hosef.

The leader of a demigod Knight went to base B, and the remaining two demigod magicians. One stayed in the camp to ensure the safety of the cross plane space transmission array and the smooth deployment of materials, and the other LED Locke to base C to launch an attack.

Although there are many knights and magicians going to base C, their overall strength is weaker than the other two forces. They are mainly first-class creatures. There are less than 200 second-class strong people like Locke and assar, and only six third-class strong people.

Because the Saiya base C is a bulk mine base, the Saiya garrison troops are dispersed. In order to ensure the overall advancement of the front, the team is divided into several units again.

Considering that the Saiya people\'s defense strength in base C was the weakest, this troop separation measure was successfully implemented after a short discussion between the semi divine magician and several level III strong men.

H18029 mining area, where 200 Saiyan soldiers are stationed.

"Damn scum, work hard for me, or I\'ll throw you into the ice storm." A middle-level Saiyan soldier in combat protective clothing shouted at the filsians who transported materials back and forth in the base.

From time to time, a whip was thrown over. The filar people, who are thin and have a brain bag of less than one meter and five meters, are the end of the split flesh.