Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 759

The slave biological Legion at the front did not play their due work. The collapsing battle situation made the knights in the middle of the battle a little flustered.

However, knights who can be promoted to level 1 or above are top powers who have experienced countless battles and life and death trials. Although the fighting is not quite the same as they expected, this panic was soon curbed by them using their rich combat experience.

Several powerful second-class knights, after a roar, directly launched their blood and transformed themselves. The Saiya people were fierce, so they made a quick decision and took out their highest combat power.

After bursts of fighting storms with different element energies, more than a dozen secondary land knights with different forms completed their transformation and appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

After kicking away the slave creatures in the way, a ground knight with a similar appearance to the Tauren roared and rushed to the coming Saiya people with an axe.

"Oh? That\'s interesting!" Face to face with the land knight was buadam, who had the highest combat effectiveness index among the intermediate saiyas. In buadam\'s combat effectiveness detector, the land Knight transformed into a Tauren monster, his combat effectiveness soared to 456 points!.

The index of intermediate Saiya people is that the combat effectiveness is 100 ~ 1000. The combat effectiveness of this alien scum is 456 points. It is also outstanding among ordinary intermediate Saiya people, but it\'s not enough in front of Buya!

"Die, scum!" Bouadam smiled grimly, and an energy ball emitting light white fluorescence in his right hand was gathering energy.

When buadam did not turn on the transformation of the great ape, his combat effectiveness index was 572 points. He is known as the first person under the senior Saiya Kenai in the h18029 mining area base and the leader among the intermediate Saiya.

Although the white fluorescent energy ball is not impressive, it hinders the momentum of the knight who rushed to buadam. The knight\'s intuition about the battle tells him that if he resists this move, he will not die, but he will definitely be seriously injured.

How is this possible?!

The Saiya people are not magicians. The local Knight couldn\'t understand why among the strong at the same level, there are creatures other than magicians who can release this powerful move!

There was not much time for the land knight to think. Bouadam\'s energy ball quickly stored energy. Under its great power, it hit the land Knight at an unparalleled speed.

The warning sign in the heart was raging. At the moment when the white energy ball was about to hit itself, the Tauren Knight finally changed his charging momentum to a defensive posture. The fierce green fighting spirit appeared on the body surface to form a fighting shield. Unexpectedly, he was a knight practicing wooden skills.

But soon, the Tauren Knight did not dare to perform and widened his bull\'s eyes. In his chest, a penetrating injury appeared out of thin air. He blocked buadam\'s energy ball attack, but ignored buadam himself who rushed up at the same time.

Take the bloody right hand out of the alien scum\'s chest, "poop!" Drenched plasma gushed out of the hole in his chest like a fountain.

The blood of the blue brown Tauren is famous for its strong vitality. The local knight is also a wood attribute skill. When his chest is penetrated, the local knight is not dead.

Nourished by the vigorous fighting spirit of the wood attribute, the blood hole in his chest is slowly breeding granulation. If the repair speed can be maintained, it is not certain that the land knight can come back from the gate of hell.

Unfortunately. The man in front of him will not give him this chance.

Another iron fist containing energy shock wave waved up. This time, bouadam aimed at the wounded chest of the land knight.

Under the melting of the hot energy shock wave, the chest trauma of the land Knight doubled again, and even the heart of his left atrium was beating!

"It doesn\'t die. It\'s really a worm with tenacious vitality!" Buadam spat softly.

For a long time, bouadam\'s best fighting method is to defeat the enemy with one move. Among the strong at the same level, it is difficult to bear bouadam\'s punch without death.

In fact, buadam\'s punch was not an ordinary punch, but a blasting attack that condensed all buadam\'s spirit and gathered all his strength to one point. As for the energy shock wave prepared in advance, it was more a cover.

The Tauren Knight should not have lost so quickly. It was his empiricism that led him to focus all his energy on the energy shock wave of buadam and ignore buadam himself.

With his rough skin and thick flesh and the strength of his air shield, it\'s not surprising to block the energy shock wave, but it\'s not enough to see that while blocking the energy shock wave, he also has to block the iron fist from buadam\'s infinite momentum.

The Tauren Knight did not complain about the defeat.

Saiya people are a race that often has leapfrog challenges. Moreover, buadam\'s combat effectiveness index is higher than him. If the double addition effect of energy shock wave and buadam\'s knowing attack is included, at that moment, the combat effectiveness index actually caused by buadam is probably close to 800!

Tauren\'s Knight has temporarily lost his fighting ability. His body has suffered such terrible penetrating wounds. He has long died on ordinary knights, but his life level and wood attribute are full of vitality. Now he is hanging his last breath.

Saiya people disdain to waste time on the weak. The local Knight will give it to the low Saiya people behind him. Give him the last blow. Scan the battlefield twice, and buadam rushes towards a local knight with the same combat effectiveness.

Only the strong are worthy to be buadam\'s opponents. Buadam has not felt the boiling blood of battle for a long time!

The situation of bouadam against the enemy is only a corner of the battlefield.

From the perspective of the three top three, the battle has just begun, but the situation is spreading.

The 200 Saiyan soldiers are fighting against the mixed forces of knights and slave creatures at the moment, and the speed of breaking through the front is approaching the magician front pressing to the last.

It\'s not a blessing to let the magician fight with a group of Saiya people. As one of the army leaders, the heavenly Knight said to the level 3 magician behind him, "I\'ll hold this guy first, and you can help the Knights below stabilize their positions!"

In fact, it\'s not that the Knights are inferior to the Asians, but they are the first to contact the race of the Asians. They are a little blinded by the crazy fighting posture and super personal ability of the Asians.

If we can re stabilize the front and use the battle array that Knights often cooperate in the ectopic war against the enemy, the victory or defeat is unknown!

"Oh? Do you really think you can hold me down alone?" Keene, a senior Saiyan, sneered at the sky knight.