Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 756

On the eve of entering the cross plane space transmission array, the magic Empire abbalut finally unlocked some details about the plane war.

In addition to some basic knowledge about the Saiya star domain, it is more about the abilities and specialties of the Saiya people, a powerful biological race.

It can be rated as a "powerful biological race" by arrogant knights and magicians. The saiyas have not humiliated the title of their fighting nation.

Its own strength is invincible among its peers. Needless to say, the Saiya people are also a race with good wisdom.

The combat effectiveness detector is the product of their research.

In addition, among the intelligence provided by the abbalut Empire, the Saiya also have anti gravity armor, space airship, space capsule and other scientific research products.

Their overall scientific and technological tree and research achievements are not comparable to the magicians in the wizard world, but they have also grown to a considerable height, which has attracted many arcane masters to explore the knowledge level of the Saia people.

"Unfortunately, the combat effectiveness detector is broken, and its material composition is damaged by sand elements and radiation. Otherwise, I\'m not sure what else I can find." Ashar regretted.

In fact, the most regrettable thing is that the abalute Empire failed to provide them with a Saiyan corpse specimen.

The love and madness of the Saia people for fighting is beyond the imagination of magicians. They have fought with the Saia people for nearly half a year. The total number of Saia people above the first level killed by the abbalut Empire has exceeded 100000, but not to mention the few captives, and less than 1000 whole corpses have been obtained.

These precious corpse specimens were all distributed to the third level magicians who participated in the plane invasion. The magic Empire tried to find the weakness of the Saiyan family through the wisdom and means of these third level magicians.

ASAR Level 2 magicians want to obtain the corpse specimens of the Saiya people. They either have to ask the powerful level 3 Magicians for purchase, or they have to find a way to capture them themselves.

The distant trans plane space transmission array is still swallowing Spitting out the Legion of knights and magicians, in fact, the number is more slave biological Legion.

In this half plane filled with yellow sand, traces left by wanton slave creatures can be seen everywhere.

In terms of quantity, the total number of slave creatures participating in this plane war is said to be 6 ~ 10 times that of knights and magicians.

It is also them that mainly replace knights and magicians and bear the positive attack pressure from powerful Saiya people.

Without staying long enough in this yellow sand half plane, the Huiyue Legion got the order from the upper level, or the assignment from the fourth level strongman, general Cecilia.

The attack was named ε The mineral planet of the planet is the first mission of their wizard world Legion who has just arrived in the saya region.

ε Planet, belonging to the five mineral planets of the seventh biological planet, the mineral planet closest to the seventh biological planet is also the only broken half plane around the seventh biological planet occupied by the abbalut empire so far.

Prior to this, it includes a device as the place of the cross bit plane spatial transmission array architecture α Planet, already β、γ、δ A total of four mineral planets fell under the control of the abbalut empire.

With the basic information of the Saiya star domain given by the abbalut empire in advance, Locke also knows that the representative meaning of the mineral planet is the half plane.

"The plane war has been fought for nearly half a year now. Did the abbalut Empire only fight four and a half planes..." Locke lamented that the strength of the abbalut Empire seen in the half plane of Huangsha has far exceeded Locke\'s cognition in the three western islands.

So many knights, magicians and a large number of slave biological legions above level 1 are more than ten times the strength of the three western islands. It\'s not too much to lay a low-level plane in half a year, but why are only four and a half planes in hand so far.

"The Saiya people are really hard to chew, but I heard that the main force of the Empire has been fighting with the Saiya people on the seventh biological planet. Lord crower, the steel casting general, has also cooperated with several level-4 strong men to lead the army to point at the sixth biological planet. Other top strong men have invaded the Saiya region from different directions. We are here ε The battle of mineral planets will be much easier. " Nina came up and said with relief.

Huiyue Legion belongs to the second echelon combat force. Different from the main legions of silver dragon Legion and gale legion, they don\'t need to face the threat of the Saiyan army, and the Saiyan are ε The strength of mineral planets is not much.

As the space transmission array shines again, it is located in the once α The mineral planet, now the knights, magicians and slave biological legions of the yellow sand half plane, are transmitted to different battlefields under different space landmark settings.

There are more than ten space transmission arrays here, facing different regions, that is, there are more than ten large, medium and small battlefields between the abbalut Empire and the Saiya people in the whole Saiya star domain.

ε The mineral planet, the closest half plane to the seventh biological planet, is a hard nail that has not been pulled out in the early war plan formulated by the abalute empire.

Unlike the micro plane, which is difficult to accommodate the entry of level 4 organisms, although the overall mass of the regular and broken half plane is smaller, the strong above level 4 can also perform here because of its broken rules and space.

Although doing so will seriously damage the life of the half plane. The violent battle fluctuation of the strong above level 4 will fundamentally bring irreparable trauma to the half plane.

Today, the seventh biological planet is in fierce battle. No matter the Saiya or the abarut Empire, there are no redundant strong men above level 4 sent to ε A small place like a mineral planet.

Therefore, this is the battle place of life below level 4, or it is called the bleeding place of low-level creatures.

ε Because the planet has unique resource advantages and is also the half plane closest to the seventh biological planet, neither the Saiya nor the abbalut Empire has given up control over this broken half plane.

As the last bridgehead of the seventh biological planet, the Saia people stationed nearly 8000 soldiers above the first level here, while the abalute Empire sent the Huiyue Legion just dispatched from the wizard world to stay in this half plane.

The shining moon Legion has nearly 4000 knights and above and 4000 magicians above level 1, plus 1000 summoners of Yunluo Santa tower. In terms of the total number of first-class strong people, the abbalut empire is stronger than the Saia people.

What\'s more? ε The planet also has a large number of slave biological legions, which are regarded as cannon fodder for consumption and transported here.