Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 755

"Then you should listen to me and don\'t act without authorization." Locke said seriously to meimila.

"Yes!" With the master\'s consent, meimila was very excited.

Meimila pestered Locke every day to take her with her since she learned that master Ashar was going to the ectopic battlefield with master Ashar, probably for several years.

Locke was annoyed by the girl for agreeing to meimila\'s request.

Locke\'s plan is to put meimila into the Shura field, which can hold living creatures. Since it can hold gray dwarf slaves, it can also hold meimila.

The only problem is that the Shura field will give the low-level life loaded into it and impose slow spiritual transformation and slavery on the holders. If meimila wants to enter the Shura field, she has to ask Ashar to make a low-level magic prop for her to resist the infection of spiritual power.

When Locke first participated in the ectopic war, or when he was a high-ranking attendant, since meimila, as his chief disciple, naturally had to be better than the blue. This is Locke\'s explanation for Ashar and jerina.

"Anyway, the child has only the strength of a middle-level attendant. Locke, you really have the heart." Jielina disagreed. Since she came to the city of the moon, she derailed with the summoners of the moon tower and came to live with Locke and Ashar.

Thanks to Nina\'s introduction, the house is large enough and there are many empty rooms to meet jielina\'s willfulness.

"It doesn\'t matter. Generally, I will let her stay in the Shura field. Even if I let her out, I will let Fermo or AI look at her." Locke said.

Jerina knows that Locke has two first-class pets with great strength. I\'m relieved to hear him say so.

Two months passed quickly, and this day finally came when Locke and Ashar embarked on the journey of ectopic surface.

The trans plane space transmission array established by the abbalut empire is located in the Peruvian plain in the Midwest of the Empire. It has good weather all year round. However, it is embarrassing that the shallow soil here is rich in a low magic metal called indium, which makes the wheat and other crops here unable to grow normally.

Without enough food crops, of course, there will not be a large number of ordinary human settlements.

In fact, the Peruvian plains are mainly inhabited by a subspecies of gold eaters called Noba, which mainly feed on indium.

The abbalut Empire set up the cross plane transmission array here, which not only avoided the influence of ordinary people in the Empire, but also reduced the huge magic required by the cross plane spatial transmission array with the help of the magic of indium, a low magic metal rich in the Peruvian plain.

After the calculation and coordination of many great magicians in the Empire, the low magic element environment in the Peruvian plain will reduce the energy loss of the cross plane space transmission array by 15%, which will be an astronomical number for a large exchange war with millions of troops.

Locke, who had just arrived in the Peruvian plain, was stunned at the first sight of the vast and boundless space transmission array.

The height of this space transmission array is close to 500 meters, and the width has reached a terrible 2000 meters. An amazing number of knights, magicians and slave biological legions enter it all the time.

"This is not the limit of this space transmission array. It is said that it can also increase the power and increase the area of the transmission gate." Nearby, Nina whispered to Locke, "several subsequent space fortresses of the Empire go to the ectopic side through this portal."

As the connection channel between the abbarut Empire and the distant Saiya star domain, the giant space transmission array is guarded by the powerful forces of the abbarut Empire, whether on one side of the wizard world or on the other side of the Saiya star domain.

Locke has felt the detection sight of more than one terrorist above level 4, sweeping across the Peruvian plain.

Locke hasn\'t felt the feeling of hair exploding all over his body for a long time.

"Strong people above level 4..." Locke murmured.

Locke, Ashar and Nina entered the space transmission array together with the Knights and magicians of the Huiyue Legion. After all, the predecessor of the Huiyue Legion is the Huiyue holy tower, the magician organization.

Even if there are many vassal knights, the ratio of knights to magicians has reached a rare 1:1.

It is worthy of being the force under Cecilia, the general of the evil way. In front of other legions of the abbalut Empire, the high wind Legion and the bright moon Legion mainly rely on outstanding magic power.

Although jelina\'s Yunluo Santa army was assigned by the above to be mixed with the Huiyue legion, jelina still needs to stay in her Summoner army, not with Locke and Ashar.

Nearly ten thousand knights and magicians with the Hui moon Legion crossed the space transmission array. On the other side of the transmission array, a world full of yellow sand appeared.

The oxygen concentration in the air is very low, which is lower than that required by ordinary human life, and accompanied by the yellow sand, there are many element rays that make Locke feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Locke is not an ordinary human. He is a powerful knight. Although the quality of the environment is very poor, it has little impact on him.

Inspired by the morale shield, Locke kept up with the Knights and magicians.

"This plane should belong to the broken half plane rich in sand system elements. Presumably, we won\'t stay here." Ashar said.

Locke entered the half plane for the first time. It is said that the half plane is a low plane with imperfect laws and can not breed life. However, shortly after entering this half plane, Locke saw a trace of the creation of intelligent life in the yellow sand and debris.

"It is said that this plane is a mineral planet under the rule of the Saiya family. It was attacked first by the silver dragon Legion. When it first attacked this half plane, the Empire also accepted a large number of low-level slave creatures." Nina continued.

Slavery and oppression are inevitable in any aspect. It seems that in this distant time and space, there is also a cruel war of aggression and being invaded.

The peace loving race of spark goblins is still a minority after all.

Without enough strength, peace loving them can not only become victims of powerful people.

This is the temporary camp set up by the abbalut empire for them in this half plane. With the keen perception of the knight with wind attribute, Locke found a green alchemy prop similar to single frame glasses at a depth of 10 meters underground 300 meters away from the camp.

Fly over and use fighting spirit to disperse the yellow sand. Locke picked up this strange prop with obvious metal texture.

"The combat effectiveness detector, one of the scientific products of the Saia people, has been introduced in the basic information given to us by the abbalut empire." Next to him, Ashar said.