Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 754

According to her, the Yunluo Legion where jielina is stationed has temporarily merged with Cecilia\'s Huiyue Legion. Two months later, they enter the space transmission array and go to the distant Saiya plane.

"It is said that the abbalut empire is dealing with the Saia people with eight low-level and micro planes at the same time." During the dinner, jelina popularized it to Locke.

"Eight?!" Locke was surprised.

Locke gets a lot of information about the front battlefield from gossip on the street and Nina at the front desk of Huiyue college. Although there are many news, it is generally of low value. This news from jielina surprised Locke.

"Is the Saiya plane a medium-sized plane, not the low-level and barbaric plane described in the imperial propaganda?" Asked Locke.

"The intermediate level is not enough. The information we got from Yunluo Santa tower is that the level has not yet had level 6 life, so it is not an intermediate level. But it is certain that with such details, the low level has touched the threshold of the intermediate level." Jenna talked freely.

Since the development of the wizard world, there have been three collisions with the medium-sized plane of the same level. Which one did not fight all the strength of the whole plane to win a difficult victory in the end.

This time, the abbalut Empire needs to rely on several other forces and launch a large-scale recruitment of Naxian, which also proves the strength of Saiya.

The next day, several people walked to Huiyue college.

Locke and Ashar are here to go through the formalities for temporarily joining the Huiyue legion, and jielina is here for the light of Olympiad of Huiyue college.

With the help of Nina, the process of Locke and Ashar joining the power of Huiyue Santa tower is very smooth.

"Although our Huiyue Legion went out to fight on the ectopic surface two months later, another legion of general Cecilia, the gale legion, has been put into the ectopic surface battlefield half a month ago." Nina explained to Locke and Ashar.

"A month ahead of schedule." Locke said.

"Yes, I heard some masters in the holy tower say that it seems that the war on the front line is not optimistic." Nina\'s eyebrows were full of sadness.

Like the silver dragon Legion as the advance legion, the gale Legion is the main battle legion of the abalute empire. It is also the direct Legion awarded by Cecilia after she acted as the demon General of the Empire. Its combat effectiveness is quite fierce.

This is a legion mainly composed of magicians. It is also known as the elemental sword of the abalute empire. Its actual combat effectiveness is no less than that of the silver dragon Legion. Even in terms of elemental attack means, it has the advantage of victory.

The high wind army was put into the ectopic battlefield in advance, which made the Knights and magicians in the wizard world think about it. Unfortunately, the information control of the front-line War intelligence of the abalute empire was quite strict, and there was no particularly important and shocking news to the ordinary first-class and second-class strong.

"The combat force you and master Ashar belong to is the No. 7 combat force. You should take care of me when you are with me." Nina smiled at Locke.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll cover you." Locke said angrily.

The higher the ranking of combat forces, the stronger the combat effectiveness and the stronger the enemies to face. The No. 7 combat force is at the middle and lower levels in the whole Huiyue Corps. The reason for this arrangement is Locke\'s request.

The battle on the front line is uncertain. How can Locke, who is cautious by nature, gamble on the lives of himself and master Ashar? They are not from the magic empire. This war is also based on experience, so they don\'t need to put themselves in danger.

Nina is so happy to help Locke operate these details because she is in the No. 7 combat force. The two have privately signed a magic contract. Locke protects Nina\'s life for two years in the war. In return, Nina will use her position in the shining moon Santa tower to help Locke as much as possible.

People are selfish, and the same is true in the environment of the Santa army. Locke, Nina and Ashar are small people who can\'t decide the direction and process of the plane war. All they can do is to ensure their own survival within their capabilities.

Looking at the hot sunny day outside, Locke wanted to know what step had been taken in the plane war that had been going on for three months.

According to his experience of participating in two level wars, three months is enough for the Knights and magicians of the wizard world to stand firm in that low level.

However, this time we need to face eight low-level and micro planes. I don\'t know how many have been eroded by the powerful legion of the abbalut empire.

Like many ordinary knights and magicians in the wizard world, Locke is full of confidence in this plane war, but in his heart, Locke has some slight uneasiness by observing the details of the Legion dispatched by the abbalut empire.

Two months, like a flick of a finger.

In the past two months, all Locke did every day was to ensure that his state was always at the peak. Even in order to release and experience all his strength, Locke had many blood changes in the secret room to verify what level he had reached.

After mastering hemolysis, and the total fighting spirit, muscle strength, soul saturation and spiritual strength have been improved in stages, Locke thinks that even if he can\'t compare with the two summoning Santa peerless talents who had three-level summoning beasts in the final of the summoner competition, he won\'t lose too ugly when fighting against them.

Assar\'s change is even more amazing. Except for those cards that Locke doesn\'t know, if assar said that the new magic nuclear explosion star she developed has three-quarters of the energy of atomic bomb explosion, Locke may have to rely on assar\'s super attack power in this plane war.

Nuclear explosion Nova has the power of attack means of level 3 magicians.

"Master, I\'ll go with you, too." Meimila said solemnly to Locke one day.

After nearly two years of hard teaching by Locke, meimila is no longer an ordinary girl in the kingdom of Fusen. Now she has the strength of middle-level attendants. She is also a little expert in the forces of the general kingdom.

It all comes from the hell training arranged by Locke for her every day. There are 500 grey dwarf slaves. Nearly 200 were killed by the girl. The remaining Asian slaves in the Shura field are most afraid of not their master Locke, but the little girl meimila with grey dwarf blood on her hands.

According to the original plan, Locke was going to leave meimila to watch the house in the city of the moon, but looking at the firm look on xiaonizi\'s face, Locke wavered.